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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There was no existential threat to the USA during WWII. Invading America either from the Pacific or Atlantic was a logistical impossibility, and still is. The best the Japanese could do was bomb Pearl Harbor. A few fire balloons, nuisance value. On the German side, submarines off Galveston and Halifax. "God is on the side of the big battalions". Once the US ramped up industrial production to wartime levels, there was no other country in the world that could match it.
  2. I suggest the fact Trump Media had income of $3.6 million while It lost $400 million is a pretty good indicator of the company's worth. But hey, you are a much more sophisticated investor than us peons, so please put your money where your mouth is.
  3. No, everyone should declare Trump is certifiably insane in attacking Zelensky. Or he is kissing Putin's butt. Take your pick.
  4. Way ahead of you. That's usually a predictable outcome of any dialogue we have.
  5. That was not my question. I was in a hospital bed in Chiang Rai within 90 minutes after being admitted to the ED, with what was diagnosed as bacterial pneumonia. In Australia, the same process would have taken 5-6 hours.
  6. It's a shame you don't know yours.
  7. Last response to someone who has clearly lost his mind.
  8. Google and AI are your friends. No, Britain did not hold elections during WW2
  9. You may soon get your wish. Don't come whining to me if the results are not what you expect.
  10. JHC, can't you come up with something better than a puerile label? Primary school kids are more creative than you.
  11. I guess Stalin killing off about 6 million Ukrainians by deliberately-engineered famine is just a blip, then. The Gulag archipelago is a figment of imagination. Russia targeting non-military power plants and hospitals? Never happened. Tucker Carlson is a useful idiot. Another is shortly meeting with Putin in Saudi Arabia.
  12. You do understand what deflection is?
  13. Ah, a doormat speaks. How many people have wiped their feet on you today?
  14. Actions speak louder than words. Trump imposes tariffs, say nothing, impose reciprocal tariffs. Trump threatens Canada, say nothing, shut down electricity supply, cease oil supply. Sell to the Chinese and EU instead. Bullies only understand one thing, a good solid smack in the mouth.
  15. It's been a real battle for me to find tinned coffee that does NOT have sugar in it.
  16. Not even a sensible shape, how do you get it out of the shoulders?
  17. I guess that's what happens when you live rent-free in the heads of some people. In your case, there's no furnishings to speak of.
  18. Quite sure. It's the American habit of contracting every word they think possible, like aluminium. It's a shame they can't do it with sodium, but it sounds a bit rude.
  19. Starting to wonder how many Chamberlain clones there are on this thread......
  20. How long do you have to wait to be seen?
  21. Your only focus seems to be attacking other posters ad hominem when their opinions and facts disagree with your own. Not that I can recall any post of yours which contained any facts.
  22. I am posting facts as I encounter them. If you don't like them, I have others. If you don't like the threads I create, who twists your arm to read them?
  23. The fashionistas discard their apparel after one or two outings. I found a pair of Nike trainers that fitted me, in one of the secondhand shops, a few years ago. I still wear them, very comfortable. Almost brand new, apart from a scuff mark. I paid 1800 baht for them. When I looked them up, the new RRP was 8000 baht.
  24. Then there are people who have nothing better to do than snipe from the peanut gallery.
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