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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 7 minutes ago, bamboozle said:

    Pretty much rubbish again . Everytime i read something about life in thailand it is always wrong . I lived by myself in uk for 7 yrs. My daughters lived nearby saw them every few months , my son in london a couple of days at xmas.
    Came to thailand  got married and now trying to get some peace is the problem. Usually 5-10 people at my house and my wifes daughters house 20 metres away . Never empty . All farangs that i know have this problem . GF or wife does not matter . Families in thailand stay together . Even when they got to work in bkk all their lives they will come back home to retire . At this moment at 10am have 7 people here .

    I was in your shoes a few yrs ago. Up and moved 600 KM south with ole lady and daughter.

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    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, PeteDaKat said:

    That's a big sticking point because is that I'm in Hawaiʻi and can't drop in. I'll be going in person in November, but a buddy hopes not to have to spend $1,300 to get there and back (flight, rental car, a place to stay for two nights) and be able to mail it in. This med cert thing must be sorted out, or he's going to have to cough up big bucks to do the same.

    ThailandRyan seems to have a good grasp on requirements. The place that notarized mine is the link below. Can't hurt to call them. Good luck.


    SSR Services
    • Address: 620 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004
    • Service Areas: Los Angeles · Glendale · Burbank · Santa Monica · Marina Del Rey · Inglewood · Beverly Hills
    • Phone: (323) 856-8648



  3. 7 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Did you not see my post directly above yours?  I personally talked to the consulate last week and had it done the way they want it done.  The notary form is  called "COPY CERTIFICATION BY DOCUMENT CUSTODIAN".  The Form is in both English and Thai, all they are notarizing is the statement of facts you are providing and the copies as being true and correct as to the originals.  

    I was just there in Hollywood 2 weeks ago and got my med cert notarized at the place across the street, they knew what was needed, easy peasy.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, PeteDaKat said:

    This is a red hot lead, this notary form. So, I'll have to return to my doctor to get a letter to go along with the med cert saying I'm healthy? Is there a boilerplate letter I could use to drop off to my doctor?


    So, it's three parts...

    1. Medical Certificate
    2. Letter from the doctor saying I am healthy

    I feel so bewildered...

    I just got my OA Visa from Hollywood this month. I went there in person and was told I needed to have my Med. Notarized.


    There is a business directly across the street that does notary and all kinds of office duties. It's run by a Thai lady and farang husband. She knew right away what I needed. On the med cert on the bottom I wrote "I certify this to be my original signature" and I signed it. That was what she notarized, nothing to do with the doctor. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    That is always possible. What is the end game for doing that though? The people smugglers or whoever will now do further recon. If there is no senor tech in the barrier then anything the smugglers do to 'overcome' the non existent senor system will work. That would be figured out quickly enough.


    However if the President did not let the world know about the wiring and sensor tech, smugglers would be getting picked off regularly and never understanding why.


    I don't think your suggestion on this occasion holds up.


    I shook my head as well when I saw him on TV saying that, just hoping there was a plan instead of a big mouth.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:


    He seems to be single minded. His gaff this week on letting out a secret regarding the electrical sensors in the new barrier on the mexican border is a monumental example of that. The US pays large sums of money to hide technology in the new barrier system and Trump blurts it out at a press conference and then suggests a senior law enforcement agent expand on the secret technology. Astoundingly stupid.







    Another scenario is that there isn't any sensor technology and it was a planned, disinformation gaff.

    • Haha 2
  7. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    I thought that was called a Dutch thing.. guess they are cheap in the USA too ????.


    Anyway what works in the USA can give a lot of confusion in Thailand and a lot of mess. Unless you are at a really good restaurant. Otherwise it could get hard to split the bill.

    Not to worry, you guys (Dutch) are still kings in that department.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    I thought accident happened in the Singapore Strait, east of the Malacca Strait. 


    Unless you've had the Conn there at night with heavy rain, <deleted>ty visibility, your radar lit up like a Christmas tree with contacts that are anchored, fishing and in the middle of all that <deleted> you and your lookout misses this one guy crossing to port, you call out hard right, the Chief Mate who's supposed to be helping me missed seeing that ship as well. He was a waste of air he was. It's these near misses that makes you realize you can never get too comfortable, even with nothing on the radar you have to be vigilant


    Good to see they're not destroying the Captain to make themselves feel better.

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