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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You'd prefer Trump was back in the White House, kissing Putin's butt and playing golf? The train wreck would be ten times worse. Record high gas prices, food shortages and inflation are all down to Putin's war, unless the West just let the Russians roll over Ukraine. That would only be the start, Putin wants to reconstitute the USSR all the way to East Germany. The Cato Institute advocates non-intervention in foreign affairs, no surprise they would not agree with Biden. Blaming Biden for what Russia has caused is wrong. TBH, I thought the article was dumber than a can of soup. You don't negotiate with dictators.
  2. IMO it was not a mistake if her husband weighed 80 pounds more than you, unless it was all lard. Mormons normally wear rhombic dodecahedrons?
  3. If I had the money, IMO a Russian billionaire's luxury yacht stocked with nubile lassies could be the answer. Although too many of them falling overboard might raise some eyebrows. Back to my avocado, cheese and macadamia lunch. Have you done a brief discourse on food as yet, GG? After all, it is another pleasure of the flesh. We all know you are celibate, just wondering if you are ascetic as well.
  4. "You do not want to write too much on this topic?" I'll keep it brief for you, it's a bad idea to do it on your own doorstep. I remember a hotel receptionist in Myanmar who could have messed with me anytime she wanted, I could not have said no.
  5. I have been to America many times. It's a wonderful country in many ways. But boy, do you ever have some fruitcakes and wingnuts in it. The phrase "Only in America" is nothing if not factual.
  6. I've done a search. As you clearly do not understand the meaning of precision and accuracy, I'll leave it at that. Noted you have not given your own solution to the OP's problem of removing copper.
  7. I guess I'd be happier if I did not read bilge on ASEAN, but as an optimist I keep looking for the wheat among all the chaff here.
  8. I guess I had better throw my chemistry degree in the bin. I've never been too fond of test kits, as I have found from long experience their precision and accuracy leave a lot to be desired. Perhaps you would be kind enough to post your solution to the OP's problem.
  9. I am regretting the ten seconds I wasted reading the repetitive drivel you posted, goodbye.
  10. There are no death taxes in Australia, apart from a 15% tax on the superannuation of a decedent if they have not been smart enough to keep it out of the ATO's clutches.
  11. If you had bothered to read my previous posts, you would find I have owned guns legally in Australia for many years. I never felt the need to own a weapon whose only purpose is to kill people rapidly, and please don't give me any BS about them being hunting rifles. If you need that many shots to kill game, you should not be out there, because you are more likely to kill other hunters accidentally. Taking your FWD/RWD argument to its logical conclusion, Australians should only be driving AWD's. I don't know if Albo and Penny will save Australia, it's a fair mess that's been left behind. I mean, $40 billion to companies that didn't need it, and a government that refused to do anything to get it back. Pork-barrelling of electorates, while a Federal Integrity Commission was all too hard. Scomo ( aka the CoalHumper ) and Joyce ( aka the Beetrooter ) dragging their heels on climate change, so we will pay the price in terms of international trade. If you are part of the Murdoch chorus weeping and gnashing their teeth, my commiserations. FYI, John Hewson nailed it when he said Australians vote for the centre of politics, IMO Dutton is the last person to get the party back to there.
  12. I am developing a new hypothesis to explain this type of thinking, as I doubt victims can differentiate between the firing rate of a fully automatic weapon vs. a semi-automatic. It is a fact 98% of US cities rely on recycled water to function. Effectively, most citizens are drinking someone else's purified pee and poo. My hypothesis speculates the water actually has treatment chemicals in it, that result in a reduction of intelligence to the lowest common denominator. It's just as plausible as any anti-vaxxer or climate denier conspiracy theory, and goes a long way to explain the post I am quoting.
  13. What does this rant have to do with mass shootings? AFAIK most of the mass shootings in America are perpetrated by disaffected and deranged white supremacists. If you have better information, post it. Perhaps it has not occurred to you without labor from south of the border, most of US crops could not be harvested economically in California and Texas. While Trump was building his "beautiful wall" ( the unfinished one ), he obviously did not shy away from employing undocumented workers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/5-questions-about-president-trumps-use-of-undocumented-workers/2019/12/04/29439928-16a2-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html
  14. Not the only one, unfortunately. It's the same as anti-vaxxers and climate deniers, beliefs vs. facts and data.
  15. As a series of posts that miss the point entirely, yours take some beating. If I go into a school armed with a baseball bat, I might knock over a couple of people. The rest either flee, or disarm me with numbers. Same with a knife, I might get a couple more before someone hits me with a chair. It's all work at close quarters. If I go into a school armed with an AR-15 and a couple of MagPul 60 bullet magazines, no-one can get near me, and the only person that can take me out is another person with a firearm, probably responding after I have slaughtered a dozen or two. Way too late for the kids or the parents, as Uvalde just demonstrated. Take away the firearms that can kill so rapidly, as Australia has proved over the last quarter century, and you don't have mass murders of people. Is that too complex for you to understand?
  16. I'm not inclined to test it myself for the sake of confirming whether the banks still charge fees if using a different ATM. I don't particularly like cards anyway, handy for online shopping, but difficult to keep secure. IMO no better security than having to front up to a bank teller with a savings passbook and a passport, I defy any thief to breach that.
  17. Have you tested to find out? I haven't because I would only use an ATM for emergencies anyway. I know one can use any bank card in any ATM in Australia without fees, but Thai banks IMO would be very reluctant to let go of any revenue.
  18. Er - I think you will find if you put a Bangkok Bank debit card into a Kasikorn ATM, or vice versa, there will be a fee attached to any withdrawal.
  19. Just buy a few packs of fine steel wool, and put them where there is a flow of the pool water. Any copper present will plate out on the steel. Probably take a few days to clear. Copper content is easy to measure with atomic absorption spectrometry, most universities, technical colleges and commercial laboratories have the equipment. The first step in controlling anything is measuring it. Note: Steel wool, not stainless steel scourers.
  20. Agree completely, my guns were in a gun safe, the rifle bolts and ammunition were stored separately in the house. Without all three, useless for a burglar to steal them. They were not assembled until I was out on a station 100 km from the nearest town. I never owned a handgun, like assault rifles their sole purpose is killing people. Some posters on this thread claiming to be hunters, they'd have professional shooters in Australia rolling on the floor laughing.
  21. You go hunting with a pistol? Now I have heard everything. Please explain to me how a gun for "protection" is called an assault rifle, something of a contradiction. The statistics say people who keep guns in their homes are far more likely to commit suicide, get shot, or be sued by an unarmed burglar or their families.
  22. Thai bank. If the OP doesn't want to pay ATM fees, he needs to open a bank account in Thailand. But you knew that already, didn't you? I don't know about the rest of the Western world, but savings passbooks are as anachronistic as button-up boots in Australia. Most banking is done via the internet and debit/credit cards, ATM's are being closed by the banks. It's well on the way to being a cashless society, which the government loves.
  23. There is only one argument justifying gun ownership, and as Jim Jefferies said, it's not a very good one. Gun owners like guns. Any other argument is specious BS that can be demolished by the simple application of facts, statistics and logic.
  24. Do the American authorities even have records of guns and their owners? Seems to me with about 390 million firearms in circulation in the US, that's a fairly big ask. There's a saying in quality circles, if you can't measure it, you can't control it. What with background checks, the fact anyone can own as many guns as they want, and the quantity available to anyone over 18, it seems to me the system has more holes than Swiss cheese.
  25. I would only withdraw funds from an ATM in an emergency. I go to a bank in the same province with my savings passbook and my passport, collect a queue ticket, and wait patiently to be called. I then withdraw what I want without any fees. The 200 baht fee is for the convenience of getting cash from an ATM in under a minute.
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