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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Bringing Trump to book benefits democracy and truth. Let him get away with it, he will continue to poison the USA. On the basis of your proposition, the murderers, thieves and rapists in American prisons should all be freed and the jails shut down. Think of the taxpayer money that would be saved.
  2. The US House panel investigating the January 2021 attack on the US Capitol will present evidence this week that former president Donald Trump was involved in a failed bid to submit slates of fake electors to overturn the 2020 election, a key lawmaker says. Source: The New Daily, Australia
  3. It is interesting to me that whenever I ask any Trump supporter/apologist /defender whether they have contributed to Trump's campaign fund, the question seems to disappear into a black hole. Perhaps it reappears in the Trump alternative universe. You know, the one where lies, dishonesty and fraud are normal.
  4. You may be right, can't recall having seen a fat surfer. Having said that, I prefer to swim in water where I know things won't bite me.
  5. Immunology is the key, teaching the body to destroy the deformed cells. That field is where the most resounding successes have been recorded.
  6. IMO swimming is probably one of the best forms of cardio exercise anyone can do, because one's body is supported while doing it.
  7. Thank you. Six years ago ( age 73 ) I was on five different medications. Anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-gastric reflux, blood pressure and night cramps. I thought this is insane, I am on a pharmaceutical treadmill and I want to get off. To make matters worse, the anti-inflammatory and night cramp medication side effects were why I was on the gastric reflux medication. And the anti-inflammatory was not doing my kidneys a world of good either. The anti-inflammatory was the first to go, followed by the anti-depressant and night cramp medications. In NY 2021 my New Year Resolution was to get fit. As a result, I was able to progressively reduce my BP medication from 160 mg daily of Valsartan to zero. My 2022 NY resolution was to lose weight. I am pre-diabetic, and don't want to start pricking my finger every day to know what my damn blood sugar is. In 2016, my body mass was 96 kg. Down to 92 kg until the start of 2022, I am now at 84 kg with a reduced carb diet. Currently, the only medication I take is finasteride for benign prostatic hyperplasia. As the stuff has the side-effect of reducing my libido, I am working on that too.
  8. Even in those countries, there will be some people who do better than others, and it's not because they are sitting on their thumbs. One of the happiest people I have ever seen was a Buddhist monk in Japan, who spoke very good English. I talked with him for 20 minutes, his only possessions were the clothes he wore. Granted, opportunity in Western countries is a lot more.
  9. It's not asphyxiation, just absence of oxygen. The brain goes to sleep.
  10. There are exceptions. IMO I gave my son the same sense of responsibility I have. He is my tech support here, and gives me a place to live when I go back to Australia. From a difficult childhood, he has developed into a formidable human being.
  11. How much exercise are you doing? You need at least 30 minutes of cardio daily. If you are a smoker or drink alcohol every day, keep taking the pills. Exercise is a waste of time.
  12. There is always something one can be good at, except some never find it.
  13. Might be better to measure upon waking and in the evening. Your BP may or may not be elevated after activity, your pulse certainly will be. My average pulse upon waking is below 55 bpm, about 58 bpm in the evening. Unless you are on minimum dose now, I would suggest halving the tablet initially to be on the safe side.
  14. So did I, which is why I came to Thailand after losing north of $600,000 to two women in Australia. Moved on, put down roots here which, barring bureaucratic stupidity, will see me out. I focus on the positive, every day here for me is a new adventure. Boredom is self-inflicted, not possible to be bored if one is doing something creative.
  15. I said goodbye to blood pressure tablets a week and a half ago. I had tapered down from 160 mg valsartan to 25 mg losartan in about six months. I did not realize I have significant white coat syndrome, which has led to a succession of doctors over-medicating me for about ten years. My BP increases by about 40 points any time I go near a doctor or hospital. I suggest you get your own blood pressure monitor and take readings morning and evening for a week in your home environment. Then halve your medication, and see what happens for the next week. From the sound of it, you are getting enough cardio exercise, although strictly speaking it needs to be every day.
  16. I am unable to estimate my expiry date, both my parents died at age 83 after doing their level best, most of their lives, to kill themselves with cigarettes and alcohol. Last sentence of your post, 100% agree.
  17. I am 79 years old. I have weaned myself off 5 medications over the last six years. A combination of diet, exercise, and mental application. I have a resting pulse rate which for my age is approaching elite athlete level. IMO there are some modern medicines which are essential for some conditions, many others it is simply getting on a pharmaceutical treadmill when lifestyle changes are just as effective. I fear not having quality of life, which is why I work at maintaining myself mentally and physically. One gets out of life what one is prepared to put into it.
  18. There used to be quite a busy restaurant at Pantip, that closed. Only coffee shops left. The Elite Smile dental practice moved elsewhere, then Bangkok Bank closed its branch. Coming from Nong Hoi, Pantip was much more centrally located for me. Central Festival and Maya IMO are more upmarket, I prefer Airport Central. It's also got the big PowerBuy store on the other side of the car park.
  19. Your account is still valid with Bangkok Bank, my best guess is it will transfer to the Branch on the Thapae Road between Nawarat Bridge and Thapae Gate, or maybe Nimmanheimen. If you can make it, go to the KSK branch and ask them where your account is being transferred to. Take someone who can speak Thai if necessary.
  20. I am pretty sure if you arrive at any hotel in Pai, the management will be able to set you up with a car and driver for however many days you want. It's a tourist town. Failing that, if you get off the bus from Chiang Mai in Pai, I will bet my left nut there will be songthaews and tuk-tuks encircling the bus station like crows around a dying sheep.
  21. Tesla has now lost $800 million on its bitcoin holdings. Hedge funds make money both ways. If they start shorting bitcoin, who knows how low it can go. Good stocks usually have a group of investors who will band together to put a squeeze on short sellers by buying to support the stock price. Given the diversity of bitcoin owners, who is going to get together to put a short squeeze on the hedge funds?
  22. I always leave the toilet seat up, as at my age I am the most likely to need it next. I have explained this to my GF, as well as pointing out it is not good for my back to be bending down frequently to raise toilet seats. I like to find things where I left them, so it does irritate me when she moves them somewhere else. Come to think of it, she may be OCD. She cleans for dirt I can't even see.
  23. You can get the same "feel" at Airport Central in the Northern section. Once was enough as far as eating in the food court was concerned.
  24. I've always thought of Kad Suan Kaew as the least attractive of the shopping malls in Chiang Mai, even Promenada was better. Old, and the food court there was an appetite depressant.
  25. I admit to using Line, although I prefer DUO and ZOOM for better quality. Don't use Messenger ( Windows, you must be joking ) WhatsApp or Instagram. Too ugly for OnlyFans. As for ASEAN, I'm a masochist. It's a bit like watching train wrecks in facts and logic.
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