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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. So are you, a deflection. IIRC, the debate started concerning the efficiency of fossil-fuel powered electricity generators. Which, if my math is correct, is still 61% of all power generation. I can read and comprehend the first time around, no need to repost a link. BTW, the proposition natural gas is a cleaner fuel than coal and oil is false. Natural gas does not come out of the ground in a pure state, it is usually accompanied by up to 40% of carbon dioxide. Just thought I'd save you from posting another BS statement.
  2. The OP was paying 16,500 baht/month for a room without a kitchen, changed to one costing 14,100. Calculated on a 30 day/month basis. Most condos will rent by the month, usually apartments are bigger and better equipped. Power and water is usually about 600 - 800 baht/month. I can rent a condo in Jomtien or Pattaya for 10,000 baht/month, even less in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. The OP is talking about Thai business sense? LOL.
  3. I suggest you educate yourself on what engines do, and post data on the efficiency of an ICE to support your argument. Power stations and ICE's both burn fossil fuel to generate kinetic energy. In a power station, that kinetic energy is converted to electricity via electromagnetic induction of a dynamo. In the ICE, the energy is transferred via mechanical linkages to the wheels. I quote from the link you posted. "Typical thermal efficiency for utility-scale electrical generators is around 37% for coal and oil-fired plants,[8]" And from Wikipedia: "In 2008 to 2015, GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) increased the efficiency of the engines equipped with this fueling system up to 35%.[citation needed] Currently, as 2020, the technology is available in a wide variety of vehicles." I also quote from your post: "And yes, power stations are more efficient than internal combustion engines." This is known as begging the question, or circular argument. The fact you are asserting something does not make it so. Noted the information on Mae Moh was left to go through to the wicketkeeper.
  4. This report says absolutely nothing and has no data concerning the relative efficiency of power stations and ICE's when both are burning fossil fuels. You are correct in saying an EV is much more efficient than an ICE when it is fueled by renewable energy. Mae Moh supplies the majority of electrical power in Northwest Thailand. It generates electricity from lignite, the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet. It is currently expanding capacity. Lignite has to be chemically treated first, to remove impurities such as arsenic. The incoming fuel contains approximately 32% water. This power station is converting such fuel to electricity more efficiently than an ICE burning straight diesel or gasoline? That has to be up there with some of the most ridiculous and stupid propositions posted on ASEAN. I suggest you post facts, not your beliefs.
  5. A confused poster here, apparently claiming power stations use regenerative braking to enhance efficiency. I get the feeling my post was completely misunderstood......
  6. Thank you for asking. I had a bit of a scare in September when my urine cytology came back "equivocal". A repeat test was clear. Finasteride seems to be keeping my BPH under control, it would be nice to avoid a TURP if I can. Which I would probably have done in Australia if time and circumstances permit.. IIRC, you were really in the wars on the same front. Have you healed up fully?
  7. Burning coal, oil and gas at a power station to generate electricity is the same process that an ICE employs. Explain how said process magically improves in efficiency when they are both based on combustion of a fossil fuel.
  8. One drives at a speed appropriate to the road conditions, apparently that is too complex a concept for some.
  9. The OP can buy a car heater that plugs into the cigarette lighter socket. In Thailand, there is usually enough heat coming through from the engine bay if the windows are closed. Or just buy a jacket, like the people on scooters do.
  10. It's apodictic officials of any stripe worldwide cannot possibly know and remember ALL the laws they are required to administer. That would require omniscience, and a perfect memory. I once met a guy who claimed to remember everything. I asked him how he would know.
  11. "Apparently the vehicle was indicating". I've looked at the video half a dozen times, and damned if I can see any strobing of a light, front or back. In this case, I'd agree the motorcyclist is at fault, either 100% or to a lesser extent if there is no indication. Mainly because he maintains speed instead of slowing down as the car is slowing and turning.
  12. Sorry, not correct. EV's are no more efficient than ICE cars when they are refueled from a coal, oil or gas burning power station. It's only when they are recharged from nuclear or renewable power stations the claim of efficiency stacks up. In point of fact, the energy input into the manufacture of an EV is greater than that of of an ICE, those big batteries require a lot of carbon emissions to make. The running COST of an EV is considerably less, however, that should not be confused with efficiency. The car industry aspect has limited significance anyway. If I was to replace every ICE in Australia with an EV overnight, it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a mere 8%. Fossil-fuelled generators are the real culprits. It's irrelevant to me anyway. I'll be dead before the real <deleted> happens. It's just the stupidity and ignorance of climate deniers that would not know the laws of thermodynamics from a teapot cosy that depresses me.
  13. I'm so unlucky if I bought a funeral business, people would stop dying.
  14. I'd start chewing razor blades before I get on a bicycle here. No acceleration to escape a situation if necessary, and next to no vehicle mass. Even a scooter packs 150 kg of weight. As for your assertion it's safer in the "normal" traffic lanes, we'll have to agree to disagree. I'll cite my driving record here, do you have any facts to back up your opinion?
  15. As The Fugitive has explained, the rear vision of the Thai niece was obstructed by vehicles behind her, although that explanation assumes she would have been using her mirrors. IME most Thais don't. It also depends on the speed the motorcyclist was doing. I don't agree with the term "undertaking" if the shoulder is regarded as another lane. If the shoulder is as lethal as you claim, how do you explain my survival on it for ten years? I am not that lucky, otherwise I would have won TattsLotto multiple times. Certainly there are road hazards on the shoulder. I adjust my speed accordingly. It's called threat assessment. If necessary, I will stop behind a parked vehicle and allow traffic to clear before proceeding. IME most main roads have a clearly demarcated lane, and I use it gratefully. Extremely rare to encounter gravel or a pothole. OTOH, the stupid <deleted> on two wheels that insist on occupying a car lane at 50 km/hr when the average car speed is 80-90 km/hr IMO are dicing with sideswipe death.
  16. Yes and no. Some shoulders are clearly marked as scooter lanes, others are not. IMO it is safer to ride on the shoulder, and I have 10 years of accident-free scooter riding in Thailand to prove it. Defensive driving. Do you want to do a legal 90 km/hr in the right-hand lane with a pickup bearing down on your two wheels at 120 km/hr? Or would you rather be doing 130 km/hr there when a soi dog decides to amble across? Good luck with both scenarios. IMO the Thai niece was in the wrong, careless driving.
  17. I remember a Belgian guy in my condo in Chiang Mai who decided he could make extra baht by renting out a couple of 110 cc scooters. Two French guys rented them for a month, and returned them as wrecks. No accidents, but they racked up so many kilometers in the mountains around Chiang Rai the engines were essentially rooted. IIRC he sold them for a fraction of what he paid for them. I used to rent myself, before I bought my own scooter. 5000 baht deposit, copy of passport, take the scooter back once a month for a check. Big rental shop on Loi Kroh Road. I did try another shop, and they wanted my passport. No thanks. I'd say forget it, unless the OP enjoys heartache. There is no control over how responsible your renters will be.
  18. Oxymoron and contradiction of terms were my thoughts. I'm just wondering what schizoid wordsmith came up with the phrase.
  19. I am not sure how relevant your response is to the OP's situation, which is how to restore stopped payments. I accept Centrelink and the ATO may be separated under the MyGov umbrella, although things can change. IME doing things online with Centrelink can be a minefield, after one experience where the computer refused to accept a supporting document, I prefer speaking to a real person.
  20. Whether it is carried out in the case of rich and/or influential people is a different question.
  21. Not twenties in the 'burbs, maybe Mt Macedon or Olinda. I don't believe everything Google says, and have known it was wrong in fact on occasion.
  22. If you believe these herbals are assisting you, that is probably reinforcing the result. Known as the placebo effect, it's what cures some believers at Lourdes. Can't argue with your statement the pharmaceutical industry makes products that are bad for the liver. Kidneys too. I recall reading many years ago an article which said 95% of medications have an organic chlorine component.
  23. You don't say where in Thailand you are located. I've found the best recommendations are those coming from fellow expats who have had work done by a Thai in the same area of expertise I am seeking.
  24. Noise cancelling headphones.
  25. Women are up for it anywhere, it's a question of reading the price tag.
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