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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. 18 minutes ago, Trollmann said:

    Sheryl said on page 2 "I never even know such a list or book existed" so she was in fact unavailable to compare the current price list and the New one. This post is about the official price list from the MOPH. The prices in the list is ceiling price. When Sheryl have experienced higher prices than the ceiling prices from MOPH then in the future it is now getting LEGAL to charge double price from foreigners


    Yes a very good article thanks for posting it -- it is definitely wrong in my opinion to capitalize on necessary healthcare and even worse to make duel pricing legal and then rub salt in the wound to say that some foreigners pay more than others.


    It just makes the divide between locals and foreigners more exaggerated and rubs salt in the wound of married expats who don't have a social fund card and retirees. Especially those who cannot or will not afford costly private heath insurance with many exception clauses. 









    • Thanks 1
  2. On 8/30/2019 at 10:20 PM, timendres said:

    A very good suggestion, although I am not sure everyone can get a Schwab debit card. Are there specific requirements for this? I was able to establish a Capital One savings account based on having a physical address in the US, but some members do not have this luxury.

    Isn't Schwab for US residents/citizens only? from memory thats why I wasn't able to secure an account.

  3. I entered comparable exchange rates to send to a bank account in Thailand (not ATM withdrawal) and for me Transferwise was showing a slightly better exchange rate and cost combined for both GBP/THB and USD/THB


    The only time Everex costs was better than Transferwise was for a small amount of 100GBP/THB exchange.


    Its a good secondary backup though although its not as cost effective as Transferwise (today)?



  4. 5 hours ago, Trollmann said:

    I pay tax to thailand from pension from my home country brougt into thailand. I pay that tax to thailand but in thailand it has absolutely no benefit, i get nothing back for this money in thailand so it gives my absolutely no benefit to pay tax to thailand. But I get tax deduction in my home country for the part of the pension i pay tax for in thailand. 

    What you have described is a duel tax treaty so you don't pay tax twice but only once, If you didn't pay tax in Thailand on that income which you say is liable then you would still be liable to pay the source country.

  5. 2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    "The us bought laptop needed a new hard drive which was repaired by the service center in Thailand because of worldwide warranty."


    What brand was that?

    That was a slimline samsung chronos from the us which I wouldn’t recommend at all. 


    Dell and lenovo seem to be best buys for me purchased in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. It depends on what hardware you are looking to acquire.


    I've purchased high end laptops from both Thailand and amazon.com in the us.


    The us bought laptop needed a new hard drive which was repaired by the service center in Thailand because of worldwide warranty


    I had to pay import taxes on it when it was shipped in though. 


    My most recent laptop is a high end dell from Thailand, a good machine that I’ve upgraded with higher hardware spec than a MacBook.


    There are some good Lenovo’s out too  but it depends what you use it for. I invest at least 35-40k baht in a good laptop and I upgrade them more to max spec.


    The cheaper laptops tend to overheat  and burn out the motherboard after 2 years if you use them a lot.


    for a standard desktop pc just buy one in Thailand and have it built to your needs.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Given the situation we are discussing - in which real people are having their real lives and real relationships disrupted by completely unnecessary bureaucracy that is damaging real Thai incomes all over the country - your smug, self-satisfied contribution is both irrelevant and vicious.

    You are also incorrect. They are increasingly rejecting visitors with valid tourist visas and passports too.

    You may be in the fortunate position of having a retirement or marriage visa, but don't get too complacent, don't presume that your status is protected by Thai self-interest. This government has shown itself to be entirely willing to cut off its own nose.


    Nonsense, how is me asking someone to clarify their point being smug, irrelevant and vicious?


    I am planning to leave Thailand myself if you must know.


    I'm guessing you are reading all the anti-tourist visa responses on this thread and holding me accountable for all of them because you are unable to control your emotions.


    I asked a simple question about the poster withholding important information. I suggest that you read my post again and get your facts right before you begin throwing around accusations. 



    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 2
  8. The op has what I call verbal posteriaitis 


    another person who thinks everyone travels to Thailand for one thing only


    i can’t even be bothered to explain how long it takes to wind down a business, sell a house and prepare visas for family to travel and settle elsewhere 


    i bet the op doesn’t have any of these responsibilities to manage and I bet he/she thinks that is cool. An adult with a child’s mindset.



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  9. Why do you want clean windows they would stand out like a sore thumb in Bangkok.????


    There must be some way to take the window out of the frame. Have a look around the edges of the window to see if there is a screw to adjust how it sits in the frame, maybe adjust it to remove the window.


    Although a dust cloth and a coat hanger might be just the trick.


    (or find someone with very long arms) ????



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