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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It's one thing to be physically fit. It's an entirely different kettle of fish to be flexible, fast and with quick reflexes. That's why boxers and tennis players are mostly washed up in their thirties. As other posters have noted, learning how to breakfall is an essential first step in martial arts. It is tough enough for guys in their twenties. As a first step, I would suggest using the internet to check your reaction time to a visual stimulus. If it is slower than 0.25 seconds, forget it. Bear in mind any injury incurred may be quite expensive to fix in Thailand.
  2. IMO there is much more low-hanging fruit available by going after multinationals who have been rorting the tax system for decades. The changes to the superannuation system, which limits the tax concessions to wealthy retirees, are an indicator of the direction Labor wants to go. Of course, if the Coalition gets re-elected, war on the poor will resume.
  3. I have no problem with that, although I would say threats should result in an immediate ban. I have no doubt the mods have that contingency covered already. Make it like demerit points on a license to post. A poster should pull his head in if he gets 5 or 10 red flags in a row. It's also more transparent.
  4. The red flag is a nice touch, although IMO it should be yellow. May I suggest without naughty, threads might become incredibly dull.
  5. You should educate yourself on the meaning of the term derogatory.
  6. IIRC, I originally was responding to a poster who decried the mention of you know who. I plead I was led astray, guilty as charged. I open new threads sparingly, mainly because the useful feedback peters out in a few pages. In the present case, the descent into nonsense would be happening on page one.
  7. I suppose that explains why many of the prosecution witnesses are Republicans.
  8. So ignore the posts I make. Or report them as off-topic.
  9. True, I can't vote. Why does that prohibit me from expressing an opinion, backed by fact? You think Trump is a threat solely to Americans? What has Ozimoron and his disappearance got to do with your self-elected status?
  10. You are entertained by a guy who stiffs contractors, boasts of grabbing women, disrespects the sacrifices of the people who defend his nation, lies like a pig in s^!t, and is currently under 91 separate indictments? Quite apart from losing a civil suit for rape. That says a lot about your own standards.
  11. Tar and feather me, when were you elected the topic police?
  12. True. However, there are very few people that are a clear and present danger to democracy, as he is. He has said so himself. Do you really want to be in a world where Trump is re-elected President? 4 years of him was enough for sensible people.
  13. IMO the ignore function is a double-edged sword. When I use it and inform the poster, in my mind I am thinking of them as either a blithering idiot, or a nasty piece of work. OTOH, they may be exulting in having annoyed me sufficiently. If I put a poster on ignore without telling them, there's no satisfaction. Nowadays, I either ignore a poster by not responding, or respond with facts which refute their delusions. There is a reason for my nom-de-plume.
  14. Moved the goalposts, haven't we? Ia every post that asks an awkward question a baiting post?
  15. The appropriate acronym is BOHICA.
  16. Get a Doberman. They are trained not to bark, but they will give any intruder the worst day of their life.
  17. Chiang Mai - Pai Road has plenty of bends to come unstuck on. The OP is correct, many van drivers seem to think their vehicles have the same handling characteristics as F1 racing cars. On the 118 from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, van drivers overtaking unsafely is as common as dog turds in a soi.
  18. The term farang is pretty mild compared to gaijin.
  19. It certainly is, when a poster makes two or three word responses to other posters 30 or 40 times on a single thread. I admire brevity; however, it can be overdone.
  20. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1297832/global-average-lead-times-for-mineral-resources-from-discovery-to-production/
  21. I have been threatened with a permanent ban previously, for using robust language in argument. I have never been one to suffer fools gladly. IIRC, I have had about half a dozen posting holidays. IMO if there is evidence of threats, or persistent stalking by another poster, that should be grounds for a suspension or ban. I also lose patience with posters who put the same arguments or data on a thread multiple times, as if that gives them greater validity. Say your piece, most of us can comprehend what's posted the first time. When a thread descends into bickering, I am out of there.
  22. Nothing to do with mine building. Everything to do with the Chinese economy. https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/lithium
  23. Lithium is abundant - in the ground. There are not enough mines to meet demand for the next decade. Each mine takes about 7 years on average to prove up ore reserves, then build the infrastructure. I am reasonably sure it was you who made the post re extracting lithium from seawater. If not you, another EV supporter.
  24. Make it 1000 baht for every poster that claims their wife/GF supports them.

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