IMO the OP is a little harsh. Russia has made significant contributions in music, dance, and literature. Russia still produces some of the best chess players.
Russia's problems can be divided into epochs. The first is the history of the Mongols and Tartars, who kept Russia a society on the run for centuries.
As the OP says, the Tsars also retarded Russia's development, with the serf system.
When Communism took over, the planned economy failed, as all planned economies do. Inefficiency ruled every aspect of life.
In fact, the only true statesman Russia has produced was Gorbachev, who ended up being deeply unpopular.
Under Putin, Russia has become a kleptocracy. While Russian life expectancy has improved, it is still significantly lower than most Western countries.
Russia is a human tragedy, because it has never developed into a true democracy, and with its resources should be one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.