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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. As a Thai you would be the ideal candidate : probably best to run it by "The Joker" first tho for a risk assesment and cost benefit consideration!... lol.
  2. Olmate


    Cant find bagels, right forum no chance!
  3. In OP first post he stated they do them for him Inc in cost.
  4. Did,nt you spot the 'no customers allowed' signage?
  5. Non issue, if car needs respray or wrap, dumb comment!
  6. No idea here but in Oz not a lot cheaper than good respray job!
  7. Trying for the "Leaver Lookalike" award!
  8. News Flash... hundreds of Pattaya bars Not For Sale!
  9. Im getting old too but love the punt, have shares in a few horses, find it a nice connection with home.
  10. Ok. To butt in Which of you OAP is owning up to this little flutter
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