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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I very much doubt anything Trump does can affect me personally. I do feel sad for the Americans who voted for him, when their reward will be increased inflation and a higher cost of living.
  2. Trump is so erratic IMO it's a fool's errand to attempt to predict what he will do. I think I am pretty safe in predicting the next 4 years will be a clusterf###.
  3. The number of full time scientists in the world is estimated to be approximately 8.8 million.1960 is piddling in comparison. I'm not one of them, I'm retired. I don't get paid anything for my views. I suspect if the link you provided was investigated, the financial backing would be coming from the fossil fuel industry. They probably think Trump's price of $1 billion in return for freedom to drill anywhere in the US is an absolute bargain. It's a desperate rearguard action. Your link contains the usual look over there and whataboutism. CO2 is plant food, it's a natural cycle, it's the volcanoes, etc. Insurance companies are hard-nosed assessors of risk. Every insurance company on the planet is scrambling to price in the effects of climate change, so they won't go broke paying out property insurance claims. Pro tip: Don't buy real estate in Florida or California. Global warming and climate change are perfect examples of the laws of thermodynamics in operation. In any scientific curriculum, thermodynamics is one of the toughest subjects that can be found. Organic chemistry is simple in comparison. Unless one understands those laws, they are operating from a base of ignorance in any discussion.
  4. There are prostitutes in most professions.
  5. I can remember an Arts major becoming mightily offended when I said it did not matter what was submitted in examinations in his field, as long as it looked pretty. But then, I have never been regarded as tactful.
  6. Each to his own. I used to love travel too, now I regard it as a major burden, to be avoided if possible.
  7. 95% of scientists accept climate change is real. Your definition of "plenty" differs considerably from mine. There are facts, and there is belief. Making a judgment on the basis of belief in preference to facts is as daft as it gets.
  8. I don't believe in bad luck. I do believe in bad choices. I have certainly made enough in my own life to know. I learned from them.
  9. I'd agree Musk is a very smart guy. Jordan Peterson is a climate denier, anyone with two brain cells knows climate change is real. I suppose you could describe Tucker Carlson as being intelligent enough to lob soft-ball questions to Putin, so he could get out of Russia without being poisoned or defenestrated. You've never met anyone who is rich by inheritance, through no effort of their own?
  10. Scientist spend years in training in difficult subjects, and decades acquiring experience in diverse fields. It's no walk in the park, compared to getting qualifications in the arts, accounting, and law. I continue to be astounded by the arrogance and stupidity of non-scientists who think they know better, just because they are followers of some idiot on YouTube spouting junk science. I have a degree in chemistry, two world patents, and multiple publications in scientific journals. And you?
  11. Trump is scientifically illiterate. Musk is exaggerating, but only a little. Some people could probably cope with 1000 ppm. Perhaps more importantly, 1000 ppm would not only affect global warming, but also acidification of the oceans. Resulting in dissolution of coral reefs, and disruption of various food chains. Seafood on average is 17% of the human diet, not an insignificant percentage.
  12. A retirement visa is quite simple compared to the hoops the OP seems to want to jump through. There is no requirement to be retired, just plus 50 and the various financial requirements. The only reason I can think of for the OP rejecting a retirement visa is either not having 400K baht to put on deposit, or not wanting to tie up that amount. The logic of preferring to go to Immigration for a 30 day extension vs reporting to Immigration every 90 days baffles me. Not to mention 90 day reports don't necessarily have to be done in person. 90 day reports cost nothing. Leaving Thailand every 90 days does. The OP's post is not making much sense to me.
  13. IMO it's daft to stay in such a relationship. The next step is drawing down on the 800K. I give my GF a monthly allowance. It's her business what she does with it. In return, she takes care of me. If she started wanting extra for a family member, it's goodbye.
  14. Strange, I got stuck with two conservatives. They both ended up drawing pensions from Centrelink, so money won out over their convictions eventually.
  15. Trump's success is no accident. He has successfully appealed to all the basest instincts of Americans - racism, bigotry, misogynism, xenophobia and greed. His character (sic) is now theirs.
  16. You've caught me out, you are quite correct. My bad. Alas, my days of pleasant nocturnal emissions are about 6 decades behind me.
  17. Tucker Carlson admires people I would not p!ss on, if they were on fire. He's a toady journalist.
  18. Anyone who drinks tea or coffee is getting a dose of fluoride. Like grapes, raisins and shellfish? Loaded with it.
  19. There are plenty of rich people in this world who are thicker than two planks.
  20. Your use of apostrophes indicates scepticism. What scientific training do you have?
  21. Trump can't pardon Giuliani for the outcome of civil actions. He could pay Giuliani the legal fees he owes. Everyone knows Trump's record in paying bills. It's why every lawyer who works for him demands payment in advance.
  22. He denies the climate is changing, as a result of anthropomorphic emissions. Does light bend around you?
  23. Depends on what you want, Pattaya and Patong it is not.
  24. Fact check: The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated there were 11 million illegal migrants living in the US as of January 2022. It says about a fifth of them arrived in 2010 or later but the majority arrived before this time, some as early as the 1980s. You are claiming Biden/Harris let in 20 plus million? Sorry, I forgot. Guys like you always have alternative facts, Sensible people call them lies.
  25. You're wrong. All were found under genetically modified cabbages, planted by Romulans on a secret visit to Earth when they were searching for Spock. Raised by the Illuminati, they received their financial education from Tiny Rowland. Musk alone was entrusted with the jewels of the Garamantes to provide collateral on bank loans. Huey Long saw to their political education

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