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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 1 hour ago, dcnx said:

    Fascinating. I guess I should close up my company in Singapore.


    Try not to get in the way of those who are doing the things you think are impossible.

    i am not saying you should close your company in singapore.

    all i am saying is that you cannot use a company outside thailand, for (serious) business transactions

    in thailand. the xample i gave is that you cannot send big shipments of goods you buy in thailand, from thailand, with the name of a company that is based outside of thailand. the shipping companies just wont allow it.

    and even if you can ship goods out of thailand with a company based in singapore, you cannot invoice

    them with the singapore company, hence you cannot pay the taxes involved, and this makes

    the whole business process illegal or iiregular.


    yes, you can do it for some time, but in the long run, or when you will want to move large amounts 

    of money, you might get problems and might be fined or deported or even worse.



  2. 5 hours ago, Pracha Duang said:

    I have citizenship in 13 different countries and all I had to do was pay a fee. France cost me $1 million usd, New Zealand was $2mil, but Brazil and Colombia were only $15k. The cost of Thai citizenship should be on par with that of Brazil. 

    YOU are trying to impress us with so much non sense, that it is not even funny.

    Brazil and colombia sell citizenships for 15K ? get out of here.


    Thailand attracts only EX-KGB and CCP money? wow look at the big global businessman who also

    knows to identify ex- KGB agents as they walk in and out of thai banks.


    And why dont we all open companies in singapore and do our thai business from there ??

    can it be because we are not so inteligent and sophisticated like you?

    nope. it is because it is illegal and acctually impossible, you cannot send a shipment from your factory / supplier in thailand on the name of your company in singapore because...well, that is the law, sir.


    And for dessert, you tell us that Bezos, Theil, Zuckerburg, Lonsdale are all interested in investing in Thailand but won’t until .... LOL seriously? you just talked with them on the phone? and they also complain about thai immigration laws? that is the only thing that stops them from investing in thailand billions and billions of hot fresh USD ? well than you must tell them to open an account in this forum, we are waiting for them with some

    good heart warming  advices !!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, SGD said:

    no reason at all except to prop up the balance sheets of the banks.

    acctually they have a reason for doing that.

    the reason is that some people who did not have this 800K to show, were cheating and moved it from one to another.

    so it is like a collective punishment for all of us dirty farang. they were trying to close all holes with this laws. first, you cannot take out the 800k for three months, so you will not be able to pass it to a friend in need, god forbids.

    second, they give you few months to enjoy 400K from the amount, but not to use the full amount, so

    your friend in need will have to ; 1. wait three months for your money. 2. look for another friend with 400K.

    than, if he did find another friend, it will be harder for him because now you will need to ask him

    for your 400K back, because you need to fill up the balance for next extention!!

    see how genious they are? you will not trick us, they say, ohh no.

    and the rule to show that the money came from abroad is to prevent the possibility that the money

    was earned in thailand. but than there is no need to prove it again in next extention, so you can stay

    in thailand for 20 years , theoretically, just with the first proof of money sent from abroad. go figure...

  4. 57 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    did you think you could come as a tourist & skip quarantine?

    many countries wellcome tourists these days with no need for quarantine, tests, COE or any other

    thai bullchit. costa rica, mexico, brazil, tourkey, greece, dubai, and more - all open for tourists from all countries

    with no need for quarantine, nor insurance nor positive blah blah blah...

    thailand took it few steps too far, and is killing itself in trying to save the...what acctually? the corona is allmost over.

    • Sad 2
  5. On 12/15/2020 at 5:53 AM, TPDH said:



    Me and my wife are going to either Koh Tao or Koh Pangan around Christmas for a week. Which one of those two islands would you recommend going to? Partly considering the COVID situation which I assume affects the islands in various ways. We've been to Samui before and liked it but now we wanna try another island. 


    We like the beach, some nature adventures, good food and just relaxing. Party and scuba diving is not important. 



    koa tao is called by thai peopleTHE LONGUE ISLAND, which means the suicide island (the tongue is hanging long after hanging).

    and koh pangan is called by thai THE TING TONG ISLAND , which means the crazy people island, because

    many people there get crazy from drugs.

    so i think you better go to koh samui.

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Seeall said:

    keep it shut please... dont give them ideas...!! if u want give cash away dontate it to the local monks, evebn then, keep it shut!!

    that is also a good advice.

    do not volunteer to pay taxes until you are called to do so.

    remember that once a tax payer, allways a tax payer. it means that once you paid tax, you are

    registered in the system and they will be expecting you to do it over and over again.

    this depands on the amount, of course.

    if it is huge amount that you are forgetting to pay, you might end up in jail.

  7. 13 hours ago, Pdavies99 said:

    Having a retirement "Visa" does not mean you are resident in Thailand

    YOU are wrong. anyone who stay in thailand for more than 180 days in a year is considered

    a thai tax resident, regardless of the type of visa, or no visa at all.

    there is a difference between tax resident and resident. for tax porpuses, you can be asked to pay

    taxes in thailand even if you just visit on tourist visas for more than 180 days in a year, and on the other hand,

    you can claim to another country that you are a tax resident in thailand, even if you stay in thailand illegally

    for more than 180 days in a year.


  8. 15 hours ago, jojothai said:

    Can you advise which requirememt states just capital gains

    i found this advice on the internet. you can google thailand tax laws and find lots of information.

     i think that you are right, the rule of TAX ALL THAT IS SENT SAME YEAR apply to all kind of incomes,

    and depands of course on the tax treaties with the country where the money came from.

    for example, if the country where the money came from has 20% tax on it, AND  a tax treaty, than

    thailand will tax the money only with the difference between thai tax and the 20% tax.

    for example, if the thai tax is 35% and 20% allredy paid, that thailand will tax another 15% .


    One difference between income earned abroad and capital gains earned abroad is that

    income is usually consumed - sent to thailand - close to the time it is earned, and capital gains are

    usually left to grow for years.

    this has huge consequences for ROI and other gains.

    i know some very rich people who hate thailand but moved to live here most of the year

    becuase this way they can save a FORTUNE !!


  9. so i have to pay for a flight, an ASQ hotel and for health insurance, and only than

    the damn COE will be approved?

    and in case it will not be approved or any other problem, like not getting the PCR fast enough,

      i lose all the booking expenses ??

    how stupid that is.

    i rather wait in costa rica for few months until all this quarantine nonsense will be cancelled.


    • Sad 1
  10. It was advertised that The Thai visa exemption stamp (sometimes referred to colloquially as the 30 day visa stamp)

    is again a possibility for those seeking admission to Thailand.

    The exemption period is, as of the time of this writing, currently being extended to a total of 45 days

    for those arriving in Thailand from certain countries  (for citizens of the 56 countries under 30 days visa waiver, and of course subject to quarantine).

    does anyone has experience with that? entered or knows someone who entered Thailand RECENTLY on a 30 days visa


    i also got an email from the thai embassy confirming this, but want to be sure it is true, before i catch a

    long flight filled with corona viruses.




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  11. i allways found it amazing how those gold shop display there merchandise so openly everywhere.

    it is really like a cash money shops with lots of cash on display, with no real security, no alarm and no

    armed guards on sight.

    i found it as a nice expression of thailand non-violent colture.

    it would never work in the west, not to mention south america or africa.

    there a gold shop like that would be sprayed with bullets every two weeks,  gangsters and even corrupt policeman will kidnapp the owner relatives or will break into his residence until the owner will

    give up.

    hope those gold shop culture will survive this crisis.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:

    Not very hygienic. Many thousands in the pool. There must be many who are making menses, have suffered from upset digestive discharge, perhaps contagious skin disease, and foot fungus or parasites like roundworm. Not good publicity. 


    one fart in the pool party from an infected person, and the whole world gets blown away yet again.


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