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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You've been given a wake-up call. No alcohol under any circumstances. 50% of patients with cardiomyopathy die within five years. In Thailand, more than my home country, I have found I am responsible for the state of my health. There as a limit to what doctors and pharmaceuticals can do. You may want to examine your diet and exercise situation to determine if there are things there that will help. I don't have cardiomyopathy. I have several other conditions I won't bore readers with. I have found when it comes to controlling those conditions, self-discipline is a lot better than medication, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  2. They got on very well until Hitler wanted Lebensraum. Perhaps you have forgotten the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
  3. Indian men are dark-skinned, which gives them low social status in Thai eyes, irrespective of how wealthy they are. I can remember an Indian guy in CM complaining to me about the attitude of the girls he met, for that very reason.
  4. Can you prove that? Seems to me there are statements, but no concrete evidence of how much they are making. How would anyone know if they were inflating their income online to make themselves look more desirable?
  5. IIRC, Trump was enriching himself and his buddies, and doing SFA for poor people, except conning them into believing his MAGA BS. When the Dems got a majority in Congress, Trump was doing all he could to obstruct their social welfare bills. I suppose you also think Margaret Thatcher has nothing to do with current UK conditions.
  6. IMO you can't blame all that on Biden and the Dems.
  7. LOL, you really think BB is going to give back its profits to its customers, and ignore the shareholders? Olympic gold medal post for naivety.
  8. Kyiv surrendered to the Germans without firing a shot, they were greeted as liberators. it didn't take long for the Ukrainians to realize they had simply swapped jackboots. Based on that, the Russians found the Nazi label very convenient, even though, as usual, it was a few football fields away from the truth.
  9. Not according to Pornhub.
  10. You obviously have not got out much in rural Thailand, quite a few don't have tents. They sleep on pallets under trees.
  11. Point taken, although one woman in my life is enough for me. It depends on the size of the family, my GF's is quite extensive, and they all pitch in to help relatives. Re the temples, fair enough. It's not warm everywhere in Thailand, Chiang Rai and up in the mountains this year in winter were bloody cold.
  12. Granted, and how much income support are they getting? Food stamps? Now show me what the Thai government provides, apart from the very occasional lump sum that would last me about 4 days.
  13. I think you'll find the social support systems of both countries are a tad better than what the Thai government gives out to the unemployed.
  14. My Thai GF is my aged care plan. IMO it will be better than being shunted into a nursing home in Australia, and being fed pig slop to fatten the bottom line. I did ask her if she would be up to cleaning me when it came to the crunch. She replied "No problem, I can do." Given what I have seen her do for her father while he was dying a couple of months ago, I am quite confident she will do the same for me.
  15. Just wondering what your previous identity on ASEAN was. Help us out here, post a link to your brand of information. Although that may not work too well if the link has the suffix .ru.
  16. You may be right. Having said that, the online method has a fair bit of photoshopping and misrepresentation going on, by both girls and clients. Therefore, I think there will still be a demand for the bar scene, where a realistic assessment can be made, although perhaps not to the same degree.
  17. Link to what you have read, please. Putin has been known to use poison on his political opponents, he's not going to balk at killing civilians. It's fantasy to think you can negotiate a settlement with a dictator. Chamberlain found that out the hard way. The Budapest Memorandum was signed by the Russian Federation. It guaranteed the sovereignty of Ukraine, free of economic and military coercion, on condition Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal. It's a matter of history who honored that agreement, and who did not.
  18. Are you contradicting yourself? On the one hand you're telling me to not malign Arabs, now you are saying some were horrible. My experience with Arabs was they were the most work-shy race I ever encountered, and also the most delusional. During the Six-Day War of 1967, when the Israelis destroyed the entire Egyptian air force on the ground, the Arabs I worked with were quite convinced Arab armies were knocking on the doors of Jerusalem. Same thought pattern when the Yom Kippur war occurred in 1973.
  19. Bombed hospitals and apartment buildings, civilians executed in the streets of Bucha. How much evidence of war crimes do you need, or do you think the Ukrainians did it all?
  20. It's a bit difficult for Russian apologists to explain away satellite photos of civilians left lying in the streets after being executed by Russian soldiers, but they do give it their best shot.
  21. Putin has repeatedly expressed his desire to revive the USSR. I am just taking him at his word. You worked with Arabs in Arabia, I worked with them in Port Hedland, Australia. Perhaps I got the dregs.
  22. As a superior alien being, I would start posting warnings on ASEAN that the human race had better shape up or ship out.
  23. I wouldn't say I wanted a relationship lasting more than a night when I first came here, my GF grew on me with her ability to make me happy. I had my share of women in Australia who wanted to be considered as my equal. They weren't, except in the family law system. My former wife tried really hard to reduce me to her level. Never needed to be knocked on the head, I've always taken responsibility for my decisions.

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