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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. No question the Western diet is unhealthy. The last time I was in Australia, I hit 100 kg. Now 88 kg on 90% Thai food. Smaller portions, less saturated fat. Prior to World War II, breast cancer was almost unknown in Japanese women. They have caught up now, on more Western food. I guess Thai women are trending that way as well. The obsession with having larger breasts comes at a price.
  2. Each to his own, I prefer older women. No starfishes, they like getting laid as much as I do. Permit me to doubt Thalia is going to share with you.
  3. Lacessit

    Booster shots ?

    Had Sinovac and AZ, then a short bout of COVID. Had a Pfizer booster about 4 months after the COVID. Medical opinion seems to be divided, some say Sinovac/AZ counts as 1 jab only. I was rejected at Central Festival by the doctor there when I wanted a booster, he said I had enough acquired immunity. That conflicted with medical advice I got elsewhere, so I had the booster at the clinic in my GF's village.
  4. To me, it's a fairly simple equation. I provide the financial support, my Thai GF "takes care" of what I need from her. It's like life back in the fifties in Australia. Having said that, there are a few caveats to relationships here. Rule 1. Never put more than you can afford to lose into Thailand. Rule 2. Keep at least 70% of your assets back in your home country. Rule 3. Keep control of the finances. Rule 4. Make sure you are worth more alive than dead. Rule 5. Set boundaries. I won't loan any money more than 1000 baht. Many Thais treat loans as a gift. Seems to be working for me in the 11 years I have been here.
  5. Generally applied to small-bodied Asian women under 40 kg and 5 feet in height.
  6. On average, which do you think looks better at 50? Thai or Western?
  7. I must have someone special, then. 55, most farangs take her for 35-40. She works at staying young.
  8. I know what an analogy is. I also know what a putdown is. If you can't see the misogynism in the post, it does say something about your emotional intelligence.
  9. It's not about controlling them. It's about the simple fact Western family laws have become so biased towards women it's courting financial disaster to have a relationship of more than one year, even defacto. Thai law is far more sensible in that regard, although I suppose it will change once the feminazis get an opening.. It's also about the fact Western women become lazy once they have hooked their fish. In contrast, my Thai GF keeps working at making me happy.
  10. IME, many Thai women who want a relationship with a farang are that way, because they know they will be treated better than by the average Thai male. I've lost count of the number of women who have begged me to find one of my friends who would like to hook up with them. Usually, they are in their forties and fifties, and have been discarded by Thai men who then pursue younger women. They are usually quite adamant they don't want a relationship with a Thai man again. #2 is very sound advice. It is very easy for an older foreigner to be hypnotized by the beauty and grace of Thai women, without getting to know them properly. I know the family history of my GF very well, and it was two years before I committed to providing support. I have never regretted that decision. I've found it does help a lot to be reasonably competent in Thai. I fail to understand foreigners who refuse to learn any Thai, to me it's like walking around blindfolded in the Louvre.
  11. I am under no illusions about what would happen if the flow of money stopped. What's love got to do with it?
  12. Of course they don't, you are old and ugly too. Here, it doesn't matter. Bahts do.
  13. The choice is to self-insure here, or go back to your home country where you can maintain private health cover, or use what public health systems are available. Insurers here either cut you off when you hit an age threshold, or hike premiums so that they take half your income, or more. They also have departments dedicated to weaseling out of claims made, on the flimsiest of pretexts.
  14. I like small women, always have. If you think about it, they do have advantages not achievable by larger women. Not that I can talk about them on a family-oriented forum.
  15. I don't have a wife, but my Thai GF of about 8 years might as well be one. She compares very favorably with the two long term relationships I had in Australia. I have always been a good provider for the women I have been with. To me, the big difference is the appreciation I get in return. My Thai GF will take care of me until I snuff it, and gives herself to me completely. Sex is not a bargaining tool, I think for her it is like having a good meal. On the physical side, she fluctuates between 40-42 kg, and gets stressed if she hits 43 kg. Has the firm body of a woman 20 years younger. Of course, she has her faults, but they are very minor in the scheme of things.
  16. Guilty, run me out of town on a rail, and bring the tar and feathers. Slow day?
  17. It's not a high percentage, although the percentages were reportedly higher before Australia ramped up vaccination. The link I am posting is December 15, 2021, so it covers the Delta mutant. I've never had fatigue or concentration problems. I certainly don't want them at this late stage of my life. https://theconversation.com/we-calculated-the-impact-of-long-covid-as-australia-opens-up-even-without-omicron-were-worried-168662
  18. The power resides in the status of the USD as the world's reserve currency. Lose that status, and it becomes trillions of bits of much less valuable paper. The Chinese and Russians are ganging up on it.
  19. Buffett is a value investor. He looks at the business fundamentals, and whether the business management is competent and honest. He may disdain bitcoin and crypto, but he has also invested in airlines, which I would not touch with a barge pole. Especially now.
  20. If you care to look up French law, that's the way it operates. So does Australian tax law. He had his chance to stand up in court and testify, he declined. Probably because he either would have been torn to shreds by any competent barrister, or had to perjure himself. That is not the action of an innocent man.
  21. No, he is guilty because he has previous form as someone who can't keep it in his pants, and Epstein had a well-established record of grooming and coercing underage girls. She was not competent in the eyes of the law to have sex, so she is a victim, and no amount of semantics from you will change that fact. You expect me to believe when he was with her - the girl he denied ever meeting - they just played tiddlywinks?
  22. They were not different in the USA, which is one of the most puritanical countries in the world. More religious organizations than I could shake a stick at. The weird thing is, while prostitution is illegal there, filming hardcore pornography is not. Go figure. Have never had a problem with working out whether a girl is too young here, as I prefer mature women. Ones that understand themselves, and me. Most legal age teenagers are as dumb as a can of soup. The verbal gymnastics you are engaged in make all kinds of excuses for Prince Andrew, including a spot of victim blaming. Putting it bluntly, he's a sleazebag who thought his position would protect him from the consequences of his actions. Som nam na.
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