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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You can find them in CM too. At the risk of generalizing, I'd say most women here seem to work harder than most men.
  2. IME Isaan women have the reputation of being hard workers. The few I have met tend to confirm that observation. I know one who is partnered with a Canadian who is Olympic class for laziness. It's a perfect match, she can't sit still for 5 minutes without wanting to work on something. He says it makes him tired just watching her.
  3. IME I have been able to move freely around Thailand without awareness above normal precautions. From the accounts of others, that freedom of movement is much more problematic in the Philippines. The safest I have ever felt in a foreign country is Japan, one gets the feeling it would be a national shaming if a foreigner was attacked or harassed in any way. It is possible for a tourist to drift into an area of higher risk without knowing it. I found that out during walking in New York, and suddenly realizing I was the only white face among quite a few black ones. Harlem.
  4. The bank letter confirms your bank balance one or two days before the day of the extension, along with the bank statement. Duplication, I know. Just ask in English for a letter for the visa extension, or say jotmy sam la Immigration. Bank officials are used to foreigners asking, they probably get one or two every day. The 90 day report is usually folded up by Immigration and stapled into the passport. It needs to be unstapled, unfolded, and photocopied. Put the original back in the passport with the date of the next report exposed. To save complications I print off the 90 day report I do online, and staple it in myself.
  5. I did not make any claims about the rape and murder of female tourists in the Philippines, so kindly desist from trying to twist what I said. You can read the opinions of other posters on this thread, including their experiences there.
  6. I was referring to Bangkok when I said southern Thais. Quite remarkable you can assess the level of sophistication of Khon Kaen locals. However, I think you'll find Isaan is somewhat bigger than Khon Kaen.
  7. What do you use to check? How old is the program? Bear in mind malware evolves just as anti-virus programs have to.
  8. Running slowly may mean you have acquired malware, possibly by clicking on an attachment or link. Best get a computer technician to check. Windows in all forms is the target of first choice for hackers.
  9. Southern Thais think of Isaan much like New Yorkers think of hillbillies.
  10. If I do use an ATM ( very rarely ) I make sure it is the bank's ATM outside the bank itself, so if anything goes wrong I can get the problem attended to immediately.
  11. IMO part of the problem is advertising revenue. I doubt anyone can read a review of any vehicle nowadays that discusses a vehicle warts and all. Two reasons - the journalists themselves would lose the junkets to a manufacturer's headquarters, and the advertising income would dry up overnight. Any writer with the temerity to describe a vehicle as a pile of excrement, with supporting facts, would be shown the door quite rapidly. The other problem area is media ownership. People such as Murdoch know there is more money in catering to the lowest common denominator, than being impartial. Going through secondary college, I was taught English Literature, French, Latin and German. I was also taught the meaning of terms such as ontology, epistemology, and empiricism. I learned about the various forms of dishonest argument used in debate. Permit me to doubt that breadth of background is available in classrooms nowadays.
  12. It may simply be a hot transmission, from using too high a gear. https://magazine.unsealed4x4.com.au/unsealed-4x4-issue-068/mu-x-common-problems-and-solutions
  13. To whom? The phu yai? Good luck with that. I get the same about once every couple of months. I just close the windows, turn on the aircon, and inset my earplugs.
  14. Parking at a shopping mall here is very easy with a scooter. As for bird watching, I'll find a seat, and just watch an assortment of women walk by ranging from cute to beautiful. It's pretty rare to see scooters parked at a shopping mall in Australia. I have no interest in whale-watching, not in a shopping mall anyway.
  15. You may be right. Having said that, there are plenty of single Western females who seem to get along fine in cities such as Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. You've never heard of rape and murder in the Philippines? It's a violent and dangerous place, perhaps you should broaden your reading horizons.
  16. It is true the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It is true no-one has succeeded in circumventing the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is true if one steps off the twentieth floor of a condo, the probability of surviving the fall is vanishingly small. Perhaps you could explain what you think establishes your own credibility. I suspect ontology and epistemology are not your strong suits.
  17. IMO it is useful to post material grievances here as a warning and information for others. If there is a brand that throws you under a bus when it comes to a warranty, or a defective product, wouldn't you want to know about it? If there was a police checkpoint that had a reputation for extorting foreigners on the flimsiest of pretexts, I am damn sure I would like to hear about that too.
  18. I would suggest Thailand and Vietnam are better choices. From what I have heard from people who have been to the Philippines, it is probably the most violent of the Asian countries, due to poverty and the proliferation of guns. A middle-aged foreign woman would be an easy target.
  19. I find winter in Chiang Rai to be very pleasant. During the pandemic, it seemed to be one of the better places to hunker down.
  20. Quite true, however, there are less pleasant ways to shuffle off this mortal coil. Here's some of the complications from diabetes: Complications Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease. Diabetes majorly increases the risk of many heart problems. ... Nerve damage (neuropathy). ... Kidney damage (nephropathy). ... Eye damage (retinopathy). ... Foot damage. ... Skin and mouth conditions. ... Hearing impairment. ... Alzheimer's disease.
  21. Best advice I can give is stay out of the sun. Private hospitals usually have a dermatologist on their staff.
  22. Any 50% synthetic or full synthetic motor oil will do. Oils designed as specifically for chainsaws are more designed to drain the pockets of people who buy them.
  23. Americans confuse socialism with communism, they have been indoctrinated that way, just as the majority of Russians believe the war in Ukraine is justified. We have had socialist governments in Australia on and off since Federation, and we have survived OK. It's worth noting most of our reforms are introduced by them, whereas conservative governments tend towards corruption, and selling off any publicly-owned assets they can lay their hands on. No, I am not a red sympathizer. I was told by a Siberian Jew how he and his fellow students were conscripted to harvest wheat in the new lands. They stored the harvested wheat in bags, which stayed open because the factory that was supposed to be manufacturing thread to sew the bags up failed to deliver the thread. One of the pitfalls of a planned economy. As a result, about one-third of the crop was lost to birds and vermin. I also remember a quite hilarious article in "The Economist" many years ago entitled " In the Lunatic Bus Factory", describing truck manufacture in Russia.
  24. Excellent pets when domesticated, a neighbor had one. Supposed to be illegal to own a dingo; however,he was a lawyer so presumably he was immune to prosecution. Speaking of lawyers, did you know one in ten people in Washington, D.C. is a lawyer? We make do with three in one thousand. No wonder you guys have problems. My spelling eagle eye detected you feinted in your OP, and did not faint as you no doubt meant. Is this another feint?
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