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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Perhaps you are not capable of perceiving the supreme irony of your last sentence.
  2. I'd suggest a bit of skepticism is worthwhile. In your 60's, you may still be able to handle the side effects of some of the herbals and supplements. It's a different story when one is late seventies or early eighties, toxicity to kidneys and liver may be lethal. How much research have you done on the side effects of herbals you are taking?
  3. Thanks for the thought; however, horses for courses. My former mother in law used to have roast dinner and hot plum pudding with custard every Christmas. Completely ridiculous when the weather forecast for Christmas Day in Australia was nearly always 40 C or more. I evolved my own Christmas dinner of cold crayfish with mustard sauce and lemon juice with salad, accompanied by a Margaret River dry white. Dessert was fruit salad consisting of pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, seedless grapes and rock melon.
  4. Travel broadens the mind, right? The vast bulk of Thais have been circumscribed within an education system that barely takes notice of any events outside Thailand. Many can't read a map of their own country, let alone one of the world. It makes for very narrow minds. It's not just Thailand, there are areas of Australia where I would have to dumb myself down in speech and subject matter to be accepted.
  5. IME friendships with Thai men are fairly superficial. IMO many Thai men have a deep-seated inferiority complex when it comes to Western men. It explains why they may react violently when it comes to a dispute of any kind, due to the loss of face it may entail. I go with the flow; however, I don't think pushing for something closer is worth the effort. I would suggest to the OP the only Thais that have potential are those who have lived outside Thailand for some time.
  6. Alas, my Seven Year Itch came at 28 and 16 years respectively, when I was still wedded to the concepts of duty and responsibility. No more, I have had enough of people lying to me. Obviously, a "good" believer in any form of religion can be a thoroughly reprehensible person. One only has to look at Putin, who wears the Russian Orthodox version like a cheap suit. When I said my fellow trainee was a pretty bright guy, I meant in terms of his knowledge of how to kiss management butt. I suggest you tread carefully in any future responses to my posts. It's your thread, that does not give you a license to be insulting.
  7. In 1962, I was working as a trainee chemist. In a laboratory, not as a pill-pusher. School four nights a week towards a tertiary degree. It depends on what metric is used, I am way better off financially now. Healthwise, obviously not. My most vivid recollection is of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It showed the world how morally bankrupt totalitarian regimes are. As they are still demonstrating. I was very naive in 1962; however, I did have an itch to travel. I can still remember an argument I had with one of my fellow trainees. He was a good Catholic, who only wanted to marry his equally Catholic girl friend so they could abandon chastity and settle down in a Melbourne suburb, where they could have a large family and live for the rest of their lives, while he barracked for his local football team every Saturday afternoon. When I remarked that was a circumscribed way of life, he said I was a fool for wanting to travel. He was a pretty bright and driven guy, who probably would have done well ascending the corporate ladder. If he is still alive, it would be interesting to compare notes with him.
  8. I tend to avoid worrying about things I can't change, and focus on what I can. Nowadays, I have about 40 passwords, having a second verification in any is no big deal. I keep a document file of all of them, unhackable as they only display mostly asterisks. I can't say I have noticed any problems with my gmail account logging in, although I also have a standby yahoo email address in case.
  9. They can deport him, and first detain him in an IDC. From what I gather, they are not holiday camps, especially for old people. It's a bad mistake to think the respect Thais exhibit for their own elderly extends to old foreigners.
  10. If I assume your X and Y axes are the date of the forex on the x axis, and the rate on the y axis, you should be able to create a line graph by finding a function called X-Y scatter or similar in the Excel menus. Fill in the A column with the date, B column with the rate. At least, that's what I have done in LibreOffice, haven't used Excel for years.
  11. You may be able to get them online nowadays, don't know if they could be shipped to Thailand for safety reasons. I just have a butane gas lighter, only used for lighting candles if there is a power failure. https://www.redheads.com.au/products
  12. The value of a condo depends on a number of factors all potential buyers will examine, if they have any nous. * Sold unfurnished, quality of fixtures and fittings. * Furnished, furniture quality * Location and views * Effectiveness of security * Reputation of the juristic person * Parking * Presence or absence of a swimming pool * Apartment size * Reliability of infrastructure - plumbing, water, electricity, elevators. * Noise levels * Condo fees There's one condo in Chiang Mai wild horses could not drag me into buying at any price.
  13. Just put xe.com in your bookmarks, click on charts in their website if you want trends.
  14. I am now using WISE for transfers, safest and most effective way of getting money here. I don't lose anything on the cross-rate either.
  15. You've been lucky, importation of meat and meat-based products into Thailand is prohibited. Although you are probably right about the X'ray machines.
  16. Plenty of condoms, all the ones in the stores here are too small.
  17. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. Santayana.
  18. IIRC, it was Russia who started the war. Easy to see where your allegiance is.
  19. I don't think the fresh meat and vegetables I buy in the local market has risen much, I'd agree on imported Western foodstuffs. It's a fairly simple equation, distribution of food supplies relies on the diesel fueling trucks. The further they have to go adds cost. When the cost of diesel goes up, so does the cost of food.
  20. The data is saying long COVID is far more prevalent among the unvaccinated than people who were vaccinated. Of course, such data is anathema to the anti-vaxxers. In the most vulnerable age group, vaccinated. My COVID lasted 3 days, I was back to my normal exercise routines in a week. My only long COVID symptom is increased impatience with antivaxxers, anti-fluoride campaigners, and Russian trolls. The gulls who think Trump won. Yes, I am a statistical sample of one. Two,if you count an unvaccinated friend who experienced fatigue and mental confusion for a couple of months after being infected. AFAIK the only treatment process thus far is rest, and availing oneself of whatever rehabilitation services are available. Add in a determined attitude to recovery.
  21. I can't see anything in that link that refers to Russian contributions to the Thai economy, seems to be as useless as tits on a bull. If you're referring to the APEC meeting, that's just a gabfest and photo opportunity. You may be right, Thailand is in thrall to China, who are treading cautiously. Western secondary sanctions would really screw up China.
  22. What consequences? Thailand is already in China's pocket. Banning Russians from traveling to Thailand when they can fly to other destinations first won't have much of an impact. Russians know they are in a war now, no more "special military operation" BS. Russians are either getting out as fast as they can, or going into hiding to avoid conscription. The general mood seems to be one of sullen resentment. Not a good start for any military.
  23. I don't know what the relative scorecard is. However, I would point out Putin's war, quite apart from the battlefield and civilian casualties in Ukraine, is going to kill quite a lot of innocent people via starvation. Because it is the world's largest exporter of fertilizer. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=russia+fertilizer+production+percentage Agree, the Myanmar junta is equally repugnant, but AFAIK they are not affecting GDP, inflation rates, interest rates and world economies. The war in Ukraine is.
  24. The 6 million Ukrainians killed by famine on Stalin's orders in 1931-1932 might be informing her views, or the current targeting of civilians by Putin, because he is losing badly on a battlefield he is too much of a coward to visit. Staged photo ops with a sniper rifle is as good as it gets, although he does prefer poison. Or perhaps it's the Budapest agreement, where Putin guaranteed Ukraine's sovereignty in return for Ukraine giving up its nuclear arsenal. Russian troll spreading lies, on ignore forthwith.
  25. Really. How about posting credible links to information that shows how much Russia contributes to the Thai economy, while I take a look at how much American sanctions would cost Thailand. AFAIK most of the Russians in Thailand are wanting to stay out of Russia, so there is little risk of offending them.
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