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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. On 1/8/2021 at 12:16 AM, Elkski said:

    I usually end up staying at one location for 7-10 days and then move. 

    SIR, why is it so hard for you to get that those are unusual times?

    you still thinking about staying 7-10 days at each location?

    dont you think that you might also get infected with all those moves?

    if you really come for tourism,. just wait few more months, whats the rush?

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  2. 2 hours ago, ShwetaMenon04 said:



    Hi Scott,


    Another question relating to your answer. What if you made the profits from your investment on eToro while in Thailand and would like to have it transferred to your Thai bank account? Is it necessary to still pay & declare capital gain tax?

    you can find the answer to your question in my original reply.

    anyway i am not a tax expert, for more details you better contact a thai law office, they

    might reply few emails for free.

  3. 42 minutes ago, hydraides said:

    The chance of someone Aged 50 and under catching/dying of cov-id is extremely small, they have more risk of dying in a traffic accident


    -The NHS is at the same capacity/patients as last years....SO STOP SPREADING LIES. Most people are going into NHS hospital for something else BUT are tested positive for Cov-id19.


    -The main problems are arising from the fact nurses have to self isolate if they test positive (staff shortages) etc

    maybe it is you who is spreading lies.

    the whole problem in the u.k. started because of people like you, who did not want to believe

    that the danger is real. as simple as that. the british government did all the possible mistakes.

    and if you think that the chance of someone over 50 catching or dying from covid is slim - than

    go tell it to boris johnson. he also thought so and he did get it and he did get to intensive care unit !


    you say that most people go to NHS because of something else  but the main problem is

    that the medical stuff gets infected - than you contradict yourself, because if there is no

    covid problem and it is not so deadly, than the nurses has nothing to worry about. so why

    wont you go the england and visit all your favorite bars without a mask. show them what a hero u r.

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  4. On 1/4/2021 at 9:36 AM, snoop1130 said:

    He said that if anyone knows of any illegal gambling dens in Bangkok they must inform the police. 

    this reminds me when former thailand prime minister taksin shinawatra famously said "if you know anyone who cheat the government you must inform the police".

    IN the end, as we all know, it was him who had to run away from the police, until those very days.


    anyway we all feel more relaxed now that we know that there are no illegal gambling dens in bangkok. at

    least this corner is safe, at these dangerous days.

  5. Anyone who stay in thailand for more than 180 days in a year, regardless of the visa or no visa , is

    considered a thai tax resident .

    than you must pay taxes on any income generated in thailand, but NOT on income generated outside

    of thailand. so if your eTORO account is not in thailand, you do not have to pay taxes in thailand on

    your profits from this account, and also you DO NOT have to report on your account or activity there.

    however, if you bring those profits to thailand IN THE SAME YEAR  you earned them, than you will have to pay

    taxes on those profits in thailand.

    for example, if you earned 10000 USD on an investment which you bought on october 2020 and sold in november 2020, and you sent those 10000 USD to thailand in december 2020, than you will have to report and pay tax on this gain.

    but if you just waited few days and sent the money to thailand on january 2021, than you will not have to pay tax

    on this gain, because you earned it last year.

    this of course opens the gate to many interpretations and arguments.

    and finally, i advice to you NOT to trade on eTORO. much better and safer platform is AMERITRADE. they

    just opened recently the door also for residents of thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. the only reason this mutation was discovered, is because the U.K. has advanced

    sceintists who conduct serious tests for any new kind of virus.

    if they would just let it go, including more relaxed on the testing, than

    this whole mutation crisis would never even happan, and within few weeks

    the whole U.K.  would be vaccinated and it would all be over.

    but no, they have to check and investigate anything that moves, those british, and

    not here is the result - TRAVEL BAN TO THAILAND !!

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:

    K  has   made many, many critical errors. UK people behave like idiots with them going to crowded pubs, partying and breaking no travel rules. In the UK, they  protest outside  hospital filled with sick and dying Covid sick shouting Covid is a hoax.

    the U.K. was right all over the way.

    the virus is real but the pandemic is not.

    you do not close a whole country just because of few dead people, who would die anyway

    in this time of the year (in no country there were extra cases of death, means that covid is not execptioanlly deadly).

    anyway now the drugs companies are conducting a mass medical experiment on millions of people ,  and soon we will know the result - if this whole covid is over or just the beginning.

    i am waiting, anyway, to see what will come out of this vaccinations.

    • Confused 1
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  8. 2 minutes ago, AmySeeker said:


    Utter nonsense. Why on earth should the UK sacrifice it's own economy and the safety of it's population for the global economy? The cost to the UK economy of another lockdown, far outweighs anything they have gained from the keeping borders opened. When bigger economies like the USA, China, Japan, all closed it's border your argument fails. 


    EVEN if they did have to keep the borders open - why not put measures into place to prevent infections, mutations being imported into the country? No testing before departure, no enforced quarantine programmes, nothing. 


    Let's face it - they bungled this from day one. Boris Johnson missed 5 Cobra meetings regarding the virus. They went for a misplaced 'herd immunity' trajectory in the first instance, then realised it would be a catastrophe so backtracked. They kept the borders open as the virus was already way too high in the community. They said there was no need for masks. It is said they were averaging some 100,000 infections a day at this point. However, by locking down for 3 months they got the virus numbers down. The economy is wrecked - the largest fall in GDP from any western country. At this stage, with numbers down, they should have closed borders, and had an effective track and trace system. Instead they kept the borders opened and wasted 15 billion dollars on a track and trace system that was nothing more than a call centre. They then encouraged people to get back to work, eat out, go on holidays, and the virus returned. 


    The UK's borders are still open. Any new mutations are flowing in freely. 

    Ammy you speak true words of reason. I would be happy to meet you in person for an additional discussion of this very important subject. if you are under 30 and covid-19 negative, please message when available.

    • Haha 1
  9. i once went shopping for laptop in thailand with the same requirement, it took me few weeks to find only one kind of model , HP , with only english letters. i bought it just for that reason, and it was a mistake. the machine

    broke down quickly.


    i think that all APPLE shops in thailand have only english laptops in stock. but i do not like apple.

    otherwise, your only option is to fly to hong kong or singapore and buy there the only english laptop, allmost in every shop.

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