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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    The usual diatribe of outdated thinking and 'young people these days don't know what it's like to work'.

    Firstly, the vast majority of the 1% wealth is 'old' money, with the current incumbents extremely grateful to their parents/grandparents (think Walmart, Koch Brothers, Mars, Chanel, Hermes etc). With the notable exception of the Tech billionaires and similar entrepreneurs, the elite rich still follows a pattern of moneyed families and ivy league colleges.  

    Secondly this idea that younger people 'are taught from an early age they are owed everything' is just ill informed nonsense.

    In all 3 businesses I have run, I have employed younger people and I have always found those that appreciate the opportunity to work hard, earn well and try to better themselves. This idea that younger people are entitled and lazy is just old thinking from old men. In fact you share your thinking with someone quite famous who said - “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

    Guess who said that?

    It was Socrates in 470 BC. 

    That's how old your thinking is.


    No one wants to blame the 'bad, orange man' but they are justified in thinking that all they want is an even playing field and a fair chance to move up. But when they see that all he is doing is helping those that already have wealth and demonising the less fortunate by looking to cut social welfare programmes and Medicaid, you can see why many are frustrated. When the divide becomes impossible to surmount, then how can you say 'Everyone and anyone has the opportunity to become one of the elite rich in America'.


    You have already mentioned you don't care about the poor so I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears, but America has always been seen as an equal and fair society, a land of opportunity for those willing to try and put the effort in. That becomes increasingly harder when you can't even get off the bottom rung of a heavily biased ladder and have a leader actively keeping you down.


    You have already mentioned you don't care about the poor


    Please show where I used those words, or just the usual leftie practice of taking things out of context. 


    Look at construction sites and tell me who's swinging those hammers, chances are they're neither white or black. Families not staying together could possibly be a reason for some hardships.


    Our whole education system needs to be revamped where a young person getting out of high school has the experience of an entry level trade. Not everyone is college material. Trade schools and apprentice ship programs made more available.

    Scream about cost of a good education and I'm there with you. But don't tell me the younger generations aren't getting lazier. No more winner and losers in sports, now all are getting ribbons and trophies.


    But, everything will be better when the bad orange man is out of office. Good news for you is you've only got a little over 5 yrs to go.

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  2. Everyone and anyone has the opportunity to become one of the elite rich in America. I agree the salary of some CEO's is over the top. But we've lost the drive to succeed. Todays young are being taught from an early age they are owed everything. Some are destined to be the follower and not the leader. With being a leader comes great responsibility which many are not willing to accept.


    The concept of one generation working hard and sacrificing for the next is getting extinct. I could sell off my real estate in the states and live in a Mansion here in Thailand but I choose not to. I'll be passing my small amount of wealth to my kids.


    You say these wealthy people were born with a silver spoon, but ask yourself where that silver spoon originated.


    So, you want to blame the bad, orange man for your shi$#y life go ahead. Your opinion of getting a better life is getting a president who promises to give, give, give. The bad rich man owes us a life of leisure. Just because you have a dead end, can't have a life job, keep looking for that next job, what will it take to make more money. All my life I have always been on the lookout for a better paying job, even when I was content with what I had, I always was on the lookout. I never had a new car till recently here in Thailand, always good used cars, whatever I had saved, never had a car payment.


    Rant over carry on :burp:

    • Sad 1
  3. 7 hours ago, beechguy said:

    The only problem for the Democrats, is this whole thing is going to uncover a lot of their dirt too. Even if they do manage to get Trump out of Office, look at the clown car of candidates they have, to run against Trump, or the next Republican. 

    The U.S. will look like Detroit or San Francisco, when people move back out of the U.S. and stop paying taxes.

    Agree with the clown car of candidates. They just need one guy that's not bat sh*& crazy to take the WH and they can't do it.

    • Confused 1
  4. Went to Makro in Pattaya today, picked up some salmon, 377bht, fed 3 of us for dinner. Eat a lot of canned tuna. Old lady makes buffalo wings to die for with sticky rice. A lot of stir fry with seafood mainly. Bar-b-que fish from the market with all the salad and dipping sauce is a favorite. In a pinch canned sardines and rice isn't bad. Tom yum with seafood and a thai omelet or some stir fry. Not very exotic but I love my veggies and fish. The only beef I eat comes from Shabu occasionally.

    • Like 1
  5. 58 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I find the two posts above (@EVENKEEL and @Kelsall) to be fascinating, instructive and horrifying.


    A TVF member made the point to me the other day that there are many people who like Trump's policies/actions without liking the man, and I said 'okay'. But, on further thought, I don't think it is 'okay'. To me, you cannot separate the message/actions from the messenger and wash your hands of responsibility. Any leader, no matter how evil, does some good things; how can one support all the terrible things, but clap loudly at the good things, and sleep at night? Is there not a moral/ethical view of Trump?


    So, back to the news article above. I think all Senators MUST vote when the Articles of Impeachment come from the House of Representatives (and, they will). Senators, especially Republican Senators, you have to state for the record if you still believe in the principles, values, ethics and oaths you have espoused. And remember, your vote will be tattooed (proverbially) on your forehead until the day you die.



    Hi Samui, good morning. You hit the nail on the head, well not the horrifying part. The other one about liking Trump's policies and results. Do I think he could stop tweeting and keep his mouth shut? yes Is he an <deleted>? yeah probably. 


    And, yes I'll take Trump with all his faults over any Democrat any day.

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  6. On 9/29/2019 at 8:41 AM, BritTim said:

    If flying into U-Tapao, do not look for direct flight options out of Europe or the US. You should get a flight to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, and book a separate flight from there to U-Tapao. Booked in advance, it can be done economically, though the connection time for the flight into U-Tapao may be long.

    Don't think there is any good flight S'pore to Utapao. In the future most definitely but not yet.

  7. 6 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    what are those stamps for?  I was just there for 3 weeks and every now and then I would get a stamp or two.  Are they like S&H green stamps we used to get in the States back in the 60s?  Are they worth anything?  Are they used in lieu of getting tiny little satang coins or do they have no monetary value until you fill up some book of stamps?

    Pretty much like the S&H stamps back in the day. No monetary value, trade in for merchandise. 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, I enjoyed watching the 7/11 girls having to count the change three times , after attempting to hand your change back to you after every count , changing their minds, taking the money back to give it another count and then after the third attempted hand back , take the money back again to add the receipt and then after the fourth attempted change hand back. they take the three times counted money, the receipt back and add a few stickers . 

      After extending my arm five times, Finally got my change, the receipt and stickers worth one Baht each .

      And I did always find it funny watching the 7/11 girls trying to get four items into a little plastic bag, then after a few minutes realising that the bag was to small and then getting a bigger bag 

    Some stamps are worth 3, almost got a book filled.

  9. 12 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    God almighty, Trump fans and their obsession with taxes. 

    Universal healthcare (even with increased taxes) has been proven time and time again to be more cost effective than insurance based cover but it's just not worth going into again with people that don't want to listen. Especially those that believe that poorer people are just lazy and deserve everything they get. 

    A society should be judged on how it treats it's most vulnerable NOT on how it looks after it's richest.

    Oh yeah, let's not talk about taxes, much like when Warren is asked, she starts waving her crazy arms and deflects the question. Under your plan can I keep my health care if I want??

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  10. 15 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    'Can you imagine going to the Dr's and needing an operation only to have the so called expert tell you that "you're not viable enough" to receive needed treatment.'

    That is so not how socialised medicine works it's laughable. You obviously haven't been exposed to something like the NHS where you would never be turned away from essential treatment.

    The rest of your post is just the usual selfish 'I'm alright Jack, so who cares about anyone else' nonsense we have come to expect from Trump fans. 

    Next thing you're going to tell me is that taxes won't go up to pay for this.

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