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Everything posted by McTavish

  1. "Chickenhawk" by Robert Mason, described as 'the best book to come out of Vietnam' piqued my interest for 2 reasons. One, I like Vietnam and will return for another visit in November. And secondly, I'm an aviation enthusiast. Whilst usually interested ONLY in historical novels such as those by Robert Harris, Chickenhawk was fascinating as a real look behind the scenes yet with humour, mild sex, and loads of blood and guts. By Chapter 3, I felt I had learnt the basics of flying a Huey and enjoyed the whole story immensely.
  2. Efficiency depends on the roof pitch, or angle of panels toward the sun. Since most panels achieve a modest 50% even on cloudy days your west facing panels should perform reasonably well. Having said that, I am assuming a standard roof pitch of 30 degrees, less would be better.
  3. The source article is not clear but one may imagine a drier cool season much like the last. As to how the RID can guarantee water supply in rural areas is beyond me when most rely on rivers, local dams or artesian supply. The Mekong and tributaries like the Mun river could easily run dry unless substantial rain falls late in the wet season and China releases the excess.
  4. One F in mafia or Bratva, as they're known. Don't worry, BigJoke will root them out.
  5. Correct. Something is not right at surface level although the lower deck appears sound. Perhaps the expansion joints were installed with a low Mpa concrete topping, or in other words: the surface topping was too wet and has shrunk back since installation, as it dries out. I've seen similar contraction in concrete driveways after 2+ years.
  6. The only safe solution I had an important document mailed from AKL Central to Adelaide POBox. It took 3 months to be delivered. Homing pigeons are faster than Australia Post. ThaiPost by comparison is incredibly fast, cheap and efficient (except on Koh Chang).
  7. IMO there are far too many similar emoticons, 3 x that could be removed leaving just 'thumbsup'. Removal of the 'sad' face could eliminate the need for anonymity via "Somebody".
  8. By the truckload. Easy enough to spot on certain news sites where key words and/or phrases are repetitive plus spelling and grammar usually perfect even if the story doesn't make sense.
  9. Social media spawns fake news - usually one personal observation reported on FB, Twatter or similar and increasingly picked up by rags posing as news media sites.
  10. Owners said the same thing about Australian Leyland P76. The biggest lemon ever made is also known as the P38 (half a car) due to it's many major faults and yet owners were too embarrassed to admit it. 555
  11. The 90Day drive thru is on the left side of the Immi building as you enter the one-way route, around the site. Did you realise your spelling of Barnacle is incorrect?
  12. Follow this advice and present your case to the I/O in the back office. They are quite receptive to polite requests for assistance.
  13. Persons who are unable to write succinct yet comprehensive questions often find themselves with long delays, even rejection by Immigration officers through incomplete written applications or rudeness. Otherwise polite individuals normally experience excellent service, especially from CNX Immi.
  14. System might just boil the jug for a cuppa, SFA else. String PV system and ~3/5kw output available for around 200k bt would suit an average home with 2 persons, no pool.
  15. Use Drivers Licence or Pink ID card. Photocopy is good enough for most banks where you are already a known customer.
  16. haha, yes check-out chicks aint the sharpest knives in the drawer. I bought a 960bt bottle of oil and tendered 1000bt. Even though the register showed the correct change the cashier checked on her calculator I've often totted up a handwritten invoice, reading upside down, and informed the clerk what the total is before they can finish entering on their calc. The look of wonderment is something to behold.
  17. I'm sure you have commercial builders in Phrae with shop-house construction experience wherein floor/ceiling spans are ~6m wide. An engineer can specify detail according to your plan though I would expect a 6m span to be supported on 20 x 20cm posts with a 450 x 200 top/perimeter beam. Pre-cast planks can be employed as a base for a poured concrete topping provided adequate steel mesh is fabricated and tied into exposed rebar in the perimeter beams Under no circumstances should fencing mesh be used despite it being common for ground floor construction. The preferred method is by using form board, fully supported and the concrete roof slab poured all in one go. Many builders in Chiang Mai are now (finally) using this method including my preferred building team of Burmese workers. Window companies can deliver all around the North although some will insist on your paying of the extra cost for an onsite measure unless you order precise sizes and sign a waiver against incorrect measurements supplied. Double glazing is well worth the hassle. My house lot came from Bangkok along with the installation crew, but that was before SMK or D&W. I would never use local Thai-made windows again. The heat/noise/dust insulation is essential PLUS quality windows keep geckos and insects at bay.
  18. Found D&W - https://www.doorandwindow.asia/th/ They used to have a Northern rep. That may've changed as it looks like the business name has changed.
  19. Get a builder who knows suspended concrete construction. It aint rocket science and 6m or more spans are common. 2 builders near me have such projects nearing completion. One goes by the name EDAB, Euro Building and Design. Another is Chinese Thai I think, no company name seen. Plenty of double glazing companies around the North, one being SMK in Chiang Mai. http://www.smkaluminium.com/ Another was DW doors and windows from memory.
  20. Ideally the stairs, as heavy traffic and scuffing areas, should have been solid (real) wood. Replace or put up with band-aid repairs.
  21. I've used the 'net and online resources since '96. I only use Farcebook via a 3rd part a/c to read Chiang Mai News which is superior to any other source for reliable commentary. Twatter and similar platforms are of no interest. The problem these days is sorting wheat from chaff out of mainstream News reports. Forums are good for disseminating 'reports' and identifying misinformation of which there is far too much flying around the 'net. AI/Chatgpt isn't helping matters and one doesn't have to look beyond local daily news to find the discrepancies/untruths expounded by click thru sites of which there are now too many worldwide.
  22. A very good initiative IMO. Our local puyai baan also spends wisely on drainage and road re-surfacing. A few years ago I offered a modest 'tip' for a service involving a joint visit to the Amphur office and he refused saying, "not need to give, Government pay me".
  23. What don't I get? I was merely providing an example of translations via ChatGPT, I'm not teaching Thai. Having raised the point you clearly demonstrated why I am personally against the use of ChatGPT for 'news' reporting and often warn against following those sites which use it.
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