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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. You don't have to love Trump, suppose you meant to say conservatives.
  2. If the FBI comes up MT handed, it will be a sh@# show for the FBI and rightly so. That will be an investigation all by itself. And, that will give Trump a second wind, no doubt.
  3. My only response is why are you wasting your time with this garbage.
  4. Me personally I'd like to see Trump fade away. When you say supporters, I'm assuming you mean Republicans. Just because one holds conservative values doesn't mean they are Trump supporters, or "his base". If the FBI finds nothing to charge Trump with from the "Search" I'd say Trump could be headed for another run.
  5. If a smoking gun wasn't found in the search of a former president's residence, the FBI is in for a world of hurt. And they'll be giving Trump a head start for the 2024 elections. That is only my prediction. Before I was hoping Trump would fade away, but nope.
  6. I heard the 50K thb is just the start, that much more is to be given to families. My old lady knew some of the victims, that's what she says.
  7. This is a bold move by the white house. You'd have to be terribly naïve not to think the white house knew of the raid. All the people suffering from trump hysteria better hope the FBI found something in the search. If not Trump will for sure run in 2024. Carry on.
  8. On fb I see a coffee ganja place on Klang 300m from beach.
  9. I don't claim to know a thing here. The majority of cases are men. If just skin contact spreads MP why aren't more women and children infected? Nobody knows.
  10. https://www.science.org/content/article/why-the-monkeypox-outbreak-is-mostly-affecting-men-who-have-sex-with-men
  11. You too, thought it was just me.
  12. When I went to grade school in the US it was a very small school. Our Principal was also 7&8th grade teacher. One lady teacher would grab a kid's ear and twist to make him behave. The principle was greatly feared, why? Not sure really. I don't believe any kid was actually physically punished. But the the threat of seeing principal was all it took. That was in a time when teachers were respected.
  13. Did anyone actually watch the video? The teacher didn't smack the kid, more like a glancing thump on the head. Don't see the big deal.
  14. What a great money making scheme. Police and fire dept inspecting and finding nothing wrong if envelope is full enough.
  15. If you left the US with minimal $$ you were priced out of the housing market before you left. Funny how positive stories are considered a distraction.
  16. Should a cop not be allowed to protect himself and the lives of his fellow cops? Not so say all shootings by cops are legit.
  17. You know better, hypothetical situation of confronting a school shooter. Much like what happened to Officer Hankison in the Taylor shooting. Hankison – who was found not guilty earlier this year in a state trial on three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment in connection to the shooting – has been charged with two civil rights offenses, with the DOJ alleging he “willfully used unconstitutionally excessive force while engaging in his official capacity as an officer.”
  18. Don't look so confused. If you were giving split second commands to your guys you would expect them to obey. Now instead of following orders you do what? Think about it? This could somewhat, maybe explain why the Uvalde cops didn't engage the shooter sooner. The downside to responding could land you in prison, why would a cop put his career and possibly his freedom in jeopardy?
  19. He added that the government is working to address the impact of climate change by reducing emissions in the transportation, farming and industrial sectors. However, he emphasized that these actions will not succeed without international support. International support is code for "we want other's to pay for it"
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