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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I've assumed everything has right of way over me. If you go back to my first or second post, you'll see the qualification process for obtaining my Thai driving licenses was farcical. Regulations don't mean sh!t when it's a scooter with right of way over a behemoth pickup.
  2. I've been driving 12 years in Thailand, scooter and car. Accident-free. I guess I must be doing something right. I assume everyone else on the roads is a homicidal maniac. Tell me what you think the driving laws are. If there are any, more honored in the breach than the observance.
  3. You would insist on your right of way in Thailand? Where are you typing your post from, a hospital bed?
  4. I don't hang out there, so I will bow to your experience.
  5. I will be bringing in enough money for my living expenses for the next two years, prior to January 1. I am guessing by then, sanity will have prevailed. At the very least, I will have reliable information on whether the tax affects me. Right now, it is mostly speculation.
  6. You may have to settle for Australian, my Christmas budget won't stretch to British. I can easily afford German.
  7. My GF determines when my toenails are too long, and trims them for me. Usually after they start tearing her nightie.
  8. I'll buy you a sense of humor for Christmas.
  9. Don't know about that, your posts on another topic are not what I would call impartial.
  10. I sold my house in Australia to free up capital, and also because I was tired of having to maintain it every time I went back. My son has a spare bedroom in his house for me, so I have not burned all my bridges.
  11. Lead replaced with barium, be still my fluttering heart.
  12. I don't care if you report anything I post. The fact is you have made never-ending repetitive posts on exactly the same theme, which is trolling by any standard. AFAIK moderators have told you several times to cease and desist, you obviously ignore them. I will continue to post whatever I want to say about you, until instructed otherwise. Get yourself appointed as a moderator if I am a thorn in your side. You would probably enjoy the power trip.
  13. I don't drink from crystal, as I don't know how much lead it contains. Up to 25% PbO in some varieties. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lead-poisoning/symptoms-causes/syc-20354717 Soda or borosilicate glass suits me fine.
  14. I always get dirty looks from Australian women when they see me with my Thai GF. I smile at them, which probably irritates them even more. I am laughing out loud internally.
  15. Women's vaginas are designed to stretch. If the sex is painful, it's because there's not enough lubrication, or the man is too impatient. Slowly, slowly, it may take half a dozen sessions.
  16. True. You may or may not be aware it also kills oocysts such as giardia and cryptosporidia, which are unaffected by chlorination. It will also remove chlorine and chloramines, via steam distillation.
  17. When you have to tie a two by four across your butt, you know there has been a few others before you.
  18. I would have thought the obvious solution would be to find a woman with a smaller vagina.
  19. I have a life-long habit of only drinking water I have boiled myself, irrespective of where it comes from. I have never had an illness related to water, so IMO on the right track.
  20. AFAIK there are no rules. Give way to vehicles on the right in countries that drive on the left is the norm. Who knows how they manage in Myanmar, where vehicles travel on the RHS with a mixture of left hand and right hand vehicles.
  21. I don't know if they have carpet snakes in Thailand, one of those in the roof would either clean them up or scare them away.
  22. I don't get the point of being gloomy over dead artists, be happy you're alive.
  23. Every country wants more babies, they are the consumers and taxpayers of the future.
  24. I don't wear a shirt in private. I'm always conservatively dressed in public. How other people dress is none of my business, although I do take note of scantily clad young women.
  25. I am wondering how many times you have replaced the pigskin on the drum you are beating.

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