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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I just mean I'm grateful for my retirement fund growing, but I very seriously doubt any credit goes towards Biden.
  2. I agree. Biden's handlers got my funds on track.
  3. Astoria Hotel is in the old Souq area. Their TGIT- Thank God its Thursday has them lined up inside. York Hotel upstairs club is littered with mainly African ladies. Also in Old Souq area
  4. Biden was not 100% mentally during most of his 4 yrs. Even the liberal news agencies are fessing up to the lie.
  5. Again, where is Biden? Who's running the country?
  6. Who's running the show anyway. Where's Biden and the VP?
  7. Autopsy? Really? Guess have to check for suicide
  8. Why does it seem like Trump has already taken the reins.
  9. Joe can take a nap. Trump is already running things.
  10. I couldn't agree more. That's someone's mother he's ridiculing, Shame, shame, shame
  11. I'm sure she's a lovely person, It's what's inside that's important, Shame on you.
  12. 110K month barely covers the essentials for us. Villa and merc paid for with cash. Hey GG we're looking for a dependable grounds keeper, PM me and maybe we can help you out.
  13. You know it's true Americans are the best. Many from the far left hate America so your link means nothing.
  14. Facts are facts, sorry Charlie but Americans are the best in the eyes of Thais.
  15. Yanks are number one, the rest of you can squabble on.
  16. 3 a year don't make you queer. Right Bob?
  17. 3 a year don't make you queer, right Bob?
  18. Dubai is a sailors dream. All the years I've been going there, never a problem. The same goes for the rest of the ship's crew, never an incident. I find it amusing that grown men would be afraid.
  19. I'll bet Bob got the red carpet when he returned.
  20. They're not real, they attack to upper door jam it looks like.
  21. So, the Gov knows and are just allowing the UAPs to fly as they please, The Gov doesn't know and aren't being more proactive in identifying the objects. Which scenario is more troublesome? Or, Our Gov is behind the objects, but why?
  22. I'm in the US at the moment and those antlers have become popular here as well.
  23. It really seems like if the DHS and FBI have no knowledge of the origin of these objects, then they would be taking steps to shoot down a few of them to find out the origin. The fact that the public is being told nothing is worrisome.
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