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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. CRT is a college course is it not, or that's what most on here say.
  2. Second graders here people, how about they first learn not to eat glue or chalk. CRT, good one????
  3. How can you possibly track a person to another state. This is a tragic incident, track down the rapist. That's the true story. Of course I believe she should have an abortion. The problem is a sensible middle ground solution should be possible.
  4. How about we concentrate on their education, nurture their minds and leave relationships to their parents.
  5. I think it would be fun to see how the high rollers do it.

    Pot Vendors

    90 thb. in Pattaya
  7. Article says she can travel to different state. I would hope the bigger story is finding who raped this girl.
  8. Please show evidence of these death threats.
  9. Or perhaps the panel can stretch this performance a bit closer to the mid terms. In the futile attempt to make people forget about the important issues at hand.
  10. Condoleezza Rice comes to mind. I would think she would be a fine role model.

    Pot Vendors

  12. not to mention the caliber of renters you'd be surrounded by. You're better staying in TL and have some decent health ins. Much better life.
  13. She was one of several black women considered. What's so hard to understand?
  14. If I were in that situation I would find an affordable RV park that has decent monthly rents. $400/mo is doable in Fla and surrounding states. Once you find the park, finding a livable 27-32 ft trailer isn't hard, somewhere in the $10,000 range for a decent used one.
  15. biden kept his promise of nominating a black woman.
  16. Don't forget hunter's laptop, priceless videos and messages.
  17. Please, again no evidence. The thought of Trump lunging and attacking secret service is comical.
  18. If the "lunge" was so trivial then why was it talked about soo much? You not able to pick and choose what's creditable.
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