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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I get laid regularly, it's what normal men do. I don't brag about it. It seems to be difficult for bigots and prudes to accept it is much easier in Thailand, and with more beautiful women than what is available in the West.
  2. Don't ask me, ask my GF and gik.
  3. Too much information, talking about gag reflexes. No rabbit needed, just appreciation of what's available. You mean something like these women are on offer, and you could not get it up? You need help.
  4. Perish the thought such an accusation should be levelled at you. The verbal gymnastics are quite amazing.
  5. I used to know a Thai girl in one of the bars on Loi Kroh Road in Chiang Mai, although not in the carnal sense. 30 yo, looked like about 18, very virginal looking. Anyone would swear she had just stepped into the bar from the village. Her proudest boast was when she worked in Singapore at age 23, and had vaginal sex with 18 men in 24 hours, with no condoms in sight. Now that really is sloppy seconds.
  6. We don't wear masks when we are in the car, it's a closed environment, and we are a fair bit closer sharing a bed. My GF drives, but always defers to me, as she knows I have 60 years of driving experience compared to her 3 or 4. She much prefers me to drive when it is dark or raining. Rules are made for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of the wise.
  7. Some women do wear bikinis that should not. IMO they soon give up, realizing they are the object of pity rather than admiration. IMO the contestants look a fair bit beefier than what I see in shopping malls in Chiang Rai.
  8. Research scientist, mostly in analytical and process chemistry. A bit of a dinosaur now.
  9. My Thai GF and I have been together for about 8 years now. If we did not like each other, we would have split after two weeks. Or less. Do you always jump to conclusions about people of whom you know nothing? You can't fathom the possibility your wife could be lying to you about her previous track record. IME it's more likely to happen with so-called virtuous women. Sex workers have much less to hide.
  10. I guess I'll believe that claim, just like I believe in the tooth fairy and honest posters.
  11. Sex worker is the term I use, your term just exhibits bigotry. I do have to wonder at the mindset of someone who has three failed marriages, and claims he is a real man. How much did each split cost you? I have no problem buying used cars, they make better financial sense. See where I am going with this? I'm not telling you not to use the term, just as you don't get to tell me what I should post.
  12. I'm more concerned about it growing.
  13. Like every other profession, they are normally distributed. Some are in it for the money, it's just a job. Others because they have no other options if they want to survive. Quite a few because they actually enjoy the life, sex is just an adjunct to the clothes and partying they become addicted to. Having said that, IMO there are some who are looking for someone to "take care", and if they succeed in finding that someone, they are quite happy to put the past behind them.
  14. I don't use the term prostitute to describe any woman, because to me that says more about the person using said term than it does about the woman that is the subject of it. I was married to a "good" woman. It was the most miserable period of my life. OTOH, I've had some of my most enjoyable sex with the women you describe so pejoratively. Three failed marriages, and you are here lecturing? Wonders will never cease.
  15. Now now, you are exaggerating. They are only 300 kg.
  16. Having experienced both sides of the coin, I consider sex workers to be far more honest, and a hell of a lot less expensive.
  17. You will probably find an expensive car actually gets more deference in Thailand, as most people think you are wealthy and therefore not to be messed with. Expensive cars = expensive servicing and spare parts. Financially, it's more sensible to own a cheaper, reliable brand.
  18. My understanding of the derivation of the term Pom or Pommie is different, it referred to the fact all Englishmen turned as red as a pomegranate when they first encountered the Australian sun. It never was applied to the Scots or Irish, presumably because their accents were different. They were Jock and Paddy.
  19. Not my GF, she starts freaking out if she hits 43 kg. Although I suppose I do qualify as one of the old and ugly farangs.
  20. I was a caddie myself up to age 18, when retirement was compulsory. Completely agree abusing caddies is not on. I was once hit with a golf club by a guy I was caddying for when I did not see where his ball went in the trees. Ex-army brigadier, choleric type, lousy golfer. I dropped his bag and walked off. I thought I might be fired by the caddiemaster, but never heard any more of it.
  21. I first came to Thailand as a consultant to a manufacturing operation in Map Ta Phut in the late eighties. One night, the company president took 15 staff out to dinner at a live seafood restaurant, with me as the guest of honor. The beer flowed freely, as did the seafood cooked to order after selection from the tanks. When I expressed some misgivings about the cost of the party, the company president said the total was AUD 75, or $5 per person. I also was impressed by the beauty and grace of Thai women, and the fact quite a few seemed to be hooked up with Thai and Western men who, to put it politely, were a lot older and ugly as a hatful of bums to boot. I think those two experiences planted the seeds for my eventual retirement in Thailand.
  22. I have been advising friends in Australia of the situation and potential costs if they holiday here. Until Thailand gets rid of these requirements, people working in the tourist industry will continue to suffer.
  23. Never knew that, you've added to my education. My Yamaha TTX is 16 yo, hasn't missed a beat. Still only 25,000 km on the odometer. Very possible it will outlive me.
  24. Hondas are the scooter of choice in Thailand. Yamahas are usually cheaper, and IMO just as good. The power of advertising.
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