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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It is interesting the posters who describe Rooster's columns as drivel seem to keep reading them.
  2. " Don't make trouble in Thailand and you won't have any." Never a truer word spoken. IMO women are the backbone of Thailand, and deserve better. Far fewer layabouts on the distaff side. Another good one, thanks Rooster.
  3. Maybe I did with your post, my GF certainly wouldn't when she is ordering. Not that she would be ordering, we would both be walking out. The menus I see are one item, English and Thai, one price.
  4. I don't have a problem with menus that are in Thai and English, offering a choice of Thai or Western cuisine. I accept the Western dishes may be more expensive because of the time and materials required to make them. I still miss a restaurant on the 118 in Chiang Mai that closed during the pandemic. The cook made a spaghetti marinara that was to die for, and at 150 baht it was an absolute bargain.
  5. Agree, every Thai I know or have met has utter contempt for the police. Not surprising, considering the constant flow of examples of police corruption making the daily news. At the end of our one month holiday in Australia, my Thai GF remarked to me she had not seen a single policeman outside Melbourne Airport.
  6. You have a link that supports the preposterous statistic you quote? Or are you saying I am more intelligent than 99.9% of the population? Thank you.
  7. Fair point; however, that is not my problem. Why should I take a room unseen? Perhaps the guy did not know how to write a sign in Thai and English saying " Back in 5 minutes."
  8. Hoteliers are not idiots, they don't stay in business if they are. Unlike TAT staff, who are on the government teat. The hoteliers can see this moronic proposal will damage Thailand as a tourist destination, and do them no favors with foreigners residing here long-term either.
  9. Look for one with older women, in their fifties and sixties. They know what they are doing, the shops with young pretties are usually clueless, and catering for a different market. Can't help you with a specific location, sorry.
  10. My urologist in Australia always did the cystoscopy under general anesthesia. Here, the price of general vs local is 60,000 baht vs 18,000 baht, that's a no-brainer for me, although I do wonder why anesthesia is so expensive. Propofol should not cost that much. I have a little trick to minimize the discomfort of a local, I take 5 mg of endone about an hour prior to the cystoscopy.
  11. Save your money for surgery you really need, and live with the way you look. I've never found being old and ugly in Thailand is an impediment to ladies wanting to develop a more intimate relationship.
  12. O the irony. The damage done to their own society in their brain-washing madrassas escapes them. Fact 1: There are about 15 million Jews globally. From that number, there have been over 200 Jewish Nobel Laureates in physics, chemistry and medicine. Fact 2. There are approximately 1.4 billion Muslims worldwide. They have produced just TWO Nobel Laureates in the sciences mentioned above.
  13. Don't disagree there is sometimes good stuff. I bought my son two cheap Chinese chainsaws. He lives on a property where he has to cut about 100 tonnes of firewood a year to keep him and his wife warm in winter. After both failed within a month, I gave up and bought him a Stihl. That was about ten years ago, the Stihl was cutting firewood last week.
  14. I have a small aluminium cup which holds two eggs. I coat the inside with sesame oil to prevent sticking. I put the cup in a pan that has about an inch of water in it, put the lid on the pan. I use my phone as a timer. Bring to a boil, turn down to a simmer. I like well-cooked eggs, 13 minutes. 9 minutes for my GF, who likes them runny.
  15. My policy is to take note of any changes that may affect me, lie low and tell Centrelink nothing. I have not updated my asset base online for two years now. I get a part pension. It's not as if I am cheating, my asset base has shrunk a bit as I draw down on it. However, the extra few bucks I would get by updating it is simply not worth the hassle of explaining all the changes to anally-retentive officials.
  16. Are you sleeping well? Sleep deprivation is a prime cause of anxiety, which then turns into panic attacks. I'd suggest finding a doctor experienced in the field.
  17. You get what you pay for,probably a Chinese brand which will break down after two week's use. Then when you go looking for the seller with the one year warranty, lo and behold they have vanished in a puff of smoke, rising like a phoenix with a new company name shortly thereafter, awaiting the next crop of suckers.
  18. I bought a secondhand 2008 Yamaha TTX scooter about 9 years ago, 23,000 baht. 8300 km on the odometer, now 27,000. Has not missed a beat, apart from a sticking accelerator cable two months ago.
  19. There are professional Centrelink officers, and there are unprofessional ones. I've encountered both.
  20. Which is why I never prepay nowadays. There are plenty of hotels and B&B's outside the tourist traps with good rooms at 500 - 700 baht/night. Occupancy is usually 20-30%. I turn up with my GF at about 4 pm, and look at the room, along with testing if things work, she gives the final nod of approval. I remember one guy in Sukhothai who wanted us to rent one of his rooms without us inspecting them first. We just laughed at him, and walked out. Numskull. Permit me to doubt hotels etc. with low occupancy rates are going to lose paying customers by following a TAT brain fart.
  21. News to me, my understanding is rent assistance only applies to an Australian rental, which cuts out after more than 6 weeks outside Australia.
  22. Probably the same woman, it seems to be quite normal for hookers to lie about their age here.
  23. Ending is dead easy, just stop sending money and she will drop you like a hot potato. There are thousands of women, if not hundreds of thousands of women, in Thailand that enjoy good sex. Younger and older. I've been told by a few the comparative size of Thai and foreign todgers has a lot to do with that. Except for the 35 kg girls, perhaps. I would be 99% sure when she says she is exclusive to you, she is lying like a pig in doo-doo. Two phones is another dead giveaway. If you want, hook up with her on the 2000 baht/day deal when you are in Thailand. Plenty of other fish in the sea if she won't agree, but I suspect she would with a guy who is also shelling out for expensive restaurants. I do hope you have the sense to use condoms. She is still capable of pregnancy, not to mention the STD factor.
  24. As they say, you can't fix stupid. I'll just let my Thai GF do the negotiating, she won't stand for any BS. Her favorite phrase is "too expensive."
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