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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. The point is lies are told by POTUS to validate a point. But then he just reads whatever is on teleprompter.
  2. It's just brick weed in a cylinder instead of well....brick weed. They market it as thai stick. I don't post pics of weed.
  3. It happens, the pot I mean. I have a relative age 64 worked all her life , made pretty good money, without a concern for getting old. If it wasn't for family she'd be homeless, because she's lacking in survival skills.
  4. You do understand you're beating a dead horse here. The person you describe has no path forward here in the USA unless, unless he has the skills and desire to survive here. Will you have to live in your vehicle (if you can afford one)? Yes you probably will have to unless you have family support. Oh my but where will I shower and use restrooms? I would join a 24 hr gym or one who opens early and closes late. Exercise and shower there. Or, you can stay in Jomtein, have a condo with AC, beach right there. No need to own transportation, can eat out everyday if you choose or cook at home. Can easily afford an agent to make immigration problems go away. $1200/mo will get you a decent life in Thailand, back home not so much.
  5. I would suggest going to your local testing place and get all required paperwork and have them explain to G/F
  6. Just got 3 slices of the Thai stick for 450 thb including tip for shoppee delivery. Green and sticky about 5 grams each. Had the red thread. I'll buy some of the over priced stuff when I get to Pattaya this week. Just to see the difference.
  7. Apparently Floyd was a threat to himself, hence while handcuffed in the back of police car he was taken out and restrained. The 21 yrs Chavin was given here plus the 20 yrs for murder charge is way over the top. That is my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
  8. How is Monkeypox spread? "This includes those who had close physical contact with someone diagnosed with monkeypox, those who know their sexual partner was diagnosed with monkeypox, and men who have sex with men who have recently had multiple sex partners in a venue where there was known to be monkeypox or in an area where monkeypox is spreading," the White House said in an HHS press release.
  9. The only thing which changes much is now it's cheaper. Before I didn't care if they made crazy profit off brick weed, but now it's available for cheap.
  10. I like to burn those nests out. Put on some protective clothes and torch them.
  11. I'm terribly sorry. I meant to specify, a public school. You know my son didn't do as I said when younger and took a GED. Today he's making 150K USD/yr go figure. A college degree isn't necessary.
  12. Have the SS guys in the "Beast" been questioned and when will they testify. Will they be allowed to testify is the question.
  13. What are you getting on about? I sent my son to a Christian school 30+ yrs ago. My daughter is in a school in Thailand.
  14. the chalk eating is an urban legend from years gone by. Second graders have no need learning about slavery. All that does is program black kids to feel victimized and white kids to what? feel responsible for what happened so long ago.
  15. Agree, I wouldn't let my kid near a public school today. I didn't do it 30+ years ago, today.....forget about it.
  16. If you were paying attention I didn't start the CRT talk, I only responded.
  17. CRT is a college course is it not, or that's what most on here say.
  18. Second graders here people, how about they first learn not to eat glue or chalk. CRT, good one????
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