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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Quite correct, I misused the term. That does not make what I posted any less valid. A child may be mature physically. As I have pointed out previously, they are not considered to be mature enough for sex mentally, nor should they be. I blame any person, famous or not, who has not got the nous to ensure the person they are having sex with is of legal age. Prisons have a fair proportion of people who didn't.
  2. IIRC, most tires are rated for use up to 120 km/hr. Call me conservative. I've done 230 km/hr on an isolated road in Australia, but that was with perfect visibility and on Michelins.
  3. I have had Hankooks previously in Australia, no problem. I would say as long as the OP is not a leadfoot, they will all be OK up to 100 km/hour
  4. Lorazepam is usually sold at 1 or 2 mg tablets here, because Asians are more sensitive to medications than Westerners. Genes and body mass. I was quite amused when I was given 1 mg tablets of Lorazepam in quarantine, because my internet research was saying I needed 5 - 10 mg to be effective. I took the 1 mg expecting it to be useless, and it was. Not that I am recommending a higher dosage, I regard anything that is addictive as dangerous.
  5. I tried melatonin, it did absolutely nothing for me. Not even a side effect. As you say, everyone's metabolism is different.
  6. Seriously? If you are equating the situation of someone with rank, wealth and privilege, who was a long-term friend of a pedophile, with your own, you are attempting to make that concession trivial. My GF understands I can look at other women all I want, as long as I don't touch. Does your GF intimidate you?
  7. "Not proven" is not the same as innocent. He has apologised for maligning Giuffre's character, an innocent person would not do that.
  8. Completely irrelevant, she was a minor in the US, where the sex did or did not occur, and laws about sex with minors existed. Where the civil case was tried. I'd say on balance of probabilities, and given his nickname of "Randy Andy" the sex did occur, and with more than one underage girl. Perhaps that was one of the factors in the settlement. Imagine what the impact would be if Giuffre was able to produce another under-age girl with the same story. The Palace would be terrified of such an outcome. Koo Stark was in her twenties when she met him, she was about 4 years older. Maybe he decided he liked them younger.
  9. Oh, come on. "Legally innocent" is quibbling. He destroyed his own life when he associated with a convicted sex offender, then doubled down with the 2019 interview, where his BS was exposed for what it was. The damage was done well before the current settlement.
  10. Damned if she does or doesn't. Some women are destroyed by being sexually abused, others toughen up and fight. AFAIK the settlement is confidential, so I don't know where 12 million comes from. Epstein was a convicted sex offender who abused multiple under-age girls, IIRC the FBI count was 36. Saying Giuffre is the same as him is very harsh.
  11. Now you are just rationalizing the unacceptable. No doubt there are girls that want sex at below whatever legal age applies, and are physically ready. The whole point of legal age is they are children, mentally unready to understand the full ramifications of sex, STD's, and pregnancy. You can be an apologist for Prince Andrew if you want, but blaming Giuffre for what has happened is a bridge too far. All his wounds are self-inflicted, and they go back a long way before Epstein.
  12. Is 14 yo too young as well? Because Epstein pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a girl of that age back in 2008. Prince Andrew was pals with a convicted sex offender. How dumb or arrogant does he have to be, to think that was not going to come back at him big-time?
  13. I don't think we would be holding you to the same standard of behavior expected of so-called pillars of the community.
  14. I think you're missing the point, Epstein specialized in under-age girls. Which to me is a big no-no. I would hope it would be for you as well. IMO being a celebrity, and also an anachronism, should set a higher standard. If it doesn't, please tell me the point of having a royal family at all.
  15. Agree, I take it once or twice a week for a good night's sleep. Non-addictive, drowsy antihistamine. It will be 6 am, and I'm awake because of my bladder. Go back to bed, thinking another half hour before I get up for breakfast. Wake up at 8.30, what happened?
  16. A HEPA filter is not going to be effective against a virus that is 125 nanometers in diameter. HEPA filters are capable of filtering airborne particles down to 300 nanometers.
  17. Kindly post the medical studies that support your assertion. Unless the air-conditioning system of an aircraft has Stage 4 biolab filtration, it is a perfect virus distribution system. That was proved beyond doubt in Australia. All hotel quarantines there had outbreaks, the only facility that had no history of transmission was Howard Springs, where rooms had individual aircons. All the others had centralized air conditioning systems. I've been vaccinated, I've had COVID. I don't care if others on an aircraft are unvaccinated. I do care if people board the aircraft COVID-positive, irrespective of whether they are vaccinated or not. I don't think that is too much to ask.
  18. IIRC, he acquired the nickname "Randy Andy" very early on. Genetic inheritance, apparently Phil the Greek had a similar reputation. IMO an out-of-court settlement after all the denials indicates either she had serious ammunition, or the royal family wanted it gone at any cost. I wonder who will end up paying?
  19. Just send a picture of yourself back.
  20. It was a mixed bag for me. I had a wife who was frigid because she had been sexually molested as a child. That detail was concealed from me by her and her family. OTOH, I have a son from her who is a great support as I get older. He's a lot smarter than me in some ways. I also have a Thai GF who is the complete opposite of frigid. Although we have slowed down in the last couple of years. Wealth is not particularly important to me, good health and time are.
  21. As I have never lost money on precious metals, I have to disagree. Gold stocks are a casino, they usually pay poor dividends and they seem to attract managements with expensive tastes.
  22. Gold is a currency hedge. As governments print more money for debt, it increases in value. Always has done. True, it does not pay dividends. BHP may well go to $100. I've also seen it go from $55 to $28, which made any dividends it paid look pretty sick in terms of loss of capital. IMO the sharemarket is way overvalued at present, and gold is undervalued. BTW, gold is not a rock. It's a noble metal.
  23. No way I would tolerate a woman who would not talk to me for days. My GF may sulk for an hour after we have had one of our very infrequent arguments, then it's resolved by discussion so we each know where the other is coming from. Drinking alone is a small red flag. If she has no women friends, that's a huge one. Just like there are men who give other men the warm sweet urge to hit them solidly in the mouth, there are women that other women avoid as if the woman had leprosy. Assuming it's not a troll OP, if you do not grow a pair and fast, she will walk all over you.
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