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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Maybe if the ladies had the vote back then they would have advised against Invading the aborigines!
  2. Humour is your best attribute,we are happy you,ve been gone, keep us happy!
  3. Too many words required, well thats the basic problem, comprehending the issue maybe another.
  4. Lil Johns quotes about TheVoice are right off Google and almost identical to the disinformation of the 'No' campaign for the recent referenedum. Totally not the proposal at all.Still thats ignorant trolls forte and thats him to a T.Rack off John!
  5. Thanks, its me also, IT dumb and easily annoyed.If you could message me or post agent info would be great, also price.This trip has just surfaced unexpectedly and need to sort it quickly.Enjoy the upcoming visit of your lovelylady! Regards
  6. Great justification for the killing spree.. This mob been here 30000 yrs, we need this terra nulius now! Hardly an original comment either, infact pathetic by a ? "NewZealander"
  7. What on earth are you on about,I was commenting on the right to vote for indigenous folk. Stick to kiwi history.
  8. Played with you before, I am bored now! So long johnboy.
  9. Not into strine then? Either way content is on point! Now off you trot to your next trollable topic!
  10. Of course that works bothways, your history in a club if you have two heads!
  11. I am refreshing this topic if anyone has anything further to add. There was some news recently of visa free agreement but nothing further. So I will be applying for visa for GF to travel together with me from Pattaya to Perth and return for a month. November this year.(family wedding) Thanks for any thoughts and also agent contact details if you would.Cheers
  12. All too hard to admit, sadly my generation love bashingblackfellas,same I think for others you mention. I was present at some of the original deaths in custody hearings 30+yrs ago,in Aust still a huge issue.!
  13. Haha, my inbox, so no thankfully, I can set you up tho if your into dark forests, think Ivan Millat!
  14. Going by your reply of ???, I see you need 3 goes at every 'little thing', which you no doubt have in your mit as u tap away!
  15. Dont sweat johnyf for fuuukface, he is just on a quik troll around flaming in ignorance, badmanners and pi$$ n wind! ..... hey johno?
  16. Thieves did,nt do the invading, the Brit colonizers did, Thieves broke rock, RedCoats had the muskets, the heroic explorers were fwdscouts for the execution parties and the elite graziers like Sir Kidman and Co.etc etc.And if you want to jest about stealing kids from parents and makingthem child slaves for the elite, do continue with your BS!
  17. Most thai police I know holiday 4 or 5 days overseas... at least once!
  18. Sounds like an excuse for you to whine and namedrop clubs to me!
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