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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. There's a middle ground here where common sense can prevail. Anyone remember the video of doctor having discussion about after baby is delivered they can have a discussion about the fate of the baby. See, too far one way. Abortion not allowed for pregnancy due to rape and incest, again too far the other way.
  2. That's what airplanes are for.
  3. I don't pay them to stay with me, I pay them to leave.
  4. I was there 3 weeks ago and the water was the worst I've ever seen it there. And don't say it's because of waves hitting muddy bottom.
  5. My regular driver is an attractive lady. Why waste time with a bus? I have a driver waiting at gate 3, easy peasy japanesy
  6. I've seen the movie and yes it's good for laughs. I feel as a society we're slowly developing into that movie.
  7. Depends time of day, traffic can be bad at times. Book with private car service for Bangkok, set rate, I'm sure he or she will take shortest route.
  8. I'm in agreement, legalizing wasn't necessary. Just like arresting old ladies for having one plant wasn't necessary either. Those who wanted to smoke have been doing so regardless. They go from one extreme to the other instead of somewhere in the middle. No common sense.
  9. Ryan General Wed, June 22, 2022, 1:21 AM A mayoral candidate for Oregon City revealed that he intends to use a vacant school for the homeless people in the city so they can live like “the Japanese people.” Retired U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Leslie Wright unveiled his plan while discussing his second attempt to run for Oregon City mayor during an interview with radio talk show host Lars Larson last month. According to Wright, he would secure permission from various local and state agencies to place the homeless in a vacant school, which he did not specify during the interview. “Have you ever seen the Japanese people, how they live? They live in these small, compact areas,” Wright told Larson. “We’re going to take each one of those [homeless] people and put them in their own little area and give them an address.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/oregon-city-mayoral-candidate-says-182102811.html
  10. Listen to Joe Rogan about edibles and ability to talk to dolphins. On a serious note, I did too much oil one night and it was a very bad night. I can relate to the dolphin routine.
  11. It will IMO turn into a blame game between the responding agencies.
  12. Would you not think that training and policies and protocol are very similar.
  13. I'm sure all agree that breakdown was disgusting. So many policies and protocols to adhere to that they (law enforcement) failed.
  14. It only took sticks to supposedly jeopardize our democracy.
  15. Soo, this is about griping and complaining about high rents and home prices. You're right, that's not for me.
  16. As you're well aware of, there is no fix for this. rents are what rents are.....period. Either you can afford it or you can't.
  17. So democrat politicians are betting the American people take their eyes off inflation, gas prices, crime, southern border for the upcoming elections. My opinion only, For 4 yrs we heard nothing but Trump's going to jail. So put him there so we can get over this nonsense and start taking care of the American people and things that really matter.
  18. I'm sure the walking vendors will be selling at the beer bars soon. It will be a nice money maker for them. And provide a service for tourists. Finally something worth buying besides sunglasses and watches.
  19. Forking awesome, no Thai pass, legal weed. When traffic slows in Pattaya, well you'll know why.......
  20. There are so many other possibilities .https://www.sportsbookreview.com/picks/politics/2024-us-presidential-betting-joe-biden-odds-for-second-term-improve/195112/
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