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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Ouch, sorry to hear but you take your life into your own hands jumping into a car driven by a foreigner, lots making headlines days for foolish driving/riding.
  2. Yes, It's strange, a foreigner knows better, is taught a western education but when they come to Thailand they become a child again, driving erratic, dangerous, at speed, most times not wearing a helmet, disobeying all road rules. I was in discussion with a few members the other day, regarding disability scooters, these scooters are not roadworthy, they do not have tax or insurance but they continue to use these death traps on public roads, at times holding traffic up and being a nuisance. It is not the disabled or handycapped, it's just elderly foreigners looking for cheap transport to get themselves around town. The nasty, hate comments I received, I thought I was back in the school playground. These people have not grown up.
  3. Lots of knife attacks in Oz, there was an incident on the weekend, crazy guy got out of his car, Engadine intersection (Sydney), started slicing people up with a box cutter.
  4. Yep, the guy was found dead at the scene of the accident I agree, I'm wrong.
  5. OK, let's say that he was found dead on the scene of the accident.....right? I'll ask to have my comment removed, get a life people.
  6. You want to go to Australia, road rage is out of control. I see these aggressive foreigners on our roads daily here in Pattaya, yelling, screaming, carrying on like children, aggressively blasting their horn. Their childlike aggressive, hostile behaviour is shown on this forum. I'm continually reporting members for being rude, name calling, at times it's like being back on the school playground.
  7. Is the V6 a petrol engine? If so makes sense, when sold new, petrol Pajero were cheaper than the diesel.
  8. Why don't you get a massage first, there's a few massage shops that are good for body pain. Maybe some here can recommend a good massage shop in Pattaya that specialise in this type of massage.
  9. Well said 👍 This guy is always looking for conflict.
  10. Why don't you buy a train horn and return fire. You may meet some new friends. https://impacttrainhorns.com/ 7150bd31328e9ec7a54515adab754f69.mp4
  11. Mr Hypochondriac at the quacks again. 😂 You are making the Aussie doctors rich with all your government paid free visits.
  12. It's a very old merc. probably had a cut and shut a few times over the many years.
  13. Probably wrong forum for asking legal advice regarding the roads and traffic. Some here think it's OK to drive their uninsured, untaxed, unroadworthy disability scooters on public roads.
  14. So the EV suitcase is legally allowed on the road because it is under 500 watts. Stop arguing with me. Get back on topic.
  15. Yes, thanks, I couldn't remember the name.
  16. There is also a shop corner Chaiyapruk and Sukhumvit.
  17. This article should be removed, it will encouraging poor behaviour from some here. I can see some our foreigners here in Pattaya trading in their disability scooters for an EV suitcase.
  18. You'll find most of the guys are not disabled, they ride these illegal vehicles because they are CHEAP. Most are charging these vehicles from common area electrical outlets from their condominiums. I have nothing against the disabled. Most of these people are not disabled, once they get to their destination, shopping centre etc. they walk without any aid or frame/walking stick, they are too cheap to buy proper legal transport
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