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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Of course. Other food groups are necessary. During the Great Depression in Australia, impoverished rural families whose only form of protein was rabbit meat became fat-deficient. When one is looking for a low-carb diet, as I am, bamboo is the perfect food, but I don't know why you would think I would eat that exclusively.
  2. When women are talking, how do you know they are listening too? Switching off inputs is focusing on the task at hand. That's why in more safety-conscious countries, it is an offense to drive a car and use a mobile phone contemporaneously.
  3. I think I post because I have a masochistic streak. I really should find better things to do with my time, like picking up plastic waste, but I have a bad back. .
  4. I was a research chemist in the steel industry for 25 years. One of my first briefs was to understand what was causing a steel corrosion problem that was costing the company millions of dollars in customer claims every year. That led to a world patent, and also invitations to the annual NACE conferences as a speaker. NACE is the US National Association of Corrosion Engineers, the world's leading organization in that field. There is a process in steelmaking called cold-rolling, where 2.5 mm hot rolled is reduced down to mostly 0.4 mm sheet. A coolant is used in that process, basically a mixture of water, emulsifier, and esters. The end product has a surface coating of 100 - 200 mg/sqm of ester. Cold rolled steel must be put into downstream processes such as annealing or metal coating within 48 hours of production, otherwise surface corrosion ( rusting ) will make the steel unfit for use. If esters prevent rusting, they fail to do so in this case. Which is why I am calling papa al's post BS. Also a demonstration of the adage a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
  5. Bamboo is one of the healthiest foods around. Packed with minerals and fibre, zero calories.
  6. You are still of an age where you can get away with carbs and sugar, although I would suggest you are not eating unlimited quantities to retain a flat stomach. You'd have to be exercising at elite athlete level if you were. Basically diet is what reduces weight, exercise is what maintains the weight loss. I'll admit not having cakes, ice cream and Pringles is a PITA, but at age 78 it's what I must do to avoid Type 2 diabetes.
  7. Perhaps the term you are looking for is "Philips screwdriver".
  8. No, not keto. That's high fat and protein, I agree it's dangerous. I am not out of carbs entirely, I am targeting low carb foods across a spectrum. Vegetables : Spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, bamboo, green capsicum, tomato,mushrooms. Nuts: Macadamia and Brazil nuts. Fruit: Berries, oranges, cantelope,avocado. Drinks: Whisky is low, beer is packed with carbs. Protein: Oily fish, pork, chicken, beef, eggs, cheese. I allow myself one slice of whole wheat bread for breakfast, and an occasional lunch of whole wheat durum spaghetti flavored with pesto. You are presumably blessed with a high metabolic rate to be getting away with the food choices you describe. As I have gotten older, my metabolism has probably slowed down. I remember an American in Chiang Mai who lived on Maccas and KFC. Never ate any fruit or vegetables. He died after what he ate simply stopped moving through his digestive system.
  9. Where are they manufactured? AFAIK iHerb is based in the USA.
  10. Yes. With COVID, delivery times from the US have slowed to about a month and a half. Don't know if there are quarantine issues involved in the delay, but it is likely.
  11. My HbA1C is satisfactory, it's the high FBS that worries me. My diet is possibly the opposite of yours. Sucrose completely eliminated, my only source of sugar is the fructose in fruit. If it grows below ground, I don't eat it. Only stuff growing above ground. Potatoes, rice, pasta are all out. If it's food that can be put on a shelf, no. If it needs to go into a refrigerator, it's mostly OK. I can eat as much cheese and yoghurt as I want, same with protein. The philosophy behind the diet is teaching my body to metabolize fat in place of carbohydrate and sugar. So far, I have lost 5 kg. I'll get an FBS done in a fortnight to see what progress I have made. Back on topic, pathology labs are probably the cheapest and most accurate option short of self-testing. Many hospitals send their test samples out to path labs anyway.
  12. I like cooking too, although I prefer lazy recipes. I was once given a Christmas dinner by a guy who had worked as a chef in one of the big London restaurants. He spent two days doing reductions, stuffings, sauces etc. While the end result was very good, I thought it was a hell of a lot of work for a single meal. Okra is a bit tricky, if it is overcooked it goes quite slimy. I used to buy it in Chiang Mai, can't recall seeing it in Chiang Rai.
  13. I'm a Mexican i.e. south of Sydney. In my neck of the woods, I would complain, and wait for them to do something to fix the problem. If they didn't, I never went back. Complaining just doesn't work here. I sometimes get charged 1 baht for a plastic bag at a 7/11 when I forget to put a recyclable bag under the scooter seat. 1 baht or 4 baht, IMO it's ridiculous to be getting one's knickers in a twist over something so petty. Get a life, I say.
  14. You could try pointing out to him a constant diet of painkillers is not doing his kidneys and liver any good at all, especially when combined with alcohol.
  15. My link to iHerb is working no problem, perhaps the OP should be getting his system checked for viruses. Delivery is slower than Lazada; however, I have more confidence in how genuine the supplement is with iHerb.
  16. A response such as this is more likely to cement the image of arrogant farangs who think they can override store policy. Every Thai within earshot of the exchange was probably thinking "stupid farang". It's not rocket science. I take a recyclable bag with me, or an Esky with an ice pack if they are items requiring refrigeration. In Thai culture, complaining is the same as insulting the person. You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. I don't complain. I say nothing, and make damn sure the business that gave me bad service never gets my custom again.
  17. I am a speed reader, but I do struggle more with reading garbage than cogent argument.
  18. I have noticed the most lengthy posts come from those attempting to justify the most trivial.
  19. "Long COVID" has been known since the alpha variant of coronavirus kicked off the pandemic. Different variants apparently result in different symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. It is not another variation, it's been there since the beginning. It's also why COVID cannot be regarded as just another form of flu, which for the vast majority of people only lasts two weeks.
  20. My understanding from Australian data is "long COVID" affects 10-15% of people, and disproportionally affects the unvaccinated. The main symptom seems to be excessive fatigue, which clears up in 3-6 months for most. I have a friend here who contracted COVID, unvaccinated. His fatigue lasted about 2 months, he still admits to having concentration problems 6 months afterwards. I was vaccinated twice before getting COVID, cleared in 3 days. Most vulnerable age group. The only after-effect I have is an increasing lack of patience with the beliefs of anti-vaxxers.
  21. Recipe using locally obtainable ingredients? Please.
  22. Beat me to it. I understand the Bible calls it " Straining at a gnat, and swallowing a camel."
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