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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It's called the dismal science for a reason. I'll stick to physics and chemistry, at least they make sense.
  2. Not at all, monopolies create artificial scarcities and jack up prices.
  3. Too much money chasing too few goods and services. I'm sorry, that's about as non-esoteric as I can get.
  4. Happy Birthday, young fella.
  5. I would like to keep living until I no longer have quality of life. After that, time to go.
  6. Generally, air travel is very safe. Having said that, I would never get on a Russian aircraft. They are cannibalizing their Boeings and Airbuses because of sanctions. The two brands make up 70% of the domestic fleet, does anyone feel lucky?
  7. Sarcasm alert needed.
  8. My mechanic in CR pointed out a car carrier loaded with vehicles, heading south. He said one or two of them go back to Bangkok every day, loaded up with repossessed vehicles.
  9. It depends on whether the model has the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) or a Continuously Variable Transmission ( CVT ). Personally, I would not touch a CVT model with a barge pole. Very expensive replacement cost, and require strict maintenance. OTOH, torque converter gearboxes can take any amount of flogging.
  10. I bought a Mazda 2 from them about 4 years ago. Great small car, happy with the price. With the fruit salad on it, new, 620K baht. I bought it for 430K, with 18,000 on the odometer. It still only has 42,000 km on the clock. A friend said it drives like a new car.
  11. If I wanted to trade up, the OP could buy my elderly Vios for 80,0000 baht. It's got at least another 100,000 km to go. Or he could buy the one in the photo from a Chiang Mai dealer who sells to expats, with a one year guarantee. 121,000 on the odometer, good for another 200,000 km. Your infatuation with EV's misses the point every mechanic in Thailand knows how to work on a Toyota, and their reputation for reliability is well established. How many mechanics know how to work on a Neta? The OP would then be the captive of whatever Neta servicing is available in his area. Then there is the battery. What warranty does NETA have on that, and does it apply to secondhand vehicles? At 300,000 baht, IMO the car is cheap for a reason. And 300K may not be such a bargain if the battery goes kaput prematurely. There's a case in Australia where a Nissan Leaf battery failed. New price of the car AUD 50K, replacement battery AUD 38K.
  12. Is "high horse" your latest favorite phrase? IIRC you've used it with several posters. I can understand our height may be irritating when you are riding a Shetland pony. Not in the biblical sense, I hope. Happy New Year.
  13. Perhaps your detractors are envious. Everyone's physiology is different. For example, injecting me with morphine for pain is about as effective as injecting me with saline solution. Therefore, it should come as no surprise some people can ingest copious carbs, and stay as thin as a rake, whereas others react to carbs by stacking on the kilos. I know I am in the latter category. Happy New Year.
  14. There's some evidence the Chinese are subsidizing their EV industry, much like the Japanese did with ICE's. Same aim, to dominate the market. People on visas have their minimum wages set by the Department of Labor, being paid more is presumably a measure of demand.
  15. Trump will probably raise on Biden's 100% tariff on Chinese EV's, as not enough. Chinese EV's are killing Tesla, BYD alone is selling twice as many EV's as Tesla. The H-1B visas are all about getting foreign scientists and engineers, after the US education system has been dumbed down.
  16. Most of us have very advanced BS meters. They were developed to deal with Americans.
  17. White rice does not get a pass from me, it's a low fibre food. Whole grain bread has 5-10 times more fibre. Fibre gives a full feeling more quickly. It also slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream Sweet potato is a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, especially with the skin left on.
  18. I used to play golf with a guy who made his fortune manufacturing bariatric beds for hospitals.
  19. BMI 23, that's impressive. I did use the Bangkok Hospital calculator, which says you are overweight. Presumably they set a different benchmark for Thais, as most calculators say under 25. Or perhaps they are just trying to drum up business.
  20. I am not aware they are treated, except the ones in captivity.
  21. The Trumpers on here glorying in Trump's ascension have no idea how completely Trump, Musk, Vivaswamy and Vance are going to screw them over in the next four years. If you are rich, you'll be fine. If you are Joe Average, BOHICA.
  22. FriscoKid said he was off, I quite agree with him.
  23. I was actually talking about FriscoKid.
  24. Monkeys can get diabetes. Some species are more prone than others. IMO the saving grace of fruit is its sugar composition. It is usually 50:50 fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is sugar, 50:50 fructose and glucose. Glucose is the sugar that requires insulin, and shows up on blood tests. Fructose is processed by the liver. OTOH, fructose overload can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD ). Lactose is present in milk, regular yoghurts, and soft cheeses. It is also processed by the liver, again potentially causing NAFLD. Hard cheeses contain very little lactose, I eat as much as I want. People drinking skim milk, marketed as healthy , is ironic. Skim milk is actually enriched in lactose.
  25. ASEAN is, top right hand corner of your screen. I am way behind you, best place to be considering your ejaculations.
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