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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Average assumes data is normally distributed. In the US, it is more likely to be Gaussian. The Americans I knew were mostly on social security alone. I very much doubt they met the 800K requirement, far more likely they were paying an agent to fudge the yearly extension. As you say, they were not living like kings, but they were not poverty stricken either. One I knew would put aside money from his SS to fund 1-2 week holidays in other Asian countries, he especially liked Vietnam. Another ate McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut exclusively. He died when his digestive system ground to a halt.
  2. Ah yes, a variant of the Carbon Capture and Storage ( CCS ) boondoggle, on which billions have been spent. It's a real shame none of the facilities have met their design specifications, but that's what one gets for attempting to circumvent the Second Law of Thermodynamics. One point in your favor, interest in geothermal power is increasing. In Australia, there's a couple of companies that have gone bust trying to bring it to fruition.
  3. I've known Americans here who were far from the income level you are quoting, they were getting about USD 1550/ month. Your median of $47K is probably biased by much more wealthy retirees of independent means. Be that as it may, British and Australian pensioners do not fare as well. Australia is the same as the US, retirement homes are all about money and profits. Many are owned by overseas investors.
  4. It depends on a foreigner's comfort level with what Thais regard as normal. I can speak from experience, having done 14 days COVID quarantine in a Thai provincial hospital. Very basic, with mattresses about 2 inches thick. Getting strawberry jam on a ham and salad roll as mayonnaise was a new culinary adventure for me. As was showering and fending off mosquitoes simultaneously. Where are the retirement facilities you speak of located?
  5. AFAIK in Thailand, the options appear to be: 1/ Have a Thai girlfriend or wife to take care. 2/ Hire a carer. I understand nurses are compulsorily retired from government hospitals at age 45. The going rate is 10K - 15K baht/month. 3/ Mid-tier aged care facility, there's one somewhere in Hang Dong costing 45K baht/month. 4/ Top care, north on the 118 from Chiang Mai. 90K baht/month. I'd sooner shoot myself than go into aged care in Australia. There's a Royal Commission supporting my point of view. As for hospitals, unless one has private health care, it's a 12 - 18 month wait for any surgery that is not classed as an emergency.
  6. I was once refused a visa extension by Chiang Mai Immigration, when I had a medical certificate, and was forced to do a border bounce instead. So who decides who is handicapped and disabled? Show me where staff of a retirement home can enable an able-bodied retiree to evade the in person requirement, or is this another corruption example?
  7. I did read the full article, which covers both retirement homes, and retirement outside said homes in Thailand. I was referring to the latter. There are no free lunches. Such a service would be added to the bill. AFAIK no foreigner is excused from attending Immigration in person for retirement extensions. I understand there is a retirement facility off the 118 north of Chiang Mai, 90,000 baht/month. Beyond the financial reach of most retirees.
  8. IMO you could find the exchange rate on transfers given by the bank is quite inferior to what Wise gives. I don't know what a FET is, apologies if you have already researched exchange rates.
  9. Try an oxy-acetylene torch ( not recommended for weatherboards ).
  10. IMO it's a good way to commit financial suicide. The OP would need to be fluent in Thai, have good connections, and have experience in the hospitality business. Alternatively, he could keep working until he has a nest egg of 300-400K USD, or equivalent. Invest the funds in his home country for a return of 40-50K baht/month. Come to Thailand, rent a house or condo wherever he wants. Thailand has thousands of guesthouses, they have close to no customers in low season, which is about 8 months of the year.
  11. A completely irrelevant article. It omits to mention the obligatory yearly trek to Immigration for a retirement extension, which can be withheld at any time if the IO is having a bad day.
  12. Please elaborate, I haven't seen any imaginative BS on this thread for quite a while.
  13. Your post is repeating another, with the same level of irrelevance.
  14. I mix it up, half in my condo, half in a Thai village. If I get depressed, it's mostly due to the ignorance I see on display on ASEAN.
  15. When we have modern miracles of science and engineering such as PET scans, aircraft and mobile phones which have more computing power than a mainframe of the 70's, it is gleefully accepted as making our lives better. When the same science tells us higher temperatures will make our lives worse, it's shoot the messenger, what-about-ism, deny and cherry-pick data to suit the argument nothing is happening. Or pretend it will be beneficial, the BS plant food argument. Human nature. Insurance companies are not climate deniers. They can see what is happening, and premiums are increasing accordingly with the risk they assess. In fact, it won't be too long before some properties will be uninsurable.
  16. I believe it is called retrograde ejaculation. Make an appointment with your urologist.
  17. I am quoting Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical author, on China's population. 1.5 degrees C increase had about a 66% chance of happening back in 2018. More recent reports now put the probability at 90%, forecast to occur in 2027. July has been the hottest average temperature on record. The hotter it gets, the more crises we will have. Who ever heard of Canada and Hawaii having bushfires of this scale before this year? I quote from the 2018 IPCC report: In order to achieve the 1.5 °C target, CO2 emissions must decline by 45% (relative to 2010 levels) by 2030, reaching net zero by around 2050. Deep reductions in non-CO2 emissions (such as nitrous oxide and methane) will also be required to limit warming to 1.5 °C. Under the pledges of the countries entering the Paris Accord, a sharp rise of 3.1 to 3.7 °C is still expected to occur by 2100. Holding this rise to 1.5 °C avoids the worst effects of a rise by even 2 °C. However, a warming of even 1.5 degrees will still result in large-scale drought, famine, heat stress, species die-off, loss of entire ecosystems, and loss of habitable land, throwing more than 100 million into poverty. Effects will be most drastic in arid regions including the Middle East and the Sahel in Africa, where fresh water will remain in some areas following a 1.5 °C rise in temperatures but are expected to dry up completely if the rise reaches 2 °C.[9][1][10] It's not what I believe, more what other scientists are saying. 91 authors from 40 different countries. I believe in the laws of thermodynamics. That is not a subject the average person is educated in, unfortunately. If they were, this thread would be superfluous.
  18. According to you, quite well off. Modelling yourself on Trump, perhaps?
  19. Please, go.
  20. I like it, a departure from the usual ASEAN threads. Might even get the GG seal of approval.
  21. You're saying the coppers don't know, but you do. Senior moment, thought it was bignok responding
  22. LOL, Murdoch media is not? I seem to remember a $787 million dollar damages award that says otherwise.
  23. Yes, dingoes do attack small kids. Where was that fact when Lindy Chamberlain was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole? Similar symptoms doesn't cut it. There are about 5 million cases of food poisoning in Australia every year. You've been watching too much Cal Lightman. How do you know shops don't sell dodgy mushrooms? I'd agree not deliberately. You've demonstrated in multiple threads you rush to judgment, I guess I should not be surprised.
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