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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Would you really want your pregnant wife taking a vaccine that hasn't been proven beyond a clinical test. I know I wouldn't.
  2. I wouldn't call what I do swimming. Some sun, smooth seas, a cooler with a few beers. Nothing like floating in the water soaking in the sun, not a care.
  3. Price for rapid 2 hr result test RT-PCR is $299. in my neck of the woods in Ca. If we're already spending loads of money to return to Thailand, $299. is just another one.
  4. That's about the prices I saw in Ca. for the rapid test.
  5. i just got a text appointment for 21 Sept for first Phizer, I register 25 Aug.
  6. In the US I'd agree about the bars over the windows. If I was house hunting I'd avoid certain areas altogether. Here in Thailand the house I have is of the older Thai style house, single story with bars between inside screen and wood framed swinging windows so not so easily seen and upgraded to sliders. Many houses such as mine scattered around all have these bars. There's a place a few houses down 23 mil asking and they have bars all around, I only give selling price as indicator to neighborhood.
  7. As an example, in Ban Chang we were paying 1500/mo for group lessons, everyday for 1.5 hr. Teacher is pilot in the Navy. I'm sure Pattaya has the same if you look around post covid.
  8. Nothing ever happens until it happens. I get what you're saying, I've been exposed to the shi**ty side of life so if bars don't look quite ascetic, so be it. My daughter dislikes them, my G/F likes them as do I. I don't live in an upperscale village, I'm on a pretty busy street with pedestrian and loads of vehicles passing all day. As they say, locks keep honest people out.
  9. Me, I like fresh air in the house, unused rooms get that musty aroma with shut windows. Nice to air out the bedroom as well. Windows in living room get opened in the morning, only reason to close is if serious windy storm passes. But hey, to each their own.
  10. For most the thought of going back to the US after years in Thailand can be daunting. Unfortunately the OP gave no income parameters of himself of an example. If you were to return to US with say $1500/mo SS and nothing else, well your options are dearly limited. With a bit of money you can buy an old travel trailer in an RV park. Space rent I've seen near a beach in Fla for $350/mo. Some may laugh at this but not such a bad option. I've been a home owner most my life, with 2 rentals in Ca, but if I were to return not really wild about staying there. I checked out rentals in Florida. Nice 1 br with extras for $800/mo $1200 will get something way nice location. Renting a room in a nice house is an option for living in a nice zip code on limited funds. For an expat returning to the US with thoughts of buying a house, well good idea if you have a wad of savings. Property tax in Florida is near 2%, with I'm sure insane insurance premiums I'm sure it will cost $1000 or more monthly just for that.
  11. I rarely see MB riders look to the right before turning as stated by another poster, and I'm sure big bike was going fast.
  12. So replaced all my old style windows with new sliders, 16 of them. So the question is about bars over window. We're modifying the old bars to fit over all windows. I read what others thought of bars and then I questioned if you have no bars do you still leave windows open in the evening or when you leave the house or do you have to check each window to make sure secured. Me I like windows left open, I really don't want to close each window in house if I leave for a bit. I was raised in the country where doors were only locked while sleeping and windows left open, I used to leave my cars keys on the seat. But I don't feel that is safe in todays world.
  13. When we speak of a 5 mil house, are we including the price of land or just price to build.
  14. A house is worth what someone is willing to pay. You can say my house is worth 100 Million tbh but until some one antes up, it's not.
  15. I'm more of a player fan than a team fan. Loved watching Brett Favre play who was 41 when he retired. Used to root for the Raiders. I don't know what drives us to work past our prime. He's awesome and still plays well.
  16. Yes, we can agree she's fourth string and doesn't belong in a gogo. To make matters worse she was dancing topless.
  17. I confirm the 7-11 times being 1100-1400 only, in Ban Chang
  18. I think it's funny that admin come up with this thread. It coincides with the other thread about this forum becoming stale.
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