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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Somewhere between 2% and 6.5% of pensioners.
  2. It invented copper wire, when two Scots had a tug of war with a penny.
  3. I can remember taking a colleague to an upmarket restaurant somewhere near Hyde Park in London. We had what was called typical British fare. Total cost was 350 GBP, about 25 years ago. London was very expensive even then. To be honest, I thought the food was about the same standard as a basic pub meal in Australia.
  4. I was there when the temperature actually got up to the thirties, all the natives were lying around fanning themselves. You see? You have lured me off-topic, after your sermon on another thread.
  5. Even stranger drinking beer at room temperature.
  6. Apparently the Brits eat them cold.
  7. Yuck. Cold pork pies are disgusting.
  8. I don't need your permission to post whenever I want. Reading through the "fact checking" it does need some fact checking itself. Such as the claim only 3.5 times current raw material production is needed for total conversion worldwide.
  9. Reasonably tasty, but I was always scared of lacerating myself opening them.
  10. IMO the OP is presenting various statements as established myths, without evidence to support the claim. It's called begging the question. " Electric vehicles alone can’t solve climate change" This is not a myth. If every ICE in Australia was to be converted to an EV overnight, the resulting reduction in carbon dioxide emissions would be 9%. Said EV's still need to be refuelled from CO2 - belching power stations. It's not a myth EV's are going to cause more road wear, due to their higher vehicle mass. Res ipsa loquitur. It's not a myth EV ownership has some of the characteristics of a religion, with dissenters being regarded as heretics. It's not a myth there won't be sufficient raw material for batteries available to achieve complete EV conversion, until at least ten times the current mine capacity is in full production.
  11. You think you'd still have it if the Indians up and left? The Brits I know, Anglo-Saxon variety, would struggle to boil water.
  12. It still counted back in the fifties, meaningless now.
  13. Er - IMO that is Indian. I'm not a fan of British cuisine in general, it's an oxymoron. Although I will say a full English breakfast can be quite palatable.
  14. Really? Please post one you think is original.
  15. It's a bit rich you talking about baiting and trolling when you are in the forefront of both.
  16. If we halve the 2016 figure, it becomes less than 2%. Which is a drop in the bucket.
  17. Some of us can compose our own.
  18. Disagree all you want, it doesn't change your eligibility to be a mod.
  19. I was making the point there are posters who have political views, who can also make useful contributions on entirely different topics. In your rush to judgment, you missed that aspect entirely, hence the wicketkeeper comment.
  20. Straight through to the wicketkeeper.
  21. Don't ever become a parent, you'd be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
  22. Let's be generous and double that figure of 90,000 from 2016. Equals 6.5% of the total number of OAP recipients. Not quite a "huge amount", is it?
  23. That's probably why you are not.
  24. Please explain what a climate nutter is. Or start a thread were you can demonstrate your knowledge.
  25. What are the actual numbers of pensioners living overseas, vs those retired in Australia? When I see a blanket statement like "huge amount of pensioners living overseas " my BS radar goes on full alert. Along with "large number of dead ones". Factual data, please.

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