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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You may have forgotten there are such things as self-managed super funds. I am not sure governments would agree to guarantee those, for all they know I could be punting the money on junk bonds. As I said before, my beef with the government is the incompetent and lazy regulators they appoint. In the case of my previous post, it was someone who engaged in provable corruption.
  2. Some may be placed above head height, pointing away from the balcony space. Mine is. Condos that do not have them may have centralized air conditioning systems, or may not have aircon. I've seen one all-Thai condo that did not. Personally, I'd rather have my own aircon system. Centralized systems are ideal for spreading COVID, as the Australian authorities found out. There was only one quarantine facility in Australia which did not have an outbreak of COVID - Howard Springs. That was because each cabin had its own aircon.
  3. Split systems are more effective than window units, and less noisy. The balcony is the only practical place for them, they can hardly be placed in the condo corridors.
  4. Domestic violence is on the rise in many countries. However, IMO the mindset and education of many Thai males predisposes them towards it. I am a bit old to be intervening in an assault, it would depend on how I assessed my chances of successfully disabling the attacker. When I was younger, certainly.
  5. Shows how little you know, a change of email address and ISP is all that is needed to have a different nom-de-plume. I can't be bothered answering the rest of your post, it's the same stuff repeated over 300 times.
  6. Superannuation should have worked for me. Instead, a lot of it got stolen before, during and after the GFC, while government bodies such as ASIC and APRA sat on their hands. I have no compunction whatsoever in screwing the government for every cent I can squeeze out of it. Google Tony D'Aloisio.
  7. One can subscribe to Amazon or YouTube for alternative sources of entertainment. As another poster has said, an Android set-top box. IIRC, my mxQ box cost about 1500 baht.
  8. My condolences. Many Thai males seem to be under the impression abusing women is their right, yours is an extreme example. Moral cowards.
  9. Once was enough for me, although I stuck with it for far too long.
  10. Under Thai law, any assets owned by either partner before the marriage stay with the partner. Assets acquired after the marriage are split 50:50 in the event of divorce. I would be talking to a lawyer myself, in your shoes. You may have to buy her out of her half. Definitely change your will, she has every motive to speed up your departure.
  11. I don't presume that far, although I speak reasonable Thai. Assimilation is not something I aspire to, just getting along well will do. Jai yenn yenn.
  12. Ubiquitous, eh? You don't wear a mask in a hospital?
  13. I add in "sabai dee mai" ( are you well?) as icing on the cake.
  14. You may be right, perhaps the OP does not use deodorant. Or his appearance /demeanor triggers the confrontation. Mask observance may be more prevalent where the OP resides. While I don't know about Bangkok, and have no wish to stay there any more than one day, IMO mask observance is about 95% in Chiang Rai. If I go shopping in Big C, everyone has one.
  15. Obviously, killing the messenger has not gone out with the Romans. Commas in sentences are intended to give the reader a bit of a rest. It's not an apology when you choose to attack me. Perhaps you can explain why, if you are so busy with the various activities you describe, it is possible for you to find the time to write 13 paragraphs of what you describe yourself as guff. Why bother, if you can't express yourself clearly? What did I do today? I did stretching exercises in the morning, cardio in the afternoon. Walked 2 km to a fruit shop and back. Chainsawed and stacked a couple of loads of tree branches for next winter. Watched the first episode of "Sharpe" on Youtube. Spent about half an hour on ASEAN, some of it evidently wasted.
  16. PIR is polyisocyanurate. The panels are designed to form a stable char in a fire. While it is true PU is more flammable, it usually is dosed with flame retardants.
  17. Mask wearing is part of Thai culture, even when on a scooter with no helmet. While there are places and establishments that will accept walk-in customers without a mask, IME they are usually restaurants. There is still quite a lot of COVID in Thailand. It's not surprising some places would refuse to serve a maskless person, especially if they were foreigners.
  18. When the OP is adding a few more points later on, perhaps they could add some punctuation as a courtesy to others. Example: A usual one I get is women or men, who would never normally engage another person's child in unsolicited conversation in the street, but will try and show me that this boy is an Isaan child and not mine. They will start asking him the same questions: what village do you live in ? The title did not tell me much, the post even less. Garbled.
  19. Given the number of threads the OP has started in the Health and Medicine sub-forum, I am wondering why he wants to engage in humpy-rumpy, with the quantity of ailments he has listed. I think I will buy shares in whoever manufactures wheelbarrows. On current trends, I feel a thread on elephantiasis of the scrotum cannot be far away.
  20. Since when is light from an incandescent bulb natural? It's the end product of a complex manufacturing process. If you want natural light, wait for sunrise.
  21. Just wondering - are you one of those people who are accident-prone? I once knew a guy who was so mechanically inept, it ended in tears quite a few times. One occasion I remember was getting into an elevator on the seventh floor. He was holding the keys to his car, which was going to take us to the airport. He dropped the keys, and they went into the gap between the floor and the lift. I swear the keys never touched the sides.
  22. Slippery bathroom tiles, and now exploding light bulbs. Get out of Thailand before your aircon becomes a flamethrower.
  23. The pu yai in my GF's village adjudicates disputes. I don't know how much power he has, only that I have never seen the police in said village. I suppose the authority each pu yai has varies between villages. As other posters have said, not a good idea to make an enemy of one.
  24. I put that kind of statement in the same basket as posters who claim to have bought bitcoin at $1.50.
  25. Australia is known as the arid continent for a reason. Solar power is our wasted opportunity, along with tidal power in northern Australia. TBH, I prefer simple people over those that are up themselves.
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