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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I must say a few hits made the ride to Reno, Nv a bit more fun.
  2. https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2021/04/12/background-checks-required-at-some-gun-shows Therefore, if you have a license to sell guns, even at a gun show, you will need to do a background check on the buyer. However, if you are a private citizen without a license selling at a gun show, you do not need to do a background check in many states. But, there are exceptions: thirteen states and the District of Columbia require universal background checks at the point of sale for all sales and transfers of all classes of firearms, whether they are purchased from a licensed dealer or an unlicensed seller.
  3. I'm out of touch perhaps as I don't know about the saliva test but I do know the hair test can go back "years" When a company does a hair test for employment you're better off being completely truthful. THC also often lingers in the bloodstream for weeks in regular users and can still trigger positive test results long after the last use. Public safety officials and employers have difficulty telling whether a person who tested positive has used cannabis very recently (less than 12 hours ago) or sometime in the past few weeks. https://www.aaas.org/news/rapid-marijuana-saliva-test-detects-immediate-use-within-minutes
  4. Common knowledge, depending on whether you're a daily smoker. THC stays in the system (fatty tissue) for awhile. If your job drug tests you can get away with a hit or 2 on the weekends but not much more.
  5. https://www.dailywire.com/news/violent-weekend-starts-off-summer-in-chicago-with-at-least-five-dead Summer in Chicago began with a deadly weekend as multiple shootings left at least five dead and another 18 injured — with two days left of the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
  6. The way I read it wasn't pelosi's fault for the fender bender, it will be interesting to hear how his wife spins the story.
  7. There's over 20 million AR 15 style rifles currently in circulation, and that represents only 5% of guns. Any meaningful gun laws will fail.
  8. Problem is you could have quit smoking for weeks and it still will show up positive.
  9. Let's say for argument sake sales of the scary looking AR-15's are banned, what about the millions already sold? I had a .22 rifle at like age 12, had a .22 handgun age 15 as did many kids in the rural area I grew up. Something terrible has happened to our youth to make shooting up schools a viable response. And, thinking you can stop this insane behavior by banning scary looking guns is only a feel good measure which won't solve the problem.
  10. Sorry if you're offended but it's true. 2 parents are better than one.......usually.
  11. No you're wrong, BLM could care less about the 1000's of blacks killed each year by the hand of another black. There's nothing in that narrative for them.
  12. I'm against it from a teacher's view point. Assuming it would be voluntary with a bump in pay then perhaps a few of the non teaching staff could be properly vetted and trained. I carried a handgun for my job for years, qualified yearly with 9mm and 2 long guns. I wasn't paid more but it came with the job. If I was a teacher I certainly wouldn't want the responsibility of a gun.
  13. I'm in favor of gun ownership but a teacher should not be expected to be armed. I think that would be a terrible idea.
  14. No, he spoke the truth, if the guy had been white shooting up a school with hispanic kids the narrative would be different.
  15. You clearly don't want the truth if it doesn't fit into your narrative.
  16. Is their a Thai word for retirement? Cause they don't know it. Their kids are their retirement, even better if there's a farang in the midst.
  17. Wow, that took almost 10 seconds. Also note out of the 400 million guns only 20 million are those scary looking assault rifles. https://abcnews.go.com/US/type-gun-us-homicides-ar-15/story?id=78689504
  18. That would make things hard. Listen folks who rent chairs are there for a good time, at least I am. That means you expect to be ripped off with expensive food and drinks. Just yesterday a sea bass was 700thb at a place on Koh Larn so paying an extra 50 thb for the comfy lounge chair didn't matter. Maybe if you're a repeat customer they could cut you some slack.
  19. While we're waiting to have discussions on gun reform and mental illness, how about we do a bit of proactiveness at the schools. No reason not to have proper fencing and anyone entering school having to enter at a point where they can be ID. That's not hard. I can't enter my kids school here in Thailand without going through the reception area and doors need card swipe to open. it's not rocket science.
  20. It was pathetic once one or more cops with guns were on scene that they didn't engage the shooter. When you take a job wearing a gun you should be aware of your duty. Cops these days are so afraid of proper procedures that they let kids be murdered. But its understandable cops are fearful of veering away from book procedures. The wrong split decision could land them in prison.
  21. My car sat in a garage in USA for 2 yrs. untouched, due to covid. I slapped in a new battery, changed oil. Good to go.
  22. Well these last two shootings the shooters were nutters.
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