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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IIRC neither could Roosevelt, and he still is the longest serving President.
  2. John Daly is a sad waste of an enormous talent who has killed what he had with booze, cigarettes, junk food, gambling and skanky women. He also has had numerous clashes with the PGA, who won't give Trump the kudos of having a tournament on one of his courses. He and Trump are kindred spirits, they think rules are for someone else. The fact Daly has filed for bankruptcy twice might help you connect the dots in terms of his praise of Trump. He's a golf prostitute now. OTOH, respecters of golf's traditions and honor such as Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson would shun Trump as a cheat. Did you read the article I posted? Probably not, you're deep down the rabbit hole of alternate facts. You really should do some research to help you avoid posting ignorant comments.
  3. Deflection. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/apr/02/donald-trump-golf-28-club-championships
  4. He's not a champion golfer. He cheats incessantly, and has an agricultural golf swing that would earn him a 12 handicap at best. He tells everyone he's a champion, stupid people believe it. He only wins "championships" on golf courses he owns. The reason he owns golf courses is because when he has applied for membership at any prestigious golf course, he's been blackballed. No one wants a cheat as a member. If you knew anything about the game, which you obviously don't, you would know honorable golfers despise Trump for dragging golf into the same muck he drags everything else.
  5. IMO the only prominent Republicans left with a shred of integrity are Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. The list of Cabinet and government officials who worked for Trump, and now think he is completely unfit for office, is quite long. I don't think it particularly matters who is Trump's VP. Whatever else they are, they are unlikely to be the narcissistic sociopath he is, in the event he dies.
  6. Trump used bone spurs in his feet, as his excuse to get out of military service. They didn't seem to hamper his ability to win championships on his own golf courses. IMO his ongoing pathology probably fuelled his reaction. Too angry to be scared.
  7. Attempted assassin, who unwittingly has given Trump the best boost in the polls he could have hoped for. A bully, coward, felon and grifter who has been transformed into a national hero. It's a convincing demonstration of how gullible many Americans are.
  8. Yes, some of your posts do have that problem.
  9. My perfect afternoon in Bangkok is boarding an aircraft to leave it.
  10. I can remember having a good chuckle reading US EPA test methods for stack emissions that expressed the results in grains per cubic foot. It is rather odd, considering America was one of the first nations to decimalize its currency in 1792.
  11. The most disturbing detail is how someone who was pointed out as having a weapon had enough time to get a shot off.
  12. In South America, girls as young as 8 or 9 start menstruating because they are eating chicken which is fed growth hormones.
  13. IIRC one roll of foil was 65 baht when I bought it a couple of months ago, and it gets used about 5 days out of 7. About 75% of aluminium is recycled. Do you have a backup power generator? It sounds to me a power failure might be quite expensive. OK with chicken breasts, although i lean towards Atlantic salmon fillets, pork tenderloins, Cumberland sausage and gammon steaks. MY GF does a 3-egg omelette fresh every morning for me in the village, 5 eggs sounds a bit over the top.
  14. I line the interior of an air fryer with aluminium foil, spray lightly with olive oil. Check with a meat thermometer to ensure interior of meat/fish is above 60 C. No mess, discard the foil after single use A rational person would cook them one at a time. Are you feeding multiple progeny from your licentious youth?
  15. When someone fell out of favor in the royal court or government circles, Mae Hong Son is where they were sent. The road to MHS from Chiang Mai has over 1800 bends, which are not negotiable by large buses. It's quite a beautiful place, for a couple of days. Food choices at the restaurants are pretty limited.
  16. You are lucky to be able to still cycle after the Thai nutter tried to kill you. Stay well.
  17. Brilliant thinking. Have drones deployed, then another joins what's in the air with a grenade in its payload. Isn't the job of the SS hard enough just protecting against assassination with handguns and sniper rifles?
  18. I suggest you read "The Manchurian Candidate" by Richard Condon.
  19. Wow, who's been sucking on lemons this morning?
  20. Having a GF who will look after me. She's been doing it for more than 10 years.
  21. No person with an IQ of 130 would be posting the deranged rant you have posted without serious mental problems.
  22. I don't know what the truth is. On the face of it, there do seem to be failures in security. Whether they are from malice or incompetence remains to be seen.
  23. I have explained it to you, with examples. I can't understand it for you.

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