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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I do not stand on ceremony when having a dump, apparently others do. I am reminded of the crocogator joke. I went further with Jared Diamond, his lecture on why societies fail was very interesting. Australia even got a mention. Thank you for the introduction.
  2. I have a 17 yo Vios, It's just a matter of getting the refrigerant recharged, and checking for leaks afterwards. You need a competent aircon mechanic.
  3. A gap in my education, please enlighten me. As a long-standing agnostic, it is hardly likely I would be swotting up on blessings.
  4. I can fix most household problems myself, not an issue for me. Look on the bright side, GG. If you can smell them, you don't have COVID.
  5. Any intelligent person would look at the sentences handed down to the January 6 rioters, and take heed of where violence against legal authority leads. Those that forget history are bound to repeat it. I am looking forward to the time when a judge has had enough of Trump's incitements to his moronic base, and puts him in jail for contempt of court.
  6. IMO our attitudes towards sex with smart (or stupid) younger women change as we age, and our testosterone levels decline. I remember a dialogue with an older ( now deceased , sadly ) friend of mine. I was rhapsodizing about the enjoyable sex I was having with my Thai GF. He retorted " I'd rather have a good s##t". I suspect the OP has reached that stage, and I am starting to sympathize with said point of view.
  7. IME there are no binomial attributes in government policy.
  8. Oh, so you are a victim? Have you heard of the term "self-inflicted wounds"? Your posts probably get reported because they are inflammatory, which is outside forum rules. Smack me down with a feather, are you claiming you are never off topic? Please explain why corresponding with you by PM would be any more enlightening than in an open forum. Why would I want to be bored twice?
  9. Perhaps it has not occurred to you moderators do not remove your posts for no reason. Presumably they agree with the posters who report them.
  10. I have very little to complain about in terms of the creativity and repertoire of the Thai women I have had congress with, except for the odd starfish. If anything, it is the lack of repertoire in better-educated Western women which impelled me to try my luck elsewhere. While Chinese women are good bed companions, one can hear the mental calculators whirring. Like you, I am in my waning years. However, I still enjoy the occasional excursion. Thank you for the Jared Diamond video.
  11. I love it when Westerners start getting up themselves about how smart they are compared to their Thai GF's and wives. Truth is, there are millions of us back in our home countries who are still unhygienically wiping their bums with toilet paper, some of it tinted or textured to be fashionable. IMO we confuse education with opportunity. Everyone knows the Thai education system sucks. That does not mean Thais lack intelligence, they are simply not given the opportunity to exercise it in the same way we do. My GF cannot discuss world politics, economics, science, music, or literature. So what? She is street-smart way beyond my capabilities in her environment. Ask yourself: How does a Thai village girl or woman manage to totally beguile us, in spite of their purported ignorance? And again: Do you really want a Thai woman educated to Vassar standard, with the accompanying entitlement baggage? Be careful what you wish for.
  12. I looked at the menu, decided it was overpriced. The "Hungry Nest" does an excellent spinach, cheese and mushroom omelette, along with one of the best mango smoothies I have had in Chiang Rai or Chiang Mai. 180 baht for the two when I was last there in February.
  13. Waxes are merely barriers. They only give short-term protection if underlying rust and occluded salt is not removed. A thorough preparation consists of sanding all accessible areas, and treating with a phosphoric acid conversion coating in all areas. There are also tannic acid treatments available. However, IMO they are not as effective as phosphate conversion. After 24 hours, excess chemical is washed off with clean water, and allowed to dry. THEN apply any wax coating. Unfortunately, rust never sleeps. Once salt has gained access to inaccessible areas such as crevices, what corrosion engineers call a differential oxidation cell is initiated, which is extremely difficult to reverse. Sometimes, it is better to sell the car before crevice corrosion becomes evident, because it is occasionally a structural issue as well.
  14. Suggest the OP look at the OPPO range. I have just updated to an A77 after 7 years faithful service from an OPPO A 37F. It's still working, but can't handle some of the more recent apps.
  15. The average wage in Myanmar is about one-third of that in Thailand. It's why many construction workers in Thailand are Burmese. This fact should increase the scepticism of Thai workers towards any job offers there. The Thai education system does not encourage questioning.
  16. Having a meal at 2 am sounds like setting oneself up for gastric reflux. The sex wouldn't bother me, although I might be a little envious, and nostalgic.
  17. I am not concerned with card skimming in Australia, because getting card fraud rectified by financial institutions is only a phone call or email away. In Thailand, a combination of the language barrier and institutional sclerosis is a different story.
  18. Either you don't know how to use Google, or you are bone lazy.
  19. The OP might get better pain relief without nausea symptoms by trying kratom ( Mitragyna speciosa ) . It is legal in Thailand. Illegal in the US and Australia. I drink half a cup brewed as a tea from the leaves. My reaction to kratom is mild euphoria for an hour or two, and pain relief for 5-6 hours. In larger quantities, it acts as a sedative. YMMV. As with all opiates, it is addictive. Synthetic opiates such as oxycodone, fentanyl etc. target specific pain receptors. As i understand it, kratom targets all of them. Oddly enough, morphine has zero effect on me in terms of pain relief, it seems to be less effective than even panadol. We all are different. I have never had any nausea with any opiate that has been prescribed for me. Feel free to disagree with this post, Sheryl. I am posting on the basis of practical experience with various opiates, although not as someone with terminal cancer.
  20. No, I meant 100,000 baht. 100 cm is one meter of bank bills, I wish.
  21. I only carry that much money once a month. You clearly don't understand the point I was making. Someone clones your credit card by walking past you, your 4 million will be gone before you realize what has happened. It's theft in cyberspace, not physical theft of the card.
  22. 100 K makes a a fairly sizeable bulge, I prefer not to advertise. I wear trousers, not those imitations of SAS gear with spare ammunition/compass/night vision/MRE pockets. Unless your wallet is a Faraday cage, that 4 million could be taken by anyone walking past you with the appropriate technology.
  23. Point taken. I think I have been drunk about 3-4 times in my entire life, and it was in the company of friends. My contact with ladyboys has been limited to seeing them onstage.
  24. You have obviously never seen a woman's purse, they are like Aladdin's cave.
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