Ok yes, thank you, he yrs back used Keyvisa, ripped off price wise,so keen to use local, however yourcorrect, and no to applying in Oz due to timing. He has, did have bkk bank a.c, maybe still current., cheerstho regards
Chanthaburi agent rather than Pattaya, anybody know of to assist with extension of stay for Aust returning,visa exempt 30day, after covid and 1, 2yr ban foroverstay. Chanterbury longtime resident.Thankscheers
So sad,too bad. Ive got mine mine... I m OK Jack!! To my questionto you, "No I dont have an earnings clock," would have sufficed! I would have forgiven you😭!
Best to look on when odds on, good punter.!! You know "odds and sods" , "born to win, bound to lose." All fitting old sayings smiley, been waiting just for you,!! Thailand Saturday= dont disturb.! lol
My mother died suddenly, an autopsy was talked about but i spoke up "noway,". Sadly I was aware of how some people s remains were treated. This was a world renowned Australian University.
Lots of thought went into that fart, not. Spud is on the way to the chip factory after this erection, still time tho for the knives to come out, maybe grab an OAP for some timely advice.🤪