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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Funny, I get the same thing from mine. Explaining there's a 23 year age gap falls on deaf ears.
  2. I believe that's called aversion therapy.
  3. I'm not posting a photo. You'll just have to take my word for it she is one hot grandmother. I'm 79, what the hell would I do with a 20 yo?
  4. The weird thing is, my GF will not go out at night by herself. If I am with her, no problem. Apparently her reasoning is because I don't believe in ghosts, they stay away when I am with her.
  5. Of course innocent people die from secondhand smoke and car accidents. Having said that, those AFAIK are not deliberate actions. Please provide an example of where I put words in your mouth. Where I come from, not saying anything for or against assault rifles is called sitting on the fence. If anyone is reaching with their arguments, it is you. "Look over there" is a classic example of reach, when one has run out of anything sensible to say.
  6. I have repeatedly noticed Thais seem to be unable to live without noise. Whether I am in a coffee shop, massage shop, or Big C, there is always music or a TV blaring somewhere. In Big C, there's is an unending stream of announcements over the PA. Not many motorbikes are quiet, the objective seems to be being as noisy as possible. If I am in my car with my GF, she gets uncomfortable if I am silent for more than 10 minutes. She is quite capable of having the TV on, having a conversation on the phone with a friend, and asking me what I want for dinner contemporaneously. It goes beyond multi-tasking. Neighbors all around us have dogs barking, roosters crowing, and music blaring. Is there such a thing as contemplative Thai music, a la Moonlight Sonata? It's the same with solitude, Thais can't seem to handle being alone for any length of time. While I don't know about Thai men, IME Thai women are never more comfortable than when they are in a group, and never more uncomfortable than when alone. My GF will invite her sister-in-law to sleep with her when I am away. Her grand-daughter shares a room at college with another girl, they share a bed and a cat sleeps there as well. I am very comfortable with being quiet and alone. What about you, and what are your experiences with your Thai significant other?
  7. Withdraw the money, and convert to another currency. Thai baht can't be taken out of Thailand, anything else can. I hear one can get a lot of Russian rubles for 800K baht.
  8. Doesn't surprise me, it's quite common for dog owners to treat dogs as fur children.
  9. Many golfers have come from humble beginnings. The sport provides communities with many employment opportunities. The military course I play on has about 100 caddies. They harvest wild vegetables, fungi and fruit from the bush and trees lining the fairways. Free food. I'm not sure how a golf course despoils the environment, the greenery is sucking carbon dioxide out of the air. Pretty obvious you hate golf, my guess is you tried to play, and were utterly incompetent at it.
  10. I understand armed security guards and school shooter drills are commonplace in American schools, as well as metal detectors. In Australia, maybe an unarmed security guard, no drills, no metal detectors. They are not needed, the Faraday school kidnappings were 50 years ago. If Americans think their Second Amendment rights are more important than enabling their kids to attend school free of fear, IMO they are seriously <deleted> in the head.
  11. Incorrect, it just depends on how much money is on the table. In my experience, anyway.
  12. Exactly. Two glasses of water before retiring to bed helps the system detoxify alcohol, which is a diuretic. It makes one pee more, resulting in dehydration. The dehydration is what causes the hangover. Berocca probably does nothing, it's the water that is used to wash the tablet down that does.
  13. Change my GF for someone more responsible. It sounds like the dog is more important to you anyway.
  14. Agree, I have to wonder about the doctor she went to as well.
  15. I don't wear pajamas, but then I don't go out in public naked either. Note to self: Time to visit Pattaya.
  16. This thread is very sad, because it seems the OP's niece has slipped through the cracks of the Thai public health system somehow.
  17. Classic look over there post. When you get in a car to drive, or light a cigarette, as a person you accept the risk of those actions. I understand children in most civilized countries are not allowed to drive a car, or smoke. Most civilized countries can prevent their children from being slaughtered by a nutter with an automatic weapon as well. It's not a matter of percentages, it's about innocent kids being sacrificed on the altar of a national paranoia. What's next, you'll join the truthers that are denying Sandy Hook ever happened?
  18. Not particularly honest? Your post reeks of dishonesty and delusion. You could probably block out 26 million people where there have been no mass shootings? OK, show me. Australians have guns. They just don't have guns that are capable of mass slaughter. Show me where the Second Amendment says it's OK to own a M1 Abrams tank to defend oneself, taking it to a logical conclusion. On Friday, the NRA will hold its annual meeting in Texas about 400 km away. Abbott, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump will be guest speakers. If that doesn't tell you how sick America is, nothing will.
  19. Motorcycle helmets too? That was another touchy subject. "Putting up" with rules that are designed to keep one out of hospitals or a coffin seems sensible to me, that goes back to my remark about ability to delude oneself.
  20. Your own statement should provide the clue to get her to a good private hospital, where she will get appropriate drugs for treatment. IME government hospitals will use the cheapest generics they can find on the market, which is understandable given their patient load.
  21. From what I saw during the Capitol riot, it was the government that needed protecting. There is nothing sacred about the Second Amendment, it is a constitutional add-on which has outlived its usefulness. It's only rampant corruption of politicians that keeps it viable. I can still remember an American in Pittsburgh who was absolutely outraged when I told him wearing seat belts in Australia was compulsory. Such an attack on personal freedom would never happen in the USA. I never cease to marvel at the ability of Americans to delude themselves what they are doing is sensible.
  22. The first sentence of your post is one of the most tired arguments put forward by the gun lobby. If it is an automatic jail sentence for possessing an unlicensed firearm, criminals will be very wary about having them, let alone using them. The average penalty in Australia is one year's jail, and that increases exponentially for a previously-convicted felon, no matter what the crime before was. Do you have the weapons in your home securely locked away? Not much use in a home invasion, are they? You think a burglar is going to wait around for you to access them? If they are readily accessible, how do you deal with one of your children accidentally shooting themselves? Sure, the Second Amendment is not going away, but it could be amended sensibly. It started as an amendment itself, right?
  23. The Second Amendment refers to the right to bear arms. It does not specify what those arms are supposed to be, and I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers had Armalites in mind when it was drafted. We changed the laws in Australia. The USA can change laws too, heaven knows you have enough lawmakers for the task. I don't know if America educates on responsible gun ownership. It's a given in Australia, along with a licence application process designed to weed out the obvious nutters. From memory, about 38 pages of questions, without a shooter's licence or farmer's exemption no gun shop in Australia will sell you any firearm. I enjoyed gun ownership. I had a 0.243 Magnum, among others. That weapon was so powerful if you hit someone in the hand from 100 metres away, they'd be dead from hydrostatic shock. Having said that, it was a bolt action rifle, designed for pig hunting. The weapons the Second Amendment protects are designed to butcher human beings.
  24. They need to be hung for 2-3 days, otherwise the meat is too tough. During the Great Depression in Australia, many rural families became fat deficient when their only source of protein was rabbit meat. Back on topic, as I get older, I need sex less often. So does my GF, in her fifties. OTOH, cuddling stark naked is always a pleasure. As for having a woman my age in my bed - where's my bucket?
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