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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Americans seem to like standing in line too, I remember a trip to Disneyland with my 10 yo son. Wait half an hour in line for a ride lasting 3 minutes.
  2. I assume you are not watching "Breaking Bad", "Justified" or "Banshee".
  3. I think in terms of litres/100 km too. Your calculation is about right.
  4. Sorry, two of them. Did you know Vysotsky had a million Russians attend his funeral?
  5. I guess Maslow might use me as a case study. All of them, plus the classical composers. Currently revisiting the BeeGees. Yes, I know of the Babi Yar massacre. Russia has always fascinated me, the biggest country in the world, rich in resources, yet impoverished by a succession of abysmal leaders. Strange, because it has produced musical, dance and literary giants. Here's one of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krzSqRCvzb8
  6. I would suggest the OP needs a will, even if he is leaving his money to a home for lost dogs. Unless he enjoys seeing his money go to a government bureaucracy.
  7. AFAIK one of the first legal challenges is knowing what kind of bribe to keep operating the local plod will be expecting when they stop by.
  8. I have always asked questions, which got me into trouble as a kid with teachers. Later, it became an asset in my chosen career. In retirement, I feel it is important to remain mentally active. Reading books, listening to music, playing solitaire, driving my scooter in Thai traffic, writing my autobiography, making videos for YouTube as a creative process. I keep up with world affairs. The Romans had an expression, "mens sana in corpore sano." A healthy mind in a healthy body. So I pay attention to my physical fitness as well. I even get some mental stimulation from some posters on ASEAN, in trying to come up with invective and phrasing that stays within forum rules. There are others with whom I enjoy a civilized discourse. I have no idea whether this will prolong my life; however, it will make the rest of it more interesting.
  9. Perhaps ignorance is bliss, I am barely computer-literate enough to buy stuff on Lazada. Thanks for the tip, though.
  10. I might agree with you if I even knew what a distro was, or what it did.. Speaking of rubbing up the wrong way, my last experience of Windows was Vista. Say no more. I'm not tech-savvy. Having said that, Linux does everything I want it to do, without fuss and problem-free. Can't ask for more than that.
  11. On that basis, there would be a fair few Thai men and women going into exile.
  12. Really. IIRC, there's a convicted drug felon who is a Thai government minister.
  13. I've been using Linux and Firefox for years. I've never had a virus or any other problem. It beats me why people still pay for Windows, when Linux and Firefox are free.
  14. A Thai person crawling across a road or staggering down it. High probability drunk or high on drugs. Unfortunately, showing concern for such people may have unanticipated repercussions. I occasionally see one on the road to the village, my GF always says drive on.
  15. Possibly, it's more likely they are making sure no collaborators or saboteurs are operating in their rear. If I was a Russian in Ukraine, I'd feel like I had a bullseye painted on me - front and back. I'm just wondering how long it will be before Russian troops start turning their guns on their leaders en masse, there have been a few straws in the wind.
  16. From your own link: The Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) deputy governor says that wiped out the bank's profit for the 2021-22 year, leaving a net loss of A$36.7bn. The bonds were accumulated under a A$300bn emergency stimulus programme. However, the bank says the loss will not affect its normal operations. "If any commercial entity had negative equity, assets would be insufficient to meet liabilities and therefore the company would not be a going concern," RBA deputy governor Michele Bullock said. "Since it has the ability to create money, the Bank can continue to meet its obligations as they become due," she added.
  17. Interesting technique, the guy gets as much sex as he wanted, got his money back then went back to his wife. I wish the women I have had in my life cost me that little.
  18. Reserve banks print money, remember? That is one of their functions, money supply. I'd suggest posting a credible link to what you claim is a reported fact. A statement the AUD is heading south again also means nothing, it's a single data point.
  19. I would suggest a chest X'ray to ensure your lungs are clear, sounds like long COVID.
  20. Government debt has dropped significantly, Australia is rated AAA stable by the ratings agencies. The economy is stronger than many other countries. You may be right; however, I would not be buying US dollars. I prefer gold and silver. We'll see in a few months whether your prognostications are correct.
  21. The coldest I have been is on top of Treble Cone in New Zealand, and Chicago in January. I got pretty cold in Canada. I was sitting in Calgary Stadium watching the most boring version of football ever invented, and it was 4 degrees Centigrade according to a big scoreboard. In the middle of what Canadians call summer. A fight broke out among a few spectators, IMO they were only doing it to stay warm.
  22. Looking at GDP figures, present and predicted, Australia is one of the best situated.
  23. You are claiming religions don't need a god, 3 out of the 4 main ones do.
  24. True enough. Russia is cold too, but the reason for poor life expectancy there is alcoholism. With the Inuits, possibly diet. He's 63. I'm 79, the only ice I contact is in my drinks. Interesting link.
  25. Toyota has a reputation for uninspiring but reliable. Good resale value. Charging points are unnecessary for hybrids, the battery recharges via regenerative braking and the parallel ICE. The bloke who stated the fuel economy was presumably wrong, if he is not keep the Vios. My 16 year old Vios gets 17 kilometres per litre. I'd be expecting better than 25 for a hybrid.
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