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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 7 hours ago, luckyluke said:


    The problem is, the policeman considered it as loud, and in a provocative manner, and thus fined you. 

    Policemen, wherever, are sworn in, thus their word has more value than yours. 



    not sure if you are serious or jocking, but my question is if there is any chance i can see a judge

    in thailand to dispute the policeman view.

    you are propably one of those americans who believe that the whole world is playing by  - the fair indeed - american rules.

  2. i was once extorted by a traffic police.

    i stopped my bike in a red light and than just pulled a bit the gas handle, to keep the engine going.

    the noise was not loud and i did not do it in a provocative manner.

    a policeman who stood besides did not like it and pulled me over.

    he gave me a ticket, took my lisence and told me to pay in a nearby police station.

    when i asked what i did wrong he gave am an angry look.

    i sent my girlfriend to the police station and asked her to ask what i did wrong.

    the policeman there told her that if she will not pay the 1000 baht fine, it will be worse.


    i paid but did not forget, and never again rented a bike in thailand.

    it just aint worth it. you cannot drive in fear of getting senseless fines.


    this made me wonder if there is any way for farang to defend themselves in case of such

    traffic tickets? is there any legal process available at all to dispute traffic fines?

     i never heard of anyone who tried it with success

  3. THE whole (christian) world is shaking in fear from the corona virus and on the meantime, in china, they celebrate the victory over the virus in a mass pool party....the following are photos of a trans (!!) pool party that was launched in wuhan (!!!) in july ...no masks, no social distancing, and, i am 100% sure, everybody PIPI in the water (!!!!!):




    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    It will take a long time to drain out a $80K bank account with an ATM card. And depending on the country where the withdrawals are made it could be really a bad deal.

    Take for example Vietnam or Nepal - the withdrawal limits are so low,  you may need 6-7 withdrawals just to take $1K out.

    I got stuck out of Thailand in March, coming back next early next year. I foolishly left my ATM card in my place, together with heaps of other stuff,  as I thought I won't need them for a couple of weeks trip. I do my withdrawals with my Aussie cards, but some of them expired too...I was lucky to have a friend bringing me new cards. And I couldn't be bothered with my Bangkok bank Internet banking, so I don't have  Internet banking too.


    Lessons to be learned.

    on march i got stucked in canada, could not use my bangkok bank UNION PAY anywhere...some places have this logo, but it does not work. never ever use this UNION PAY card. it is good only in china.

  5. 3 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    If you are locked out of the country for long period of time, you may need access to the money, and is not that easy to transfer them out.

    a thai bank account can give you access to money in two ways - first, internet access where you can trasnfer between the FCD accounts, but not abroad, second, international ATM card (make sure it is NOT union pay, but VISA or MASTER CARD).

    so in strange times like that you can still withdraw your money from thai bank even while abroad.

    the problem is that if you withdraw too large amount, you might be left with too much cash in your hands,

    and cash - in some countries - means criminal / terrorist / sex worker....now go prove you got it from a thai bank, which means, for some people, that you are still a criminal / terrorist / sex tourist.

  6. Just now, Tagged said:

    What do you mean with difficulties? Withdraw money back to orign or out of the bank in Thailand? 

    i meant the bank in thailand, but it can be also in the origin.

    depands on the origin country.

    usually if the account is on your name there is no problem, besides the overpriced fees (of bangkok bank - can get to 1.25% of the amount, and 400-1250 baht - that is a lot !!)

    but if the account is on another name, it might get complicated, last time i tried to send 2000 USD from bangkok bank to china, they gave me many difficulties (do you have invoice? no he is my friend. how do you know him? ) until i gave up.

    some countries of origin will want o know why do you send the money to them, even if it is your account,

    and if you paid taxes on this money in thailand, if it is your country of residency, and if not, where the money came from before that? and show us letter from accountant that you paid tax and confirmation from the tax authorities and the bank transaction record for the past 10 years at least (it is called reccomendation letter from the bank) - all those documents were asked from me when i tried to transfer just 50K USD to my home country !


    and when a friend sent 770 USD by TT to another friend, they asked him to sign anti money laundry form that asks how do you know this person and blah blah blah - all this makes you appriciate how easy thailand still is !!

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, jednakropka said:

    Because of Brexit many UK banks close accounts of customers who do not living there.

    did the UK bank told you to close the account?

    if not, than better keep it.

    do not ask them if they do not tell you.

    the bank must notify you 6 months in advance before telling you to close an account (in UK/EU).

    and some banks do not like all those regulations and keep the accounts even if you changed domicile.

    a UK bank is much safer and better than thai bank.

    UK is an economic superpower.

    UK bank might offer to you many products that a thai bank cannot offer.

    sad to say, but thailand is going into a severe economic crisis. when a country is going

    down bank might go down too, or FCD accounts might be taxed just like that, as it happaned

    in syprus in 2012.

    yep, out money is not so safe in the banks, so spreading it between countries is safer.


    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    "keep all documents and records"

    you do not need to keep the documents of each transfer as it is registered

    and kept with the bank for 10 years.

    however, you might face difficulties in withdrawing your money out of the banks in thailand

    and there is no way to predict what the difficulties might be.

    It depands on the branch and even the mood of the bank officer at that time.

    • Like 2
  9. On 12/18/2020 at 6:32 AM, lovethai123 said:

    Bring what u need to live and for the visa. 

    indeed that is a good advice.

    why would you want to send a large amount of money to thailand in this hectic times?

    bring only your living expenses for the next year or so...you can never tell what will happan

    in the next few months....buying real estate is never a good idea...next year, if you will survive, you can bring more.

    • Like 2
  10. On 12/18/2020 at 3:34 AM, jednakropka said:



    Thailand has teritorial tax policy. this means that thailand does not care about

    what you earned outside thailand. so you should not have problems with

    sending money from abroad, especially from europe.

    however, it is allways reccomended to avoid sending large amounts in one time,

    if you do not really need them and if you did not pre-arrenge it with the bank manager.

    better to send first 15000 $ and later another 15000$.


    but make sure that the source of the money is legit and you are not involved in the (legal)  dutch

    coffee shops industry, otherwise you might end like a dutch man who got 100 yrs in jail

    for sending millions of dollars to thailand  - even 8 years after he did it !!!

    • Like 1
  11.  It is indeed interesting to compare between buddhist countries and christian countries in dealing

    with this virus.

    i personally called it from the beginning THE CHRISTIAN PANDEMIC. the WHO and UN are all , acctually,

    christian organizations, who think and promote christian sceince and policies.

    i was sure allready in april that they will find a vaccinations right before xmas, and so it happaned.

    not because , of course, jesus is the savor, but because this is how christians think.

    Thailand and other buddhist countries , on the other hand, think very different. i listened to a very

    intelligent man called general  Prayuth Chan-ocha, who said in february that it is not the virus which

    is dangerous but the fear from it and the whole noise around it, and knew what thailand will do.

    Thailand had to close down according to WHO instructions or even commands, but did not go

    into hysteric mass testing of the poplation. no testing means no "positive"  cases, and no pressure to

    control the virus and isolate each and every positive. the virus is acctually not so deadly, and did not

    create extra deaths, not even in the USA . to conclude all that, this virus is real but the pandemic is fake.

    the whole world could look like thailand if the WHO and drugs companies did not push for mass testing, 

    control madness and aventually, the jesus christ global save the world vaccination, another madness

    yet to be revealed.

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  12. 1 hour ago, 2530Ubon said:

    Yes, it is a lot. I'm not advocating it, although if you have family that you want to bring to Thailand with you effortlessly, then I'd recommend this one! The listed benefits are:

    1) You get a 4 year visa in one go. No yearly renewals or dealing with immigration.

    2)The paper work is considerably less

    3) No work permit required

    4) Spouse and children granted permission to stay in Thailand. The spouse granted permission to work with no work permit required for the same duration as the Smart visa holder.

    5) No re-entry permit required - come and go as you please

    6) No 90 day reports

    7) The visa is renewable - 4 years awarded again

    8} If you wish to apply for permanent residency, you already have a continuous visa for the required length of time (3 years).


     once upon a time i passed thai immigration, got the immigration form (now cancelled) in one hand and the passport in the other hand, and proceeded to the boarding gate.

    since i passed the immigration, i thought it will be ok to throw away the form.

    but in the boarding gate they stopped me and said i could not board the flight without this form.

    i argued, than one tough thai guy approached me and just said SHUT UP !

    they took me to an immigration interrogation room and one tough lady said;


    i told her i cannot remember, and she said:


    than i remembered, she came back with a paper and threw it in front of me.

    it was the list of passengers from that flight.

    my name was on it.

    that was the day i understood how dangerous it is to invest in thailand.

    they simply can slap you on the face, tell you to shut up and deport you for no reason at all !!

  13.  once upon a time i passed thai immigration, got the immigration form (now cancelled) in one hand and the passport in the other hand, and proceeded to the boarding gate.

    since i passed the immigration, i thought it will be ok to throw away the form.

    but in the boarding gate they stopped me and said i could not board the flight without this form.

    i argued, than one tough thai guy approached me and just said SHUT UP !

    they took me to an immigration interrogation room and one tough lady said;


    i told her i cannot remember, and she said:


    than i remembered, she came back with a paper and threw it in front of me.

    it was the list of passengers from that flight.

    my name was on it.

    that was the day i understood how dangerous it is to invest in thailand.

    they simply can slap you on the face, tell you to shut up and deport you for no reason at all !!

    • Thanks 1
  14. 44 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Here we go again.  No its not illegal to do that.  It is illegal for the company to have proxy shareholders so that the faring effectively holds more than 49%. Our family company, which owns our house and land, has two Thai shareholders, my wife and my daughter, who between them  hold 51%, i hold the other 49%.  The company has been audited by the DBD and was given a clean bill of heath . I do wish members of this forum would stop making up the rules themselves. 

    yes, it is perfectly legal to give your money away. this is what you do when you invest 100% of the money

    but own only 49% of the company.

    what most sane farang are looking for, is a way to own their investments. even if your partners are your wife

    and daughter, it still does not mean you own the land or business which you paid for, and if you find it hard

    to believe or understand, wait until you will seperate from your wife and than see what is left from your investment.

    • Sad 1
  15. 6 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

    Direct investment in a start up - more than 5 million (must be in a targeted industry)


    Direct investment OR venture capital - more than 20 milion (must be in a targeted industry)



    that is a lot of money, compare to the amounts required to start your own company, with

    work permit (around one-two million baht ).

    why would someone go for this smart investor visa, when he can get allmost the same

    with the dumb investor visa, with much less money?

  16. On 12/15/2020 at 7:30 AM, LomSak27 said:

    Good warning to all that want to invest in Thailand. If they want it, they'll take it.

    this may not be the case of deporting for financial gain, but it can give an example of a new kind of revenge or

    killing the competition: search your competitor social media accounts and look for evidence of

    any kind of eco assault that might get him deported.

    than you can have his business and even get a reward.

  17. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    The project will forever change the whole perspective of Thai people that Thailand is no longer a developing country but is a country with a future, opportunity, and hope.”

    they can open pad thai and somtam stands all over the moon, and this way help the many unemployed thai people while in the same time improve thailand image as a family frendly tourist destination.

    but hurry, before the chinese will get there before yo !!!

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