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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I'd agree Jomtien is a better choice than Pattaya.
  2. He posts to antagonize, then bleats when he gets return fire.
  3. Thank you for your consideration. Which paragon of purity do you live in?
  4. Going back to Australia next month, smart@rse. You seem to forget you have done some name-calling yourself, you are awfully young to have Alzheimers.
  5. The most laughable part of the Putin interview was when he claimed the Ukrainians were Nazis. It's the first time I have heard of a Nazi organization with a Jewish leader.
  6. I am not getting my information from MSM, I am looking for it in independent media. Since Putin came to power, he has repeatedly stated his desire to see the Soviet Union restored. IIRC, the Gorbachev agreement of 1991 guaranteed the sovereignty of Ukraine, in return for surrendering its nuclear arsenal. Putin trashed that agreement when he illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. That was when other countries really started signing up to NATO. He then put the icing on the cake in 2022. Sweden and Finland joined up. Finland joining effectively doubled the border Russia has to defend in the West. Brilliant thinking by Putin. Dictators get told what they want to hear. I'm quite sure Putin was told Ukraine would be a cakewalk, and NATO was weak and divided. It was a massive intelligence failure, in a country that prides itself for its skills in that area. Russia is enormously wealthy, in land mass and resources. Trying for even more in Ukraine is simply kleptomania. The image you posted - reminds me of a guy at work we called No-Toes. Could be Putin too. I am posting facts, if you think you have better ones, please post them.
  7. I would say the best age to move to Thailand would be when one has achieved financial independence.
  8. I'm not living with an army of security staff, in fear of assassination. I'm not having every meal tasted for poison. I can travel to almost anywhere in the world, he has few places he can go without being arrested as a war criminal. I meant he is losing on the economic and war front, try not to be such a d!ckhead.
  9. You are joking, surely? Russia is now a pariah state. GDP is only supported by conversion from a consumer economy to a war economy. The ruble has collapsed in value, and is only supported by interest rates of 15%. The market for Russian gas in Europe is gone, never to return. It is forced to sell oil to India and China at discounted prices to finance its war effort. Russia has ceased publishing a lot of economic data, to hide how dire the real situation is. There is no foreign investment in Russia. The Western technicians who helped run the oil fields in inhospitable places such as Siberia and Sakhalin are gone, and the indigenous engineering/technical workforce are all in their 60's. Once an oil well freezes in the permafrost, it has to be drilled again. That's the reason Russia is cutting back on oil production. 1 Million Russians of military age left Russia to escape the draft, including the best and brightest. They aren't going back. Russia is stretched for labor in all industries. Russia has the tyrrany of distance to contend with. 70% of its domestic aircraft are Boeing and Airbus. The industry is being forced to cannibalize aircraft to keep going. If you feel lucky, I suggest a Russian domestic flight to test it. What can one say of an economy that mines refrigerators and washing machines for microchips to supply its defense industry? Or the same industry forced to buy ammunition from North Korea? In Ukraine, Russia has lost 4000 tanks, and about 300,000 soldiers. Every purchaser of Russian armaments now has buyers' remorse, after seeing how poorly they are performing in the field. IMO Russia will very probably become a vassal state of China over the next 10-20 years. It's been a kleptocracy since 1992, now it is paying the price in poorly equipped and trained troops. The Chinese probably can't believe their luck. Notice how the only support Xi is giving are words, nothing material? Putin is losing badly, and no amount of softball questions from a puppet journalist can hide the facts.
  10. They did not teach you what analogies are in high school?
  11. Please show me where I am not stating facts. Then show me where you are not stating opinions.
  12. I have found it much less taxing to take the chainsaw to a shop where it can be sharpened with good equipment, by professionals. Rule # 1 - never let a chainsaw blade touch dirt. It's the quickest way to dull the teeth.
  13. A drover's dog could have interviewed Putin, and rated its socks off. Because it's probably the only interview Putin will give, unless he wants a repeat with the soft d!ck Carlson is.
  14. Of course they were rejected. Why would Putin want reporters lobbing hardball questions at him?
  15. US society has obesity. Russia has alcoholism. Russian life expectancy is five years shorter than the US and EU. Russia has a population collapse in the twenties, America is growing. Do some research, it may stop you from posting daft opinions.
  16. IMO you would enjoy John D MacDonald, one of the top American novelists. Authors such as Lee Child say the have drawn inspiration from him. I do find it incredible so many Americans don't know the name, it's like me not knowing who Banjo Paterson was. On topic, I spent a good part of last year in Australia. I was bored there, I am never bored here.
  17. No doubt you would be puzzled by the actor Asia Kate Dillon, who refers to herself as having third person plural gender. As Jeff Daniels once said, I don't know what the <deleted> that means.
  18. I think I am reasonably tolerant of all forms of sexual orientation. Don't bother me, I won't bother you. What I do find disturbing is the way noisy minorities can hijack an issue, then demand preferential treatment over a majority.
  19. Not just embarrassing. Every country allied to the US would stop sharing intelligence with Trump in charge. He took in $8 million from foreign powers during his presidency. In a second term, he would probably sell national secrets to the highest bidder. He does have a lot of legal bills.
  20. How embarrassing would it be if Trump loses? Kindly remember he confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and E Jean Carroll with his wife Marla.
  21. "East of Eden", John Steinbeck "The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney" Henry Handel Richardson "A Tale of Two Cities" Charles Dickens "Wuthering Heights" Emily Bronte "The Sands of Windee" Arthur Upfield "Journey into Russia" Sir Laurens van der Post " Great Short Stories of The World" "Dune" Frank Herbert "Foundation" Isaac Asimov "The Canterbury Tales" Geoffrey Chaucer Bonus: "Dragonflight", Anne McCaffrey " The Thorn Birds" Colleen McCullough
  22. Got it, thanks. That is what I call the "por lao" bird, which is Thai for " enough already " . It sounds like a bar girl who has had enough of an importuning customer.
  23. Conservative tabloid, what would anyone expect? I would suggest having BOTH Biden and Trump have the same cognitive tests, and seeing who performs better. The test Trump took was something a six-year-old would ace, and there is no knowing whether he cheated as usual.
  24. Having listened to the bird in the video kindly posted by KhunLa, I don't find it annoying at all. Annoying is when my neighbor in the village has his stereo at maximum, and is playing Thai songs which sound like cats being tortured.

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