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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. No way I would tolerate a woman who would not talk to me for days. My GF may sulk for an hour after we have had one of our very infrequent arguments, then it's resolved by discussion so we each know where the other is coming from. Drinking alone is a small red flag. If she has no women friends, that's a huge one. Just like there are men who give other men the warm sweet urge to hit them solidly in the mouth, there are women that other women avoid as if the woman had leprosy. Assuming it's not a troll OP, if you do not grow a pair and fast, she will walk all over you.
  2. All I can say is I have never ever lost money on precious metals. Gold because it is the risk-off refuge. Silver because it's used in solar cells. Platinum because there is only one month's forward supply, and it comes mainly from places like Russia and Zimbabwe.
  3. Invalid comparison, gold is tangible. Bitcoin is a stream of electrons on the internet. I'm wondering how bitcoin would cope with an EMP event.
  4. Rule 1 of investing is don't put your money into anything you don't understand. I don't understand how cryptos can be anything more than Dutch tulips, given the opportunities for computer hacking. Plus governments don't like financial systems out of their reach, China is already regulating crypto. I'm into precious metals. Up 20% on paper so far, if Russia invades Ukraine there will be more.
  5. I consider I get very good value in return, so I don't care. Had a couple of relationships in Australia where I wasn't the ATM, I was the whole bank.
  6. I give my GF 8000 baht/month, what she does with it is her business. I'd assume some goes to her family. I also pay utilities, internet, electricity and cooking gas. Her house only, I only give the family small cash gifts at Christmas. The average wage in her village is 2000-3000 baht/month. Until I came on this thread, I did not realize how generous I am.
  7. Boerewors, Cumberland, Bratwurst and Chorizo yes. I do enjoy them with some mash and gravy.
  8. I prefer to leave the lights off. The women look better, and I look much better. Have you tried going by feel alone? Broaden your horizons.
  9. My GF's father is on his last legs, kidney failure. The family rotates to ensure someone is with him 24/7. Relatives from several parts of Thailand are visiting as well.
  10. I've loaned small amounts of money to several Thais, and been surprised when I got the money back. I tend to think in terms of a loan being a gift. That way I am not disappointed when the money fails to return. If it was a large loan, I would be wanting collateral. So far in Thailand, no one has tried it on.
  11. I'll only have unprotected sex when I know there are no unintended consequences. As for drinking alcohol, I'll take bets every moo baan in Thailand has a couple of village idiots, the result of fetal alcohol syndrome.
  12. Two options: Move to Cambodia, as long as the food is reasonable. Go back to Australia, buy a mobile home. Real estate is unaffordable. Philippines, no. Women are attractive, apparently food is garbage. Myanmar is even more xenophobic than Thailand. Not the people themselves, the rulers. Malaysia, don't like the food, puritanical Muslim society. Vietnam, maybe. Laos, maybe. Depends on the visas available.
  13. My son is in Melbourne, we talk via meeting software such as DUO or ZOOM. LINE is too flaky. He would much rather come and visit me, which he did several times pre-COVID.
  14. Sometimes I have indifferent sex, sometimes it is very good. IMO it's not coincidence the very good sex happens when I have taken my GF along for the ride, if you get my drift. If it's only about your own satisfaction, easier to buy one of those life-size dolls and some KY.
  15. There is no way I will return to Australia under current rules, because I am too old and have pre-existing conditions which make getting the mandated insurance impossible, even though none of those conditions are expected by the medicos to kill me. If I was to leave, and not be able to return, the distress my Thai GF would feel would be unbearable for us both. I'm staying put, Thailand is my home until someone throws me out, or I die here. I can think of worse places to be.
  16. I don't know what parallel universe of semantics you inhabit; when someone tells me to stop lying they are calling me a liar. On ignore now, should have done it earlier.
  17. I do, I object to being called a liar by some keyboard warrior with delusions about the honesty of some of his nationality. It depends on whether the agent is legit or not. For the agents who falsify bank information to get an extension, it's 30K - 40K baht every year charged to the client. That's more than a month's income to some, especially if they have no pension. Of the three Americans that were forced out by the lack of a letter, two went back to the US. The other went to Cambodia, after moving from a 10K baht/month condo to a 2K baht/month room. He used to say he was licking up ants from the floor for protein. I am not entirely sure he was joking.
  18. I have a Thai will and Australian will. All assets in Thailand go to my Thai GF, the assets in Australia go to my son and sister. There is a joint account with my Thai GF which has enough money in it to keep her going until probate is granted on the Thai will. We've agreed she won't touch it unless I am incapacitated. She has my son's phone number, and can connect with him on LINE. I am in the process of setting her up with DUO, which has superior video capabilities.
  19. It depends on what the university degree is in. I haven't met any poor doctors or accountants. Science can be hit or miss, it really boils down to what is the hot topic of the decade. I suspect vaccine biochemists and immunologists are sought after presently.
  20. Take the pay cut, and immediately start looking for better jobs with better pay. Although this may be a general approach by most businesses with the upcoming minimum wage proposal, take with one hand and give back with the other. Psychologically, IMO it's much better for her to continue employment, rather than going back to dependence on relatives.
  21. Do not call me a liar. I know what I saw, and heard from those Americans who left. One even boasted how he had conned the Thais for 7 years. Point out in my previous posts where I said "all or most". Push back all you want, the truth is out there somewhere. The percentage of those who lied will probably never be known accurately.
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