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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 10:13 PM, Oztruckie said:

    Think truck drivers will be around for a long time,I'm sure computers can't tie ropes,chain down machinery,strap down loads with load binders,roll out 1 or 2 tarps, depending on the load,change flat tyres,replace blown globes,load bales of wool,load grain,repair coolant or oil leaks,and do on.

    You don't need Truck Drivers for all the jobs you listed. In US we already testing self driving big trucks.

  2. Good report but question still remains, seems that up until 2020 no taxes were required on a few rai of rice paddie and a new house if it didn't generate rent. Has anyone been paying taxes?? And if so how much? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I have a few Expat acquaintances, I would not call them friends, as I choose those wisely, but they are nice people living normal lives, all with successful marriages to Thai ladies. It all depends who you mix with, or don't not mix with.  I have no time for bars, bar girls, massage shops and big Cities like Pattaya Phuket and Bangkok, and the people that spend their life in them, so that rules out an awful lot of people on TV.   I outgrew that type of life as I passed my early twenties.  There are a few people I see posting on TV that are prepared to give out useful information and that are very helpful to other members, Ubonjoe for instance.  These people make using TV very worthwhile.  But there  are also a lot of cynics here, who take great delight in putting other people down and making their sarcastic jibes at everyone and everything.  They must be very unhappy people. But that is no different to many social media platforms, they all have those type of people using them to degrade others.  You would avoid these people in real life like the plague, but TV gives them an anonymous outlet to vent their bile at every opportunity and they are hard to avoid. Some times, it's very difficult not to respond in kind to their jibes, but of course, that is what they are after.  Best just to ignore them and read and post the good stuff.  

    Sorry to hear you peaked early on, I was 50 before I peaked. Some of us aren't quitters. ahahaha

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, scottiejohn said:

    Just as all the posters suggesting the use of this Cr*p!


    It should be banned for all the proven damage that it does rather than the unproven good it is supposed to do.


    Stop taking the sh*t and come back down to earth (if you still can) and the real world and use properly approved medicines.


    Stop using this as your excuse for an illegal "trip" to cure disorders. They are all in your mind, if you still have one!


    PS;  Do not bother quoting "expert studies" from the suppliers to say how great the cr*p is!


    Won't be using it to cure anything except to make head feel better. Must take care of head.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    There were changes made (long overdue) but do not know details.  Should put some of the unused homes and property into the real estate market rather than sitting idle for a lifetime but not sure of timing or who it affects most but do not believe it changes things much for most people. 

    Details here.


    Thank you......

  6. 50 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    By this thinking then, we should never investigate complex crimes, crime syndicates and complex multinational sophisticated crimes because they take more than 2 years to uncover the wrongdoing. The strong evidence of Trump's complex criminal patterns will take time to unravel. We are already seeing much of it as we have seen with the related indictments, pleas and convictions.


    I think most Americans would not want sophisticated criminal networks to go unpunished because it takes longer to unravel them. Would you?

    Even I wouldn't use the word "sophisticated" to describe Trump.

    • Haha 2
  7. 8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    What I see is Trump devotees so infatuated with the man they are willing to let SERIOUS and illegal activities go unchecked and without proper investigation just because he tells them 'it's a witch-hunt'.

    The Mueller investigation has yielded some serious results so far to include conclusive proof that Russia meddled in the election. Many of Trumps associates have either been indicted or are facing criminal charges so as far as witch hunts go, it's found a lot of witches.

    Yet none of this seems to matter to a Trump devotee who thinks a man who lies on a daily basis about everything from security clearance for his son-in-law to immigrant figures to even the amount of burgers he served to the Clemson football team is to also be believed about this. According to the Fact Checker database, Trump has made 7,645 “false or misleading claims” since taking office. The most repeated lie – 187 times and counting – is that the Russia investigation is a “witch-hunt”. 

    If you have any love for the USA or respect for the office of the POTUS, you should be happy and supportive of ANYTHING (be it against Republicans, Democrats or Presidents) that shines a light on corruption, illegal activities and of course collusion.      

    The dems been investigating since before Trump took office, Isn't that long enough and no clear, cut evidence to have him arrested or booted from office. 

    That light you're shining is only for Trump and associates. If he did wrong you're telling me over 2 yrs of exhausting investigations they haven't found the "evidence"



    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Simply amazing that people seem to forget the myriad Congressional requests for documents and investigations into the Obama administration.


    Solyndra, IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, ACA website.



    Well, you seem to be assuming that he will lie? If he is innocent, then telling the truth and clearing up investigations would seem to be the best approach. You clear yourself, and expose the Dems for witch-hunting. Win/win.


    Or just sit back and tweet.

    I assume nothing. If he's guilty of something...prove it. Oh wait, they can't. Nothing left to say.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
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  9. 10 hours ago, samran said:


    If you had an Australian like system - which is called Medicare - sure you can.


    Everyone gets Medicare, no ifs, no buts. People also can choose to get Private Insurance.


    Firstly there are tax incentives to do so, you get stung an extra few % of tax if you don't take it out as a high income earner, so the firms have 'graciously' developed policies that cost the same as the tax sting but in reality don't give you very much.


    But despite other extras - government subsidies for private health insurance (you get a 30% rebate from the government for the premium) and incentives for people to get on it (if you join at 30 and remain a member you pay the premiums of a 30 year old all your life), people are leaving it in droves.


    Why? Because the public system is pretty good for all the important stuff, and costs nothing when you need it. No bankruptcy, no medical debts.


    Like the US, Australian private insurers charge co-pays (or 'out of pockets' as they are known in Australia). So you can have two people, sitting in the same facility, seeing the same doctor, one paying private premiums and then still some out of pockets, next to a publicly funded patient getting exactly the same treatment.


    This happened to me once when I went for a procedure. My scammy specialist convinced me to use my private insurance, and I was sitting in the same room as public patients getting the same day procedure. I figured out later he gets a bigger cut.


    But yeah, you can keep private insurance if you want it. But would I use it for cancer, stroke, heart surgery, any major type of procedure? No way. All the best doctors are in the public system, and I had one of Australia's leading cancer specialists tell me not to use private insurance for seeing her.


    For elective stuff, where there might be a waiting list, say I need a non-urgent knee replacement, I've done the maths and it is just better to self insure for that stuff and pay out of your own pocket rather than give private insurers a useless premium of a few thousand per family each year and then still pay more above that when you need it.



    I'm not qualified to argue specifics but I know money and it has to come from somewhere. One small item in Australia is priced way out of whack such as a pack of smokes. My buddies were paying like $24.00 for a pack. What kind of tax is that? That's a tell tale sign that you folks are being taxed harder than the US.

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