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Posts posted by soap

  1. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of Run #54: Saturday, April 12, 2008

    Hare: Paddy Boy assisted by Godzilla

    Location: Paddy Boy farm behind Mae Fah Luang University

    Altogether 24 people showed up for our Songkran run. This exceeded expectations. Fifteen were guys, including one Thai, Pat on the Back’s nephew Bill. Only eight women showed up and one child, Superglue.

    The Oileds set a new record for punctuality. This time they didn’t appear at all. Also missing was MANipulator who still mourns the loss of Barefoot Beer Lao Bob. The absence of Boy Magnet was likewise keenly felt by the male contingent of our hash.

    Wild Woman made her arrival noted by greeting one and all with some water down the back and Songkran blessings for the Thai new year.

    The two hares were the last to show up. They appeared suddenly panting and dripping sweat. Apparently they had just arrived in Chiangrai three hours before and had immediately set out to lay the trail. Godzilla appeared particularly haggard. He used to be known as Stiffy before marriage and fatherhood overtook him.

    Nam Ron, Do It Better, Belgian Organ, Ian Swan and Brussels Sprouts took off in the front only to be frustrated by the first back check which liberally interpreted the rules for trail resumption. With the help of some villagers the last became first as Pat on the Back, Nut, Rolling, Stoned, Super-glue, and Noi found the way forward and briefly led the pack.

    The trail led through vast plantations of rubber trees each separated by barbed wire fences. Each required its own strategy slipping under, stepping over or sliding through the different barbed strands. To the astonishment of all, our fearless leader Shocking demonstrated the agility of a calypso dancer squeezing beneath wire.

    The irrigation canals along the rice fields presented a different kind of challenge. Do It Yourself, Stuart and Pickled Prik hung back to encourage the stragglers along but being off paper the latter could find no way to cross the canal. Hand Cock, Rudy, his consort Mam, Doesn’t Matter Horn and Swiss Roll determined to go through the fields directly to them while Wirgin Bluce got distracted by Wild Woman who had found paper leading off in a different direction. The bamboo poles she placed across the ditch were strong enough to support her and Bill but they completely collapsed when your correspondent tried to follow.

    Meanwhile among the Front Running Bastards, Bushwacker faithfully following his master Nam Ron, excited a herd of cattle to stampede. She was not so bold with a set of buffalo which the FRBs had to pass in the final stretch.

    Sasha, Paddy Boy’s daughter greeted these FRBs with a water gun upon their return. By the time the last stragglers arrived a half hour later her hospitality was exhausted. Not so her mother Awe who welcomed us with hot dogs and fruit. Meanwhile Godzilla’s better half Maem was completely preoccupied with their 5 month-old Amy whose determination to drink shows a great hasher in the making.

    At the circle afterwards the GM Shocking explained that we have free S2ATO t-shirts for anyone who had done six runs since the 4th Anniversary Hash in November. These included Pat on the Back, Super-glue, Nam Ron, Hand Cock and Wirgin Bluce. Pickled Prik, Ian Swan and his concert Noi were so taken by the beauty of the shirt that they insisted upon getting one without first submitting to six runs. For this pleasure they paid 200 Baht per shirt. The GM Shocking then gave a shirt to the two hares Paddy Boy and Godzilla as a personal gift in appreciation of their hospitality. These two do not live in Chiangrai and are lucky to attend two of our hashes per year. In order to preserve the uniqueness of this shirt, all had to promise not to resell it on Ebay.

    One couple having completed three runs, cried out for a hash name. In appreciation of his nation’s musical tradition, Roger shall be known henceforth as “Belgian Organ.” His most appreciative wife, Ann thus acquired the name “Wants More.”

    Paddy Boy’s father Limbo did not go on the run. He claimed he had done 500 runs over the years but now he is conserving his strength to attend church and repent for past indulgences.

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce


    paddy boy and godzilla our back in town to hare a special

    songkran hash that will take place on 12TH APRIL START 4-OO PM

    > . So please join us on April 12th at 4 pm at

    > Paddy Boy's farm behind MFLU. He guarantees you will

    > enjoy yourselves


    > For those in need of directions, drive north on the

    > Asia Highway past Rajapat U. At the traffic light N

    > of Rajapat, take a right towards Golden Pines Resort.

    > Continue on that road about 10 km. When you see a

    > monstrosity being built on a hill to your left (ie

    > Great Wall of China), take a left and go about 2 km.

    > Paddy Boy's farm is on the left. Look for HHH signs


  3. Hello All;

    I have a problem and am hoping that someone on Thai Visa might be able to help or send me off in the right direction?

    My current set up is:

    Dynasat 6’ and now 8’ Dish

    Dynasat Receiver F-1 with upgrades (works)

    I lived in Chiang Mai for many years and had a fixed 6’ satellite dish set on Aguila KU, I have now moved south around 200 km. to the Tak area and am having problems getting reception.

    I contacted several local satellite companies but most don’t want to get involved as they only work with satellites that serve Thai’s. I did find two companies however who said they could set me up but first I would need to buy a new 8’ Dynasat dish. This I did but the installer still cannot get a signal strong enough to give a picture or sound.

    At least this is what I have been told.

    Has anyone a suggestion as to how I might get Aguila here in Tak?

    Or some other satellite that I could use?

    Thanks to all for you assistance. :o

    i cant understand why you cant get a good signal from agila 146 degrees with a 8 foot dish,i can get a very good signal

    200 kilometres north of chaingmai with a 75 cm dish.

    the agila satellite is situated were the sun comes up at 7 in the morning,but dream tv have annouced on their web site

    that they are changing to nagra 3 this weekend so dream will be gone if no one can hack it.

    the only other alternatives are to subscibe or card share through the internet


  4. got this email article today

    dont know the source

    Prime ministers open new highway to China


    VIENTIANE : The prime ministers of China , Thailand and Laos officially opened the Route 3 (R3) Highway in Laos yesterday, the last remaining section of a highway network that runs from Singapore to Beijing .

    The opening took place at the two-day Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Summit , which came to a close yesterday.

    The R3 Highway will be 250km long, starting at Chiang Khong district in Thailand 's Chiang Rai province, then passing through Laos ' Huay Sai, Luang Nam Ta and Boten, before reaching Jinghong in southern China .

    The total cost of the R3 in Laos is US$97 million (3.1 billion baht).

    The Asian Development Bank ( AD :o, Thailand and China each contributed US$30 million to the project, with Laos contributing the remaining US$7 million. The project will turn Laos , a mostly rural country, from being landlocked into ''land-linked''.

    ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda said now that the route is complete, the highway will be open year-round, and will reduce travelling time between Bangkok and Kunming in China from a three-day land journey to little more than a day.

    ''Revitalising this ancient trade route and stimulating new business, these Mekong neighbours will bring more jobs and greater prosperity to the region,'' said Mr Kuroda.

    He said the new route is expected to enhance business, employment and the number of tourists visiting the three countries each year.

    Prasert Wongmalasith, secretary to the Bangkok-based Thai-Lao Business Council, who attended the GMS's business forum, said he was delighted to see the opening of the new route.

    ''As a Thai businessman I believe that many more Thai businessmen will travel to do business in Laos because they can travel to the North of this country more comfortably,'' he said.

    Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej yesterday proposed that Thailand be a Mekong subregion hub for learning the English language.

    The prime minister said Thailand has a number of educational institutes with English curricula that are internationally recognised.

    ''Now Thailand is ready to be an educational hub for the learning of English. Thai educational institutes have connections with those in the GMS and in developed countries,'' he said.

    He added that Thailand had so far given 5,500 scholarships for education and training to GMS countries and it was ready to be a centre for coordinating with international organisations working in human resource development in the GMS.

    He was referring to the Mekong Institute and the International Institute for Trade and Development and called on all GMS leaders to make use of the two organisations.

    At the close of the GMS Summit, the six GMS prime ministers agreed on a comprehensive five-year Plan of Action that aims to spur growth, reduce poverty, promote social development and enhance environmental protection in the Mekong subregion.

    ''Over the past 15 years, the GMS programme has been a key element in our nations' successful efforts to reduce poverty,'' said Lao Deputy Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith.

    ''The new GMS Plan of Action we have adopted today will help us transform the Mekong subregion into a hub of development in Asia ,'' he added.

  5. Hello to you all in Chaing Rai.

    I have been living in Phuket for the past eleven years, and I am now looking for a new home in the North of Thailand. I have always been looking at moving to Chaing Mai, but recently issues of pollutuion and traffic has put me off, and for some reason I can't get Chaing Rai out of my head.

    So I'm hoping if anyone has the time, to answer a few questions, as I will be coming up to Chaing Rai after songkran to have alook round.

    I really need to know about the schools there, i read the post on schools just a minute ago, and apart from peoples suspicions (rightly or wrongly) of the motasori school I couldn't work out which ones were best for what ages

    I have a 3 and half year old and a 15 month baby, what would be the best school for under 5's

    Is it possible to find land high up with a chanote? What prices can I expect to pay for land with a good water supply/ running water ideally and access to sigle phase power. Is this possible or am I dreaming :o

    I built my home here in Phuket, and was thinking of doing the same up there, are there some construction companies up there you might be able to recommend.

    Is there a growing expat community there or do people pretty much keep themselves to themselves.

    Do you have a business association in Chaing Rai, are there meeting groups of any kind that aren't religeous.

    What kind of issues do you think might cause me problems for me and my family after moving to Chaing Rai

    Does the city have places to buy weekly food (big c? tesco lotus?)

    Do you know of any property developers, who are building, is this a growing market?

    lots of questions my apoligies, keen to find out more

    many thanks to anyone who can take the time to answer a few of these questions.

    i will try to answer your questions

    schools, i would put your children in the kindergarden at AMEC its a english curriculan shool, at your childrens age as long as they are taught english and are happy and im sure they will be then you can decide after kindergarden if you want to move them to another school,i believe all is not well at montisorri school as some parents have moved their children over to AMEC

    land, of course you can find land with chanote that wont flood the price will depend on location but you can rest assured the land will be cheaper than phuket

    construction companies, you can get a good builder from recomendations off people who have had a house built and were happy with their builder but dont take the first quote check around.

    expat community, there is a very big expat community in chaingrai when you consider 15years ago all the expats knew each other, now you can meet a falang whose been here for say 5 years and you have never bumped into him before,i would say most falang keep themselves to themselves.

    meeting groups, if you like getting some exercise there are plenty of farang who like to cycle,play tennis, i know of about ten golfers who assure me they are better than tiger woods, i love the CHAINGRAI HASH HOUSE HARRIERS,plus we have a movie/book club once a fortnight i think.

    problems,if you are a sensible non headbanging person you should not have any problems in chaingrai.

    supermarkets, if we did not have the BIG C,MAKRO,and TESCO(not far away ) i think we would all starve.

    property developers, there are quite a few housing estates going up in this growing market in chaingrai,the most well know is sinthanee who are on their seventh housing estate.

    hope this helps

  6. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of Run #53: Saturday, March 15, 2008

    Hare: Flaps assisted by Joy Stick

    Location: Huay Sak

    Twenty-one intrepid hashers showed up for the 53d run. Nine were female and seven of these were Thai. The rest were expatriate men including one adolescent. This is a good turn out considering that many of the core membership had temporarily abandoned Chiangrai for greener pastures.

    The hash had trouble getting started. In the original notice the Hash Scribe confused everyone by announcing a 3 p.m. starting time. This was soon corrected to 3:30 but it did not prevent the Oileds showing up a half an hour late.

    We knew we were in for something special when Flaps, the hare announced that the run would take the FRBs 45 minutes. Walkers might take somewhere between an hour and a day. A car along with some water would be waiting at the half way point for anyone who couldn’t make it to the end.

    Square Rooter who had disappeared to Chiangmai after helping to found this hash, made a guest appearance on this occasion. Recognizing that he was less than welcome, he set off at the earliest opportunity pursued by Nam Ron, his dog Bush Wacker and Doesn’t Matterhorn. Finding the company uncongenial, the latter dropped back on the pretext of holding the barbed wire open for the following masses. However anyone after Swiss Roll had to fend for themselves. MANipulator knew better than to chase after such men. The exertion could spoil one’s makeup.

    The trail passed through several orchards each divided by a series of barbed wire fences. Then it climbed steeply through a dense teak forest to a chedi at the top of a hill. Virgins Ian and Kelly foolishly followed Rodger and Ann little realizing that they hadn’t been around long enough to get hash names. Rolling, Stoned, Well Oiled and Hand Cock gave them space to avoid any debris falling their way.

    At the half-way mark Joy Stick guarded water and melon but the promised car never appeared. After hopeful procrastination, Wild Woman, Oiled Well, Shocking, Pat on the Back with the inseparable Super Glue finally gave up and continued to trek. This led down to the Huay Sak reservoir where one had to crawl under a bamboo gate and slide along barbed wire fence to avoid tumbling down a precipitous cliff.

    Substituting for the absent Hash Cash, Shocking wrote down the names of all who paid dues. All these showed up at the end of the day. Any cheapskates who went missing were left to pay for their sins.

    After toasting the usual hares, virgins etc G.M. Shocking announced that henceforth until the anniversary in November the hash would begin at 4 p.m. The only exception to this rule would be the two Oileds who should anticipate a 3:30 departure. Flaps followed up with some comments on haberdashery. He began by warning that Virgin Ian’s pants which stretch below the knee could constrict movement. Square Rooter’s shorts which reveal a lot of mid-thigh is a commendable but unsuccessful effort to distract attention from his face. All might admire Wirgin Bluce’s sartorial splendor, ripped as it is with multiple threads hanging down like chads to knees.

    The beer exhausted and darkness falling, the group disbanded to reassemble at the Jam Pi restaurant near the new airport for the On! On! On!

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

  7. Visiting ch ra. soon have been told to visit a bar called C.ONE. can someone tell me were it is located. and is there any thing special about it

    head south past the big c at the first set of traffic lights (near little duck hotel) turn left on to the 1020 thoeng road

    c.one comes up a couple of clicks on your left hand side.

    good cheap beer and food(very popular)

  8. Hi All,

    DIRECTIONS TO S2ATO hash on the 15th march near Huay Sak start 3-30 PM

    1) Head South out of Chiang Rai on the A1 towards Phayao (and Bangkok!)

    2) At the Mae Kon sii yaek traffic light intersection at Little Duck hotel, Turn left onto the 1020, towards Thoeng.

    3) Set odometer to zero, or take a reading

    4) Go thru the 1st set of traffic lights on the Thoeng road (1020) at 14.3kms

    5) Don't turn yet, it's less than 1 km now ...slow

    6) Go straight ahead over the concrete bridge

    7) Turn RIGHT down beside the Wat (at 15kms).

    - Sign reads " The Enlightened One Hermitage"

    - look for HHH sign on RHS

    BTW: (On your LHS opposite the turning beside the Wat you will see:

    i) 49km sign to Thoeng, then

    ii) a sala shop (wooden garden gazebo thingys), then

    iii) 3 very tall radio masts.)

    8) Drive 1.8kms out through the village on surfaced road

    9) Park near the barrier at the "Y" (saam yaek) junction just after the end of the concrete road. Your odo should now read 16.8 kms from The Little Duck.

    10) Run will start from here.


    After the circle is done, we plan to head off to eat at raan ahaan Plaa Pow Pak Sot .


    Go back to C-Rai

    Drive north past Big-C

    Plaa Pow Pak Sot has a red fish sign. It'll be on your RHS as you go north.

    It's on the slip road beside the main drag.

    Do a "U" turn.

    Plaa Pow Pak Sot is now on the LHS (as you head south), before UBC/DSTV, well before Big-C.

    Chok dee


  9. [

    I know of 25 rai with title east of C.Rai for a very low price (around bt.2 million), has excellent views and electric and water. The reason it's such a low price is for the 3 reasons mentioned above.

    I know of other parcels, all types and price ranges. Anyone interested is welcome to contact me.


    you never miss a chance to advertise your wares.

    you compained about one of my posts a couple of months ago not being in the classified,

    you flaunt the rules when it suits you,

    if there is any room left in the classified between all your other wares you advertise

    put it in there

  10. Thaksin kisses Thai soil


    Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra ended 17 months of exile abroad by falling to his knees and kissing Thai ground at Suvarnabhumi airport. Thousands greeted him with banners and signs but Mr Thaksin said he wanted to be an "ordinary citizen."

    when asked by a reporter why the first thing he did when he got off the plane was to kiss the floor

    mr Taskin replied

    would"nt you if you had just flown Thai airways and had to watch Man city every week

  11. The guys in Maesai Immigration have a very difficult time dealing with allsorts of nationality on a daily basis. I've been going there for 6 years or more and have received the best of attention always. This year has been tricky with my marriage type visa but having spent time there today I gained an insight to the difficulty they have. For one the new regulations give them more headaches than we suffer, so much so that form filling on their side is done via a typewriter rather than a computer. They ask a question such as what is your fathers' name and if your response is 'well he died 40 years ago what the heck do you wanna know for', you are not going to get very far. Best just to answer politely and let them do the work.

    I remember slipping a couple of thousand in my passport on my first visit there, thinking it was the way to do things, and it was handed back immediately.

    The paperwork I gave them today ( 2 copies signed) was kept to a minimum, which they appreciate. What they do appreciate even more is to have most every document translated into Thai...marriage cert, proof of income,etc. They can read English but reading Thai doesn't give them a headache.

    The single most important part of our lives here in Thailand is having the ability and permission to stay here, and I think we should be thankful to Maesai Immigration for making it possible in a very pleasant way.

    If you don't believe me, go to Suan Plu Bkk.

    We are very fortunate indeed up here in the north.

    this thread should get back on topic

  12. Here are the directions to the February 16th hash:

    As you drive north from central Chiang Rai on the super highway, you will eventually reach the traffic light at the road to the airport. About 900 meters beyond the traffic light you will see Bandu market on the left and the pedestrian bridge over the highway.

    About 200 meters past Bandu market, turn left toward Pong Prabaht waterfall and Pong Prabaht resort. There are lots of signs in Thai on the corner. The road is #1151.

    After following this road about 7.5 km, it will make a 90 degree curve to the left. There is a sign here, marking a right turn to Pong Prabaht resort (but don't turn to the right – follow the road to the left.

    After making the curve to the left, you will pass the Huai Luang reservoir on the left. About 300 meters after the curve, you should see the blue Soi 6 sign (and the HHH sign, as well).

    Turn left onto Soi 6 and follow this road for about 2.9 km to the meeting point (HHH sign).

    We will start the hash at 3:30. See you there.

    On! On!

    Loose Spoke

  13. Hi,

    Sorry to be boring but anybody out there live within 20 km of Wiang Kaen?

    I'd love to hear anything from anybody familiar with the area.

    We'll be there on the 9th. and staying 'till the 11th if anyone fancies a beer and a chat. I'm assuming there is a hostellry of some description. My shout.

    we're scouting out potential homes / land / houses.



    hello geoff

    ive been known to travel near and far for a beer,more so a free one but can you give more info as to were this

    wiang kaen is because ive never heard of it

  14. Anyone know of a place that is likely to be screening the Man City v Arsenal game in Chiang Rai on Saturday evening?

    hello colonel

    you can try the top ten bar,its in a soi nearly opposite the old dutch restaurant that runs

    through to the night bazzar.

    they have ubc so the man city/arsenal game should be shown

  15. does anyone know were the chaingrai hash house harriers can buy

    graphic designed T shirts in chaingrai

    Hi Soap,

    Yes, try about 100 metres east of the 5 yak/Mengraimaharach Monument as if heading out to Wiang Chai (the back way), it's on the right hand side. Sorry can't remember the name apart from the fact that it starts with a 'T'. They have printed both T shirts and Polo shirts for us and did a great job too.

    They have a graphic artist there who can help with a design too. Great prices if you buy in significant numbers.

    On on


    thanks for the info ajarn

  16. I'm coming up to Chiang Rai next week to have a look round for some land for sale for building a residential property and would welcome any suggestions on areas of the province that might suit my needs.

    Basically I would not to like to live in the city but wouldn't want to me much more that 30-40 mins away by car. Other considerations are proximity to a golf course (preferably not more than 30 mins), nice views and not land that is typically flooded in the rainy season.

    I would be grateful for any pointers on likely areas in which to start my search.

    hello colonel

    i think you should give more details of exactly what you are looking for, if you are coming to chaingrai for the first time next week then take your time looking around, do you want to buy a house plot,or one rai or ten rai,the two best golf courses i am told are santiburi were i believe you can buy land and its close to town and waterford thats less than 45 minutes by car.

    i would say that most expats who live in a village on the outskirts of chaingrai are happy with what they have bought,you can build a house with land in chaingrai for less than one million bhat or if you want you can spend 10 million plus.

    im sure there is plenty of land in chaingrai with nice views that you could build a house to your liking

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