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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I have no experience with Bangkok bars, mine were in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, where AFAIK the ownership is mainly Thai, and female. Perhaps that means they will side with the bar girls more. As BritManToo has posted, I would not have wanted any bar girl who did not want me, no matter how beautiful she was. I always dressed neatly, clean clothes and never ever got drunk. IMO that gave me a head start, pun intended.
  2. Your post has the assumption bar girls are so desperate they would have sex with any punter. As I have seen them employ evasion techniques with some real dregs of society, I doubt it's true. I don't think bar girls worry too much about looks. I am pretty sure being drunk, sweaty and dirty turns them off.
  3. I had the dubious pleasure of 14 days in a Thai provincial hospital, COVID quarantine. The beds were as hard as a pawnbroker's heart, and I lost 5 kg on what was optimistically called food for a foreigner. I love scrambled eggs, just not getting them 13 days in a row. I got through it OK, but it's not for the faint-hearted.
  4. Go-go bars are certainly an option, although what you see may not be what you get in terms of performance in a different environment. Personally, I used to prefer the massage shops, the massage prior gives plenty of time to make an evaluation. True, the girls are plainer. However, I found they made up for that with enthusiasm.
  5. Provided anyone has their personal code of ethics, e.g. take responsibility for their own actions, do no harm etc. religions are superfluous. They are useful to those who crave power over their fellow humans.
  6. I have not been in the bar scene for many years. By the time one adds up the cost of preliminary lady drinks, bar fines and the P4P itself, it becomes quite expensive. Better value elsewhere.
  7. I have noticed that too, IME Thai women welcome full penetration. The stiffer the better. They also seem to be able to achieve orgasm in a variety of positions, whereas Western women favor on top. Fear not, there are little blue pills that can help.
  8. It's going to be interesting to hear Raffensperger testifying about how Trump was pressuring him to find 11,700 votes. Raffensperger is Republican, difficult for the mouthbreathers to say it's just another Democrat. Still wondering where the 7 hours of missing phone logs from the White House have gone, Nixon got nailed for a mere 18 minutes.
  9. Er- I think you would find Australia would deport him back to the US as an undesirable alien. Not the first American we have done it to.
  10. Trump won't leave it alone. Contributions to his campaign fund by mouthbreathers and knuckledraggers are his sole source of profitable income. His businesses are all tanking post-COVID, and he owes bigtime to the Russians and Deutsche Bank. Sharks die if they stop moving forward, no flow of oxygen. Trump is no different, without the oxygen of a dollar flow he dies, and he knows it.
  11. No more than I am, the allegation was made in this thread that the FBI was led by lefties.
  12. Your grandad actually sounds like quite a character. I'd probably be goosing the nurses.
  13. Most people are unaware paracetamol in combination with alcohol is quite toxic to the liver. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322813
  14. Nothing wrong with my age pension, it's better in my pocket than having politicians pee it up a wall. Your best days are only behind you if you think they are. I'd love to be 51 again, knowing what I know now.
  15. Depends on the deodorant you use. I'm told Brut is passe.
  16. I don't know when I am going to cark it, could be tomorrow, could be ten years from now. I do know I am nine years past the Biblical life span, still active. I pity people 20 years younger than me whose only reasons for living are the next drink or fag. Pathetic. I gave up smoking about 40 years ago. Within a year my lung capacity was back to 6 litres from the 3.5 litres it was while I was a smoker. After ten years, my risk of dying of lung cancer had gone back to that of a non-smoker. True, no time is lost. However, in the start or middle of life, smoking and drinking does affect quality of life. Just ask George Best. I did better in my professional career and in sport after I gave up smoking, not before. I've seen a number of smokers and drinkers here and in Australia die, it wasn't pretty. Never is. You may be able to kid yourself because you exercise, that offsets the harmful effects of drinking and/or smoking. It only delays the inevitable.
  17. Statistics say smoking takes 5 to 10 years off anyone's life on average. They also say vegans and vegetarians live longer than carnivores or omnivores. Your post is talking about statistical outliers. Your death date may be programmed at birth, but it's your lifestyle choices which determine how much you extend it or shorten it.
  18. I would find it difficult to express affection for a fat, wrinkly woman, irrespective of how generous she was. Most men would. I'm old and fairly ugly, but I do keep myself in good shape, and shower daily.
  19. I have to put in some foreplay before my GF gets into passion. That's OK, all women respond differently. And she is definitely not into public displays of affection, again OK by me. As far as affection in private goes, I get spontaneous displays of it every day. It may be you, or the women you choose to be with.
  20. The ten year visa is for rich people. The annual non-O is for retired people of average means and income. While I would never claim the Non-O could not be discontinued, it would be a classic case of the Thai authorities shooting themselves in the foot if they did.
  21. I've had several teeth pulled at Elite Smile in Chiang Mai, male dentist and almost painless. They used to be at Pantip Plaza, don't know where they are now. Female dentists IME will refer extractions to a male dentist, as they don't have the required hand and wrist strength.
  22. IMO Thai women are no different to any other nationality in being different individually. Some enjoy kissing, some enjoy foreplay, some get straight down to business. It depends on how horny they are. Back in the day, I remember fondly one woman in Chiang Mai who could orgasm with zero involvement of my todger.
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