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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. About 30% share his values, pond life. About 20% were conned by him. That 20% will have buyer's remorse soon enough.
  2. As I have never attended a political rally of any kind, your assumption about me is the usual pile of BS you keep posting.
  3. IIRC Amazon has a phone help desk, where one can speak to a human. Quite a few years ago, I had a problem with a Kindle. The desk operator was very helpful.
  4. You really should pay attention to economic data. In 2022, the USA imported more goods from Canada than it sent. It sold more services to Canada, but a smaller amount. Canada also invested more capital in the USA by a margin of $150 billion. 52% of petroleum imported by the USA comes from Canada. If push came to shove, America would be left with the short straw.
  5. A crazy world we live in, when being dumb is regarded as a virtue.
  6. Wrong. The Canadian IQ would increase, and the US IQ would go further down the toilet.
  7. Typical abuse from someone who has surrendered any brain cells he had to a cult. DILLIGAF ?
  8. Please. America has the world's highest prison population. It has to train its schoolchildren in how to avoid getting shot. It has the world's highest cost pharmaceuticals. Why on earth would anyone envy that?
  9. I have traveled to the US many times, I also have an inquiring mind. I might know more about America than many Americans. OTOH, what you know about Australia could probably be put on the head of a pin. You discount my opinions, because they make you uncomfortable. Perhaps you should ask yourself why, instead of shooting the messenger. That's what people with open minds do.
  10. They are all scared of what happens if Trump directs the DOJ to go after them. His "mass public following" is about 30% of voters, plus another 20% he fooled into believing he would make their lives better. I give it 6-12 months before voters realize what a horrendous mistake they have made.
  11. 81 yo. I have survived 4 different types of cancer. Mild heart condition, spine falling apart. Cannot walk long distances anymore, as back pain gets progressively worse. One year of chemotherapy has shot down my libido and immune system. Reduction in physical strength. If I was American, I would not be posting here. The various medical treatments I got at zero or low cost in Australia would have taken all my assets, and then some. OTOH, I will die solvent, with all my mental faculties. I am lucky in having a good woman by my side for the rest of my life. I would not say I have won, I'd call it a draw.
  12. I'm Australian, the Democrat label won't stick. As with your attitude, mine is influenced by Australian politics, where the biggest liars by far are the conservative side. IMO poorer Trump supporters are going to get a rude awakening in the first year of his presidency, when his tax cuts are paid for by cuts in health and social welfare programs. Was it not Trump who referred to his supporters as "basement dwellers"? After a meeting with Christian groups, did he not ask one of his aides " Do people really believe that sh!t"?
  13. Anyone supporting Trump supports a felon who lies constantly, cheats honest people, and is a sexual predator. He defiles all the values I have acquired. I feel free to call out anyone who acquiesces in what he brings to the table.
  14. He's obviously got more moral fibre than you do.
  15. No specifics on the amount of donations. Owner Gannett, apparently still embroiled in 12 cases of kiddie fiddling of paper boys.
  16. Once again, the OP demonstrates what a class act he is with the thread title.
  17. You seem to want it both ways - false claim, or why didn't Trump attack Iran? Maybe because he was not sure the order would be obeyed. He is a coward at heart, like all bullies. The correct spelling is court martialed. Your ignorance of basic English is embarrassing.
  18. From people who wanted Trump like a hole in the head. Come on, name some rich leftists for me. Seems no-one on this thread can identify them. Certainly, I can be obnoxious, when it comes to suffering fools gladly.
  19. So you can't name rich leftists either? How predictable.
  20. 47 is the next Trump presidency, thanks for confirming yours.
  21. I suggest you look at what General Mark Milley said about it, before posting a lie. Trump never got to fire him. Instead, he repeatedly denigrated Milley on Truth Social. It's a familiar pattern, Trump appointing someone, only to claim the appointee was defective afterwards. Remarkable how poor a judge of character he repeatedly has been. Just like your pattern of attacking posters who you disagree with, instead of addressing the facts.
  22. There are plenty of single Thai moms who leave children with grandparents, while they head to Bangkok and Pattaya to support them. Permit me to doubt they are doing just fine. You obviously don't read stories of discrimination against luk kruengs in Thai schools. While we all have rose-colored glasses at some time in our lives, I'm just wondering what brought on this off-the-wall fantasy.

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