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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Rimping near the Nawarat Bridge seems to have a fairly big range of beef, although the staff will probably tell you what they think you want to hear when you ask if it is local grass-fed. AFAIK Thailand does not have feedlot operations for cattle. I buy local beef occasionally, fairly tough.
  2. How long the guy would last depends on how quickly he adapts to a different culture. Some never do, then spend a fair bit of time on ASEAN bitching and moaning.
  3. Spot on. My GF does not like it at all when I try to explain what she should do after I die, it's something she does not want to discuss.
  4. IMO the most important things in life are good health, and time. I have enough money. If I had more, I would probably spend it on the people who are important to me, helping them.
  5. It depends on what use the water is put to. For washing clothes and cooking ( unless for soup ) the sodium content is probably not significant. For drinking, completely agree. As far as full-on water purifiers go, it might be cheaper to go to any 7/11 and buy 5 litre bottles.
  6. There are about 8600 water softener items listed on Lazada. You need one that is cation exchange resin based, ignore ones with activated carbon. The resins are regenerated periodically by flushing with salt ( sodium chloride ) solution. https://www.chemaqua.com/en-us/Blogs/how-sodium-cycle-water-softeners-work
  7. IMO it might be better to submit an application a couple of days after the notification, preferably on a Monday or Tuesday. If it gets rejected, try again in another couple of days. I print the approval off and staple it into my passport, to be on the safe side. Now wouldn't it be something if one could do extensions online as well.
  8. I thought the acronym stood for Fix Or Repair Daily, which could equally apply to Bob.
  9. I can remember when it happened to me as well. It only ended well when it was P4P.
  10. This is what one gets for browsing porn sites.
  11. Does she cut your toenails, and massage you when you are tired? Mine does.
  12. Mine is ironbark, stronger than steel. Or it was, before age came along. http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/patersonab/poetry/ironbark.html
  13. As long as the big head still rules the small head, enjoy while you can. Thailand is one of the best places for it. What, no photos?
  14. My GF cuts my hair for me. I am not going to say I pay nothing; however, it is part of her taking care of me.
  15. I'm OK with saw palmetto as the relaxant. Stinging nettle root etc. act in similar fashion. The objective of the finasteride is to either reduce my prostate in size, or keep it where it is. Having a TURP is something I want to put off as long as I can.
  16. He got the nickname "Randy Andy" for a reason. Having said that, several others in the Royal Family could not keep it in their trousers either. Nothing new about this, time to move on.
  17. Tell me about it. Finasteride I am on for BPH subtracts about 50% of my libido.
  18. More of the Nazi deflection BS. Please explain to me how a nation Putin has called Nazi as his excuse for invading Ukraine can have a Jewish president. Zelensky is a democratically elected leader, who came to power after a popular revolution booted Putin's puppet out. Putin has progressively shut down dissent and independent media, along with poisoning opponents. Energy oligarchs in Russia appear to be awfully accident-prone at present. Which person do you think is closer to the Nazi playbook?
  19. Fair enough, you were in the middle of it. Living as I did in Chiang Mai, there was nothing to see. Thanathorn is a good example of what happens to politicians here when they want to reform systems. The votes he was getting from the young really spooked the junta.
  20. I'm not saying Thaksin is my hero, perish the thought. I'm recounting what northern Thais have told me.
  21. What you are saying in effect is you prefer the bunch of crooks in Bangkok to Thaksin. That's like saying you prefer Stalin over Hitler. Every Thai I have met in northern Thailand thinks Prayut and the junta are criminals. OTOH, rural Thais think Thaksin is a hero, as he has done more to benefit them. Northern Thailand was formerly the Lanna kingdom, the divide between them and southern Thailand still exists. Tell me, when the red shirts and yellow shirts were going at each other, how did it personally affect you? Didn't make a jot or tittle of difference to me.
  22. The OP did say his fuel is diesel.
  23. Hell, where do I start? * Rent * Building costs * Restaurants * Massage * Food * Women * Car and scooter registration * Car and scooter mechanics * Dentists Most of what I have listed are 4 - 8 times as expensive in Australia.
  24. IMO you are probably driving too fast. I would score about one evasive action in a month, because I drive slowly and defensively. My system has worked for me in Thailand for about the last ten years. I rely on threat assessment. In front and behind. At 0.42 seconds, my reaction time is way too slow to rely on reflexes alone.
  25. I don't fear death. I fear a prolonged and painful one. I suppose my biggest concerns are being incapacitated to the point I can't jump through the Immigration hoops any more, or that the goal posts are moved. My other concern is medical, being unable to get back to Australia where I come under the two umbrellas of Medicare and private health insurance. Here, I have to fund myself as no health insurer would accept me. I don't worry about Thai politics or world events, although I do wish someone would give Putin the same poisons he dishes out to opponents.
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