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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. If he still had his guns, he could have shot back at Crooks like Quick Draw McGraw? Perhaps you need to brush up on logical fallacies.
  2. Apparently he had several. In keeping with Second Amendment rights, they were probably for "protection".
  3. Talking about corrupt, isn't Steve Bannon on trial for border wall fraud? After he finishes his prison term for contempt of Congress, of course.
  4. Felons cannot own firearms. Trump has already surrendered his. Please keep up.
  5. Remind me again about Trump's health care plan in 2016 - 2020. Like the border wall the Mexicans were going to pay for.
  6. Ah yes, a prominent conspiracy theorist. It must be doing your head in to see her contributions rolling in, and leading Trump in the polling. Let me know when you have finished scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  7. The benefits Scandinavians enjoy are generous, and instituted by socialist governments. You may be right, it's a pattern among conservatives to take from the poor to give to the rich. Why do you think billionaires support Trump?
  8. You are conflating socialism with communism. There are plenty of socialist governments in the world with private ownership, Australia is just one of them.
  9. Unfortunately, there's no cure for stupidity. Which seems to afflict just under 50% of Americans supporting a felon.
  10. Really. Scandinavian countries seem to be doing OK.
  11. Who is they? Don't we have enough conspiracy theorists on ASEAN?
  12. Most of the privileges Australians enjoy - Medicare, cheap pharmaceuticals, age and disability pension, unemployment benefits -were introduced by so-called socialist governments. We even had free tertiary education, until the conservative party killed it off. I really don't know why Americans consider socialism to be akin to leprosy, they seem to prefer the dog-eat-dog of unbridled capitalism.
  13. What percent of Thai women have obtained degrees from foreign universities? It's not a generalised or inaccurate comment if I am speaking for the majority of the Thai population. I have not been in a bar for about ten years. and have not had an alcoholic drink for 18 months. Don't bruise yourself jumping to conclusions. Congratulations, you are telling everyone on this thread you are a snob.
  14. LOL, like many Americans you are clueless about the wider world. Calling me a Marxist is even funnier. Abortion is legal in all states and territories of Australia, unlike the dog's breakfast you have. The Australian population has grown over the last ten years, via a combination of natural increase and immigration. You just don't understand Vance is a disastrous pick for VP, and Trump is already having buyer's remorse. The women voting for Trump have decreased since 2016, Vance will push that vote even lower. Now if Trump had picked Nikki Haley, that would have been smart. However, after calling her a birdbrain ( no misogynism, of course ) it was a bridge too far, even for Trump. Your talk of free markets is utter BS, please tell me how many tariffs the US has currently operating on imported goods and services. IIRC Trump is all for another trade war with China. It's quite entertaining watching Trump sh!t in his own nest, although apparently he does that quite literally.
  15. I've heard there is a secret UK government department which goes around maternity wards, removing the taste buds of all new-borns. It would explain the British fondness for cold pork pies, jellied eels, and warm beer.
  16. The big question: How many of these brands will be around in 5 years time? Obviously the BYD brand will be, but some of these brands are unknown quantities. The Lightburn Zeta was a small car produced in Australia in the sixties. It lasted two years, due to poor sales. The Lumin and Binguo jogged my memory in terms of size and appearance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeta_(automobile)
  17. The level of education in Thailand is of a standard ( deliberately kept that way ) where individual thought is discouraged. You might have better luck with older women, who have more life experience.
  18. I am not American, I don't have a vote. Therefore, my opinions have zero influence on the outcome in 2024. Trump won in 2016 by appealing to grievance. IMO the swing voters won't be fooled a second time. Look at the polling numbers. He's behind, and panicking. Of course the overturning of Roe vs Wade was an exercise in misogyny. One would have to be as thick as two planks not to understand that. Trump is now trying to weasel out of boasting on the matter, leaving the heavy lifting to Vance. I'm just wondering where the GOP has to go if it loses in 2024. Will it jettison a serial loser, or stay in the corner they have painted themselves into?
  19. Harris has spent more time as a prosecutor than she has as a Senator or VP. Decades. As chief prosecutor she was heading up 1000 of them in California. You don't get to that position without having earned your stripes. No doubt there will be parts of Harris's record Trump will attack. He always dishonestly focuses on the negatives of opponents. Problem: He once donated $5000 to one of her campaigns.
  20. As Retarius has said, there are other medications. Tamsulosin, Doxasozin, Prazosin, Tadalafil etc. It's a matter of finding one which is the most effective for you, with minimum side effects. Most of the alpha blockers will have a runny nose as a side effect, Tadalafil may cause nasal congestion. Take your pick. I have never been in favor of taking something to offset the effects of another medication. It only puts extra stress on the kidneys and liver. See a doctor.
  21. IIRC he's never got on a witness stand to be cross-examined by prosecutors. Harris is a former prosecutor, do I need to draw pictures?
  22. Vance as the VP pick is the poster child for misogyny and racism. He even thinks women should be banned from getting abortions, by traveling to a state where they can still obtain them. Trump will be throwing every bit of mud he can at Harris. It looks like Harris is pretty good at giving it back, with interest. Just wondering - does light bend around you?
  23. Just as the MAGA posters love Trump, for their own reasons. What's extraordinary is said MAGA's don't realize Trump will throw them under the bus, when they have served the purpose of getting him re-elected. As he said himself " I don't care about you, I just want your vote". In any debate, a prosecutor like Harris would not let that slide.
  24. I seriously doubt Trump would ever want to debate Harris. Like the coward he is at heart, he will be doing it through social media. He knows he can't win. If he goes after her, he will risk alienating half the voters of America. As a former prosecutor, she won't be side-tracked by BS about golf handicaps. She will have an embarrassment of riches to draw on.
  25. Quite wrong. The rest of the world watched the chaos of Trump's presidency. There was a huge sigh of relief when he lost after one term. You're joking, surely? Leaders of democratic countries saw Trump sucking up to dictators, and trashing relationships with them. Higher esteem my aching butt.

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