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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. So I am not alone in noticing this attribute.
  2. IMO Sparktrader wants to get his post count up, that's why most of his responses are brief. Attention-seeker. Asian businesses work on a consensus basis. However, there will always be an alpha male all the rest defer to when it comes to a final decision. Sometimes an alpha female. 500 baht is definitely a try-on, I'll bet most were donating 20-100 baht. It would not bother me if Thai co-workers did not talk to me, their topics of conversation are usually food, who is bonking whom, and money. In your shoes, I would simply go about my work, and ignore them. Believe it or not, more effective employees do get noticed.
  3. I remember a scene from the movie "Under Siege" when Steven Seagal used a microwave to create an explosion in the ship's galley. I use a susceptor of half a cup of water when heating a pad filled with wheat. I forgot the water once, result combustion. I applaud your son, curiosity and experimentation seem to be quite rare nowadays. My favorite was the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, quite spectacular. My science teacher forbade further experiments, I think he was worried I might start making nitroglycerine.
  4. I read most of Dickens' books before my teens. I remember that phrase, perhaps in the edition I was reading the proofreaders corrected the article. "An" should always be used when the following noun commences with a vowel. Rooster may be correct in his quotation, I am grammatically correct. I don't always take Google as gospel, as I have found it to be wrong in fact on a few occasions.
  5. Certainly governments like digital transactions, it makes monitoring and control so much easier for them. It's also why they don't like bitcoin, as being outside the currency fold. Whenever I go back to Australia, even the smallest shop now has card readers, cash is a rarity.
  6. If you made money in crypto, someone else lost. As Kenny Rogers said, that's why it's called gambling.
  7. I'm not sure how cash gets wiped out, it is still a major component of the Thai payment system. IMO crypto is worth nothing if there is an EMP. It's just ordered electrons in cyberspace, and demand for bitcoin is about as logical as assigning value to tulip bulbs.
  8. Big pharmacies have gel packs which can be either heated up or frozen to treat sprains. Expensive, IIRC about 450 baht.
  9. I have a HP inkjet color printer, and a Brother B&W laser printer. The HP has been a PITA with ink consumption, and paper jams. I only use it for scanning nowadays. The Brother toner cartridges are more expensive; however, they last a very long time. It's been a very reliable printer.
  10. Microwaves use less energy than a conventional oven. They also heat up food much faster. I always use the microwave to zap takeaways I have bought, to ensure the food is thoroughly cooked. If I have canned soup, also useful. Canned coffee, ditto. Note to OP: As you have never used a microwave before, putting anything with metal in a microwave is a VERY bad idea. Expect a lot of spitting with fatty foods. Microwaves function by imparting heat energy to any water present. I find it useful heating up a cup of water for shaving, in preference to using more energy and time with a kettle. Plenty of inexpensive benchtop microwave ovens around, Lazada has over 4000 of them.
  11. I understand Mr. Bumble said "The law is AN ass, AN idiot." For someone who prides himself on his Scrabble skills, not good, Rooster.
  12. Anyone doing some fact checking would find the majority of foreign ownership in Australia is the US and UK, China comes in at number 8. It's also more correct to say more fool our politicians, a sorry lot.
  13. It's only creepy in your mind, sex with big farangs does not seem to bother the small brown girls. Who are all over Thailand, not just Patong. My GF weighs in at 40 kg, we have been together for about 8 years. An utterly ignorant post from you.
  14. It's also a fact most of them can't spell any word of more than two syllables correctly. They understand PTSD, not the words behind the acronym.
  15. I can understand that happens in America. AFAIK the instances of rotten apples in Australia is very low. All the police I have encountered there have been professional. I also have had no problem with the police in Thailand. It comes down to the question: if you don't have any respect for them, and your attitude reflects that, why should they have any respect for you?
  16. AFAIK there is no restriction on cheese coming into Thailand. Forget about trying to get it past quarantine in Australia. Actually, you can take any food you want into Australia, provided you are prepared to wait a couple of weeks while it is irradiated with neutrons. Don't blame me if you glow in the dark after eating said food.
  17. Oz bans a lot more than fruit, it's one of the strictest on the planet in terms of quarantine laws. With good reason.
  18. Was that Sinovac? The data is saying it's like a coin toss w.r.to protection against infection, better in terms of preventing serious illness. IMO she is getting repeats due to variants, and maybe she is not building up enough antibodies for immunity. Being hospitalized for two weeks, when she is in the least vulnerable age bracket of serious illness, means she is statistically an outlier.
  19. The only conclusions I can draw from your post is you are either skint, or as ugly as a hatful of camel bums. I'm not far from the latter, does not seem to be an impediment. Free advice: Diesel is not an acceptable aftershave.
  20. What a surprise. The data is already in that masks work, albeit more effectively in preventing people from spreading COVID by coughing and sneezing. Children are the least affected in the age groups by COVID in terms of severity, so schools are the ideal petri dish and reservoir.
  21. I would not rush to judgment on this condition. Certainly there are a few who use it to obtain benefits; however, far more that have been traumatized by their experiences. The cost of being hardened by experience, rather than being affected by it, IMO is a loss of humanity. Being a tough guy does not necessarily make one a better person. Sometimes worse. When one looks at police who have to deal with domestic violence, child murders, horrific auto accidents and low-lifes on a daily basis, the only surprise is more don't have PTSD.
  22. Loading up on something tangible, precious metals. Why anyone would consider loading up on a collection of ephemeral electrons in what appears to be a gigantic Ponzi scheme is beyond my comprehension. I have never seen gold lose two-thirds of its value in less than a year, bitcoin has. That's not a dip, it's a slaughterhouse of the gullible.
  23. IMO a secondhand golf club, anywhere from a one-iron to a pitching wedge depending on the OP's height, would do just as well. Apart from fending off soi dogs, also useful as a snake-killer. Not sure there are too many left with hickory shafts, though.
  24. Lucky you, winning the Windows lottery. The OP does not seem to be as fortunate.
  25. He does have a point. Given some of the arrant stupidity I see posted on ASEAN regularly, I might join up.
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