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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Pot/kettle from not old, not pensioner, not retired, not living in LOS, not a clue,boomer basher troll! Next.
  2. I see hes your tag team bumbuddie now, ideal combo, two for one! Hows the 'faceoff' storyline progressing??
  3. The changes will be enacted shortly before spud face gets his nuclear power up n running, aka, dreamtime!! Oh.dear !!
  4. Yes agree but i.still have no answer, is the.visa 60.days for straylya operating now🙏
  5. Gawd you do go on, utter rubbish. How would you know anything about.guys going back and their financials,,?! Scaremongering beyond pathetic sadly, you ought to be bared from all these OAP topics."... Know all from Blackall or backa Bumfark", thank crikey your cred is sfa!!
  6. Agree totally, tried same about 6.weeks back, however I got the bad experience twice, not your good one at all. Absolutely clueless, then graduated to rude and arrogant, bothtimes young female.Gave it away then, I was trying to get info from Mygov, will leave it till I go back, both times cost me over1k baht.
  7. There,s a Thai saying that fits that response perfectly!! 🙏
  8. 'Nothing further to add your worship'! Except of course my mandatory dig at DH, KH, (sounds like a Holden model),discontinued as it turned out to be a lemon. Too easy this week!
  9. Prob not best idea to flashyour splash of cash on this forum, let alone that guy there!
  10. WTF,the two lil Aussie poster posers, one sounds like a has been (maybe whso)dropout' OTOH our mouthy man, the boomer basher, playing red herring,( weird thats a pommie game). Playtime, recess,break,smoko,timeout, all done! Copulaters, lol, when your ready, come on down!
  11. Tackling tossing too hard to comprehend,.. 'get back to elementary school heinekin' as my ol partner often said!
  12. Not you again, Shirley Knot! Its the emoji on her back vomitting kHuns old news stories from the old days in 'strayla', You were still a tadpole then KH!
  13. Your mixing your superlatives again, just not up to the task KH, get to the padded playroom now, freetime is done, all done....!
  14. Deflection is your go toagain, yawn, Leo has more cred than you Hein.Notargueing the law, Im pointing to what was originally posted by your nemisis!!! 😭
  15. Olmate

    Small chickens

    Chicken comes home to roost, happy days for.some🙏
  16. Its not all The kun is short of, but order of businesswas never a concern, the main game for him is fearmongering amongst us boomers, cheers olmate.
  17. Olmate

    Small chickens

  18. Olmate

    Small chickens

    Well well well! the foxes in my back yard back in the60,s were handed the same thank you as the dingoes who also killed sheep, chooks and frail cattle. Either trapped or swift silent deadly .222., then skinned and then left to rot, displayed on fences as a warning to their cousins.They never came back for their "cache"! boom boom.
  19. Simple answer for a simple question and to a simpleperson, Aka, you. No not in the form you continually toss ! Twisten time is finish now🎉
  20. Your always heading down doomsday mountain.... howabout try climbing the ladder to suk ces! Go on, you know you would really enjoy it🤪
  21. 'Siperior'is the term Khun, the VB too hardline for softcok heiny... As for sugarray robbo, had him on the wall of the gym as a kidin them 'good ol days' 😭
  22. Its wise not to do it is what the poster stated, you would do otherwise no.doubt, for the sake of this fake insight that you continue to pervay!
  23. Harping over someones choice of booze, new low in the hunt for 'flame and glory'🙏too funnyKH!!
  24. Olmate

    Small chickens

    U obviously never had a chook yard in the Aust bush😭
  25. Ive no idea why, your lonely are you, or lost?
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