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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I seem to be reading different news, according to the media I get Trump-backed Republicans are winning in the mid-terms. Which tilts the balance, for me at least, towards mad.
  2. Between "to any woman", and "unless".
  3. Lazada has 43,000 12V battery chargers listed.
  4. Fair enough. Having driven both, I have to say in German cars, BMW would be my preference. Have you ever been in a Kia Stinger? Comparing that with the Merc counterpart 200 SLK, it has about 35% more boost on the turbo, and is $20,000 cheaper in Australia. It is a seriously good vehicle.
  5. As other posters have noted, retirement extensions not included. I think I would do my retirement extensions the old way anyway, until such time as others gave feedback on whether the system was a clusterf##k, or successful. I don't see any reason to be a lab rat.
  6. You only missed one comma, congratulations.
  7. IIRC, you have said you have tattoos which have meaning to you, Buddhist-derived. They presumably would have no meaning to police in a Western country. IMO said police, when looking at something they have not seen before, would be suspicious. It's a mindset that is derived from having to deal with lowlifes on a daily basis. No doubt if you were well dressed, and explained the tattoos are sacred Buddhist symbols, their attitude would change. It may even be an asset in Thailand. Everyone classifies and discriminates on the basis of appearance. Turn up to Immigration looking like something the cat dragged in, I am fairly sure one's treatment would differ from that of a well-dressed person.
  8. Probably easier to sell the Benz if the sealing gunk does not work, Mercedes dealerships here charge 3-4 times in servicing what one would pay for something like a Toyota. MB has acquired an unenviable reputation for throwing their car buyers under a bus. I owned one once, never again.
  9. It depends on where the tooth is, one's age, and how important that particular tooth is in biting and chewing. At my advanced age, I would only have teeth restored if critical. Two extracted in the last two years, I get along OK without them. IMO you could probably have a molar in the position you describe removed without missing it much. I've found dentists here can extract teeth quite painlessly with injections, your choice if you want nitrous oxide instead. You do have the option of replacing with an implant later; however, that's a lot more expensive than a crown, 55K-60K baht.
  10. IMO there are more Thais in defacto relationships with foreigners than there are married to one. Foreigners that have been burned in Western family courts are unlikely to want to have a repeat in Thailand, even if the division of property here is on a more equitable basis.
  11. You may be right, people who go out of their way to be annoying have that effect on me.
  12. I get it, you want to be an ASEAN oracle. Permit me to doubt you will achieve that with statements of the bleeding obvious. You won't be doing it with vacuous putdowns such as "Think before you post" or " You obviously haven't been there" either.
  13. When questioning any person, the first thing police do is look for any visible tattoos on said person. The more there are, the more suspect the person becomes. Police classify people on various attributes, including tattoos. A bit ironic, because some have tattoos themselves.
  14. I am not sure whether car tyre shops carry motorbike tyres as well, but it may be worth a try. I find it hard to believe you are so far out in the sticks that there would not be at least one shop servicing two-wheel transport, apart from a Honda dealer in the next town. So many Thais that can't afford four wheels. Have you tried Lazada? 37,000 items when I looked.
  15. "It could be earning 10% invested." Where have I heard that before. Less than a year ago, central banks were setting minuscule interest rates. Now, the Fed has interest rates at 4% and inflation at 8.2%. Let me suggest 10% represents considerable risk of capital loss.
  16. "nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people" ( H L Mencken )
  17. I would not say condo, however, it is possible to rent rooms in outer suburbs such as San Kamphaeng or Doi Saket for that amount. If I chose to rent out my fully furnished condo in Chiang Rai ( with swimming pool ) the current market is 6500 - 7000 baht/month. One can pay anything between 10K and 30K for a condo in CM, depending on size and luxury level. If I was to dispense with my GF and her support, my own budget would be about 30,000 baht/month, which is about three-fifths what I get as an Australian pension. Not that I wish to. I remember an American in CM who was really skint, living on about 8000 baht/month. He claimed he got most of his protein by licking up ants from the floor.
  18. Thank you. It is unlikely you could find it without very specific directions.
  19. Where have you not been, Mr. Ubiquitous?
  20. My average over the last 3 years is 55,000 baht/month. At that rate, I will run out of backup assets when I am 103. I will still have a pension. I live as I want to, if I feel like having a luxury occasionally I do it.
  21. I wonder how long a trip like that would take, what with picking up and dropping off, plus the slow speed of songthaews. The Green Bus between CM and CR takes about 3 hours, doing 80 km/hr. IMO it would be a long and uncomfortable journey.
  22. I actually don't know how real estate agents make a living here, their forte seems to be masterly inactivity.
  23. AFAIK they don't use tuk-tuks to travel from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, unless they are complete masochists. Seems you don't know what a road trip is.
  24. @BritManToo is the guy you need for information.
  25. I have had two carpal tunnel operations, left and right hand. My hands are fully functional and pain-free about 20 years after the operations. IME splinting and anti-inflammatories are very temporary fixes. Anti-inflammatories damage the kidneys with prolonged use. Cortisone worked for me for about 4 months. The danger with cortisone is it destroys nerve tissue, so usually 2-3 injections is the limit. Like a lot of other surgeries, recovery is dependent on the amount of rehabilitation the patient is prepared to put in afterwards. As Sheryl says, it is a simple operation. One learns to operate with one hand only for a month or two. The good news is the fix seems to be permanent, I have never heard of anyone requiring a repeat operation. IMO you will find the aftermath of an operation is much more preferable to the sleeplessness and pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Cast off your fear.
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