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Posts posted by soap


    Hi all We will be holding our 57th HHH run in Chiangrai at Phii Daeng and my house in Santiburi on Saturday July 19 beginning at 4 pm. To get there starting at the Big C go south along the Asia highway and then turn left at the first traffic lights (Highway 1020). Follow the signs indicating Santiburi ie around kilometer 7 turn left at the three-way intersection and then travel another 2 kilometers. Turn right into the golf course complex and then turn right again at the first opportunity. Now you are on the complex ring road. Travel 2 kilometers along this road without taking any of the turn offs to the left. There are no turnings to the right. You will pass a large pond on your left and eventually you will see a HHH sign pointing left. Turn in here. That is our house. Phii Daeng and I will be the hares. We will have some food afterwards. It would help us to plan if you would indicate whether you are planning to attend. On! On!Wirgin Bluce

    if you wish to attend PM SOAP

  2. Expat ghetto for boorish, punning, middle-class, middle-aged, xenophobes frightened of leaving their comfort zone.

    Were you describing the Hash or forums like this one?


    i think he his describing himself

  3. Is it really neccessary for people to import public school traditions from the West to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia etc etc.

    How I hate these expats with their stupid drinking games, 'I was at HHH 1906 in Outer-Mongolia' T-shirts, ritualised nicknames and hierarchies.

    I thought the whole point of living abroad was to experience a different way of life, culture, people etc.. It seems however there is no escaping them. Why not just go for a f**king run ?


  4. Report of Run #56: Saturday, June 21, 2008

    Hares: G.M. Shocking assisted by Pat on the Back, Boy Magnet and Superglue

    Location: Doi Puy Forest Reserve south of kilometer stone 11 on the Thung highway

    This run hared by our most popular G.M. attracted one of the best turn outs our group has ever seen. Forty-one people including six children showed up. Among the 35 adults there were 18 men, all farang and 17 women of whom only nine were Thai. Ten of the participants were virgins.

    There were so many vehicles that parking became a problem. Virgins Rafaele and Lek however found a novel solution. They parked their car vertically by crushing their hood down into a ditch.

    Well Oiled and Oiled Well showed up ahead of time which led to some confusion. Everyone checked their watches thinking there must be some mistake. This and the late arrival of Nam Ron accounted for the delay in getting started.

    This hash was uniquely blessed on this occasion by the guest appearance of its founder Brain Health accompanied by his consort Just Perfect. So long had the founder absented himself that the hash has been giving serious consideration to renaming him “Frigid” short for “Never Comes.” Displaying the leadership for which he is famous, Brain Health threw himself into the lead once the hare declared the run open. However following the club dictum “Start Slowly and Taper Off” he was soon overtaken by five- year olds Kenji, Smoked Weiner, Pauli and Neen.

    This run had been billed by the G.M. as the “headless chicken” run. He accordingly gave the horn to the man whose head looked the smallest in proportion to his body. Once Hammer Head took off, we never heard the horn again. No one knows whether he was too far ahead or he couldn’t figure out how to blow the thing.

    Nam Ron closely followed Hammer Head until he fell from exhaustion. Then the paternal instinct conveniently seized him and he turned back with his more faithful dog Bushwacker to search of his wayward son, Kenji.

    Many of the Front Running Bastards (FRBs) were virgins including Stoned’s daughter and a volunteer working with the Hash Beer, Hand Cock. If Doesn’t Matter Horn managed to squeeze in ahead of the Hash Cash Do It Yourself, it was only because Do It Better was not present to trip him up.

    The Piti Suksa Montessori school faculty appeared in force. Long-serving Dirty Harry showed up for his third run accompanied by Dao. Anne also came with her husband Rudolf. Yuliya and her daughter Pauli have finally recovered sufficiently from the 4th Anniversary run in November to try hashing again.

    The trail was mostly flat but passed through a wide variety of flora including grasses which towered over the head, tunnels through bamboo forests and rice paddies. Wild Woman made sure she would not get lost by obliging the hare’s son Superglue to accompany her. Along the way she collected the other mostly Thai ladies including Noi Na, Lek, Swiss Roll, Rolling, Oiled Well, Joy Stick and Nely. Not far ahead of this group were Reverse Thruster, Well Oiled, Jolly Molly, Pat and John. The last named is Noi Na’s husband who phoned from the U.K. during last month’s circle prompting the G.M. to tell him exactly where to get off. Flaps made himself noticed by tripping the Hash Scribe and then demanding an explanation from the victim for the mishap in the circle.

    Rafaele, Mickey, Ben and Yvon managed to avoid detection which raised questions as to whether they hid in the bushes and drank beer until the FRBs returned 45 minutes after departure. In any case they somehow reemerged in time to treat themselves to the fine feed which Pat on the Back had prepared for the more deserving folk.

    Once again nubile Boy Magnet modeled the unique S2ATO t-shirt and generated such interest that our stock quickly sold out of certain sizes. First among the feverish buyers was our founder G.M. who could not get his hands on one fast enough.

    In the following circle the founder G.M. tried to make amends for his sins by presenting super-size yellow “snake head” hash t-shirt to the biggest G.M. in our troop’s history. He also presented some Bangkok hash write ups, which he noted, neglects to give any demographic details.

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

  5. i do not agree with you

    Please use soap when bathing then. :o

    Kan Win

    P.S. is it available up-country as well :D Soap that is or should one bring their ?

    no problem pal

    as long has you keep it CLEAN

  6. Well, I had hoped that the message would go through in the end but apparently not. Since the "first expat" thread is all about living in the past and discussing people that are no longer with us I had hoped that it would be more interesting to discuss those who actually do walk around in Chiang Rai alive and well. Must be some interesting people except for people involved in the food industry.

    But maybe that's too personal.

    i do not agree with you that the "first expat "thread was about discussing people that are no longer with us,there are many expats in chaingrai

    that have been here more than twenty years that were mentioned in the thread and still going strong,thank you very much.

    the difference between the "last expat" thread"and this thread is simple,there was only a small percentage of expats

    over twenty years ago compared to the chaingrai of today,thus all the locals knew each other.

    these days you can not keep track of the MANY falang who have come in their droves to settle in chaingrai in recent years for

    better or for worse.

    i dont know how many of the new expats would still be here if there was,no internet,they had to go to penang for a visa, no bigc or macro,

    no english tv,less than 36baht to 1 gbp and less than 25 baht to 1 $,to name but a few of what the "old timers "put up with for the love

    of chaingrai

  7. No one has mentioned old Texas Tom, who lived in Phaya Mengrqai for 30 years before passing away about 5 yr ago

    yes you are right mumbo

    i spoke to pineapple bob who confirmed tom was here before him

  8. If I relocate to Chiang Rai will I have (1) some good places to run? (2) reliable cable TV? (3) reliable internet connect? (4) a good, beautiful house keeper/cook? All info will be deeply appreciated.

    (1) there are plenty of good places for a run in chaingrai,also check out the chaingrai hash house harriers once a month.

    (2) the most reliable english speaking tv in chaingrai is true visions cost about 1,600 baht amonth for the gold package

    (3)yes ,TOT, CAT, TT&T all provide internet, the more you pay the more reliable it is.

    (4) when do i start


    hi troops

    your FAVOURITE GM together with PAT ON THE BACK our the hares for

    the june hash that will have the FRBS running around like the headless

    chickens they are.


    head south past the BIG C at the next set of traffic lights (opp LITTLE

    DUCK )turn left on to the 1020 THOENG ROAD travel this road till you pass

    KILOMETRE STONE ELEVEN 500 metres past KS11 take the RIGHT TURN HHH SIGN

    that leads to a goverment forestry department (in thai) travel this road for

    aprox 3.5k HHH SIGNS and park up by the forestry office

    allow 30 minutes from the BIG C start 4.00pm prompt

    ON ON


  10. What time do they bake there Soap?

    I tried them a few months back and the bread, while quite good, was all a day old.

    I got there in the morning sometime. I like my bread fresh as it freezes better.

    if you get there about 11 am you might get the bread just come out of the oven

    but i have allways found their bread keeps good for at least 5 days out of the freezer

    and as long has you want in the freezer.

    i dont think it matters but i toast most of my bread

  11. Thanks mate, I was planning to call in tomorrow but will go to Big C instead.

    Those round unsliced loaves they do will serve at a pinch and they freeze well.

    seeing A&P is closed for a week i would like to give a plug for the TOURIST INN

    i have tried the bread at A&P, but have been going to the TOURIST INN for years

    and have found nothing to better there wholemeal bread and certainly not the BIG C

  12. COWSBOY MIKE ( r.i.p )

    pm me who wants a picture of YOU who have been here over 20 years. :o:D

    hello uusa

    thank you for posting the photo i think it was taken in the new moon bar or possible baitong kens bar,

    klikster is right with the guy on the left he was known affectionately as FBI the B stood for big and the i stood for

    indian i will give you one guess what the F word stood for,he was an native american i think he lived in chaing saen but his name evades me and sadly he his no longer with us i have been told, cowboy mike another native american who loved his golf. i think he must of known he was in bad health because he just packed up and went back to the states one day and a couple of months later he passed away.then theres harry with the beard,one nice guy must be past retirement age now but the firm he works for wont let him retire i hope he goes on forever.

    but what i remember most about the photo is the 2 texas dudes ,i think they only came to chaingrai for a week but i can remember seeing them walking down jetroyd road in the heat of the day dressed up with winkle picker cowboy boots,enbroided trousers,waistcoats to match their shirts including string ties and stenson hats.

    i know they were only passing through but they were 2 characters i will never forget

  13. Yes that's the one. Thanks for that.

    Anyone tried this, if so what's the quality like and does the change come through as 2 baht a minute via 12call mobiles and TOT landlines?

    hello jflundy

    yes ive got a CAT international phone card,the last time i rang the UK

    a couple of weeks ago it was 2 baht a minute,the line quality was very good

    not sure if its the same price from a mobile ive only called from a landline

  14. [

    Longest surviving expat in town? Hmmmm?

    pineapple bob... yes i thought about bob,or even neil R.I.P. maybe,mind you it seems like some of the old crew have been here forever gordon,irish,victor,graham,kiineow dave and the likes.but yes it would nice to know who has the honoury title...

    ..there' a prize for the correct answer(maybe)

    my money goes on pineapple bob,i forgot about gordon so it could be a photo finish.

    neil lived in phayao before coming to chaingrai, irish (long gone to khon ken i think)

    graham,keneow dave (no chance) victor (dont know him)

  15. can i join next one?

    hello kumsamut

    of course you can take part in our next hash,

    the chaingrai HHH meet once a month,the next date is june 21st

    so come along and have some fun,its for young and old alike

    last saturday the youngest was 6 and the oldest was over 60

    you can run the couse if you want or like most of us just walk the course at our own pace.

    directions will be posted on thai visa

    on on

  16. Report of Run #55: Saturday, May 17, 2008

    Hares: Hash Cash Do It Yourself assisted by Do It Better

    Location: On road circling the Huai Sak reservoir at the Do It farm

    Twenty people showed up for the 55th run evenly split between men and women. As usual all the men but only one of the women was farang.

    Just before the run began, rain came down in a deluge. Hash Beer Hand Cock, Smoked Weiner, Polly Molly immediately sought refuge with Reverse Thruster in his car. They then headed off to the Do It farm where they promptly got stuck in the mud.

    Meanwhile a brigade of umbrellas and raincoats set off in the direction that Do It Yourself promised one would find paper. Unfortunately all of the powder and much of the paper had disappeared in the rain. That hardly discouraged Front Running Bastards (FRBs) Nam Ron and Able Semen as they had Bushwacker to assist them. She picked up the hare’s scent and unfailingly guided the FRBs through the checks which had dissolved in the rain. Hence the FRBs arrived at the trail’s end in record time but did nothing to assist the progress of those behind them.

    Second in were Stoned, Rolling and Virgin Christine. These three had previously been walking with G.M. Shocking and Wirgin Bluce until they realized that no one had seen paper for several minutes. The latter two retraced their steps where they found a washed out false trail sign. Meanwhile the ever helpful virgin ran forward and stumbled upon paper. Rolling and Stoned joined her and thus circumvented two thirds of the trail leaving the G.M. and Hash Scribe to worry whether we would ever see these three in this life again.

    Cutting across fields in pursuit of the echoing On! Ons! Shocking and Wirgin Bluce managed to rejoin the main body of hashers. These were entirely female plus Superglue who as usual closely followed his mother, Pat on the Back. Thanks to the constant chatter it was not difficult to recognize Wild Woman who was accompanied by her niece Deuan and virgins Bee and Noi Na. Boy Magnet however was more difficult to identify in the absence of the usual male sniffers.

    When the rain stopped Reverse Thruster, Polly Molly, Smoked Weiner and Hand Cock dared to get out of the car and follow paper backwards from the Do It farmhouse. They ignored the FRBs but when they came upon Stoned, Rolling and Christine they turned back towards the farm house on the assumption that the others could not be far behind. Thus nine of the twenty hashers arrived prematurely at the end and this accounts for the severely depleted beer stocks when the others arrived.

    The first order of business upon assembly at the farm house was extricating Reverse Thruster’s vehicle from the mud. That done he, Polly Molly and Smoked Weiner took off before the Hash Cash had time to collect.

    The second order of business was flogging t-shirts. The G.M. conscripted his daughter Boy Magnet to model it and succeeded in enticing Virgin Christine to buy one. Conveniently there was no mirror available. Christine will not discover until she reaches home that the t-shirt looks a lot better on the nubile Boy Magnet.

    The third order of business was honouring Ian Swan with a hash name. In recognition of his passion for sailing, he shall be known henceforth as Able Semen.

    The final order of business was recognizing Virgin Noi Na who hid previously while Virgins Christine and Bee were subjected to the down down. Noi Na excused herself saying she was talking to her husband in England . Then our fearless and most popular G.M., a Liverpool taxi driver confiscated the phone and told the distant husband exactly where he could get off.

    Next month’s scheduled hares are Pat on the Back and MANipulator. However in the absence of the usual man to manipulate (Barefoot Beer Lao Bob), there is no certainty about the outcome. The G.M. will investigate.

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

  17. Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

    What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

    I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

    hey mate your lucky

    at least the 7/11 in phuket sells booze,up here they stopped selling the stuff over a year ago

  18. Hi there. A good friend of mine intends to do a visa run to obtain a further 30 days at Mae Sai over the next few days. Is the border open and has anyone recently obtained a further 30 days there? I'd appeciate any confirmation, tips or advice regarding this. Many thanks.

    i took a friend there yesterday,no problen getting his 30 day stamp but they refused him

    his 10 $ because of a vey little tear,so make sure your 10$ bill is perfect,that will

    save you over 150 baht

  19. Do anyone here have any suggestion on any car rental service here in Chiang Rai . I will need to rent a car from 24th May to 27 or 28 may 08 . Need to drive up to Doi Mae Salong . Many Thanks in advance . :o

    i am not pluging AVIS but i took a frien yesterday to the airport and checked out their rental charges,

    the cheapest car was a VIOS, it worked out at about 1,300 bhat a day short term but if you take the car for

    one month it was only 12,800 bhat inclusive of insurance

  20. I think anyone who buys land from and has a house built by a developer is going to pay more than if he seeks out the land himself then employs a builder and supervises the construction personally.

    With all housing developments, not only in Thailand, it must be a case of "let the buyer beware".

    i agree 100% with this post,when you consider SINTHANEE 2and 3 developememts charge 9,500baht per talang wah

    for their land on site. and i believe SINTHANEE 7 are charging 11,500baht per talang wah over there in ban du

    thats 4.6 million a rai

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