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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. They underestimated the public's enthusiasm for marijuana and (police) are now scrambling to get in on the action. Can't have the public making money without us (police) getting their cut.

    Pot Vendors

    Prices for regular weed without exotic names are readily available for 10thb/gr. The days of beach vendors selling crazy expensive brick weed are over.
  3. They really didn't think this through, did they?
  4. If you have a DUI on your off time and the Co finds out they can report you to Coast Guard and have your Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) suspended. Life not fair.
  5. Just a bit else for US based Maritime, you can't legally cross gangway with more than .04 alcohol. reasoning is you're on duty 24 hrs/day. I was only on one ship that the Mate was ordered by Captain to be on the lookout for guys stumbling up the gangway.
  6. Any kind of Maritime Co does drug testing. My Co did random testing monthly, and of course if you were involved in an accident you were drug tested. All regardless of your job.
  7. Without delving into the specifics, yeah Britmann's comment was chuckle worthy.

    Pot Vendors

    So are the beer bar type venues being targeted for weed vendors yet? Won't be long before they have the folding case with weed for sale.
  9. The 70's USNavy was far better. No women aboard ship to cause conflict, if you were gay they kept it to themselves and enjoyed themselves off the ship.
  10. Brick weed at kilo price is less than 5 thb/gr. 100thb/gr is probably pretty good. Just like the guys who won't drink 400thb/ bottle of wine and insist on paying 2000thb.
  11. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=joe+rogan+talking+to+dolphins&view=detail&mid=FFA810203F437E5142D9FFA810203F437E5142D9&FORM=VIRE Worth a watch for a good laugh.
  12. Exactly right, it's bad enough under the most strict THC guideline measurements being added. But TIT and I'm sure each batch will be different..
  13. Sorry your life has been so horrendous. My time in the US boys were boys and girls were girls. No one commented on gays all the way through high school. My navy days, yes I served my country, no one spoke much about gays. There was one cook who tried touching another's wee wee and got smacked up. 3 1/2 yrs aboard ship and we had one incident with a crew of 1200. Funny how this new generation of "woke" doesn't fit in.
  14. Cartels are making big money at the expense of it's people. Surely the people responsible can be hunted down.
  15. Too funny. The horror of days gone by when in my elementary school days in the USA the boys wore long pants and girls wore dresses. Final.
  16. Go cart riding near the pier in Pattaya. 1500thb gets you (5) 8 minute rides. Pretty fun, go carts are a blast. Water parks, you've got the old one on the beach in Pattaya, 100thb/each or go to the one by Silver Lake, 600 thb/each 700thb for a Cabana. Always good depending on weather. Dolphin Show, the Aquarium on Suk or you have Monster Aquarium a few minutes out of Pattaya.
  17. So I just made a short ride to 7-11 with 10 yr old daughter. She was having a fit that I wasn't wearing a mask on the MB. Put it on for 7-11. But, mostly all the Thais still wearing mask alone on MB's. Walking alone with no one around, wear a mask. It's going to be hard for the Thais to give up the mask. And please no talk about dust and pollution where I'm at.
  18. This isn't the thai stick from 40 yrs ago. I'm not a connoisseur of the finer buds. Brick weed is what I'm used to so the stuff in pic should be a step up. 25g/550thb
  19. Starting to see some sticky green for 100 thb/gr for sale on facebook. Search for thai stick on facebook and so much for sale.
  20. They didn't necessarily catch it at school. My kid's class had 10 kids test positive. My kid didn't. Most of the infected kids were vaccinated, my kid no vaxx...no covid. go figure.
  21. Look at the big picture instead of focusing on a shiny object. As liberal as Maher is he sees the insanity of wokeness dragging America down the drain.
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