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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. You didn't read my comment. Where did I say that the driver was dead? Two can play this game. Ha, ha, I asked a simple question I see your annoying actions everyday, you have too much free time, you purposely look through the comments, jumping into action to intentionally antagonize and provoke others if we make silly mistake. I actually caught you out with your comment on this thread, you made a silly mistake, not reading my comment, assuming I said that the driver was dead. I hope you are accountable and learn from your silly mistake, lessons learnt Lou. Now STOP misbehaving, nobody perfect, that includes YOU.
  2. You didn't read my comment. Where did I say that the driver was dead? Two can play this game. Ha, ha, I asked a simple question
  3. Do prisons take dead people? She's not dead. Oh OK, I read a different article
  4. Red plated EV's are overtaking red plated BMW and Mercedes for driving dangerously at speed.
  5. What? Happy? Kamper. Where did you read.. Homo.. From those two words? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You wish! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Google is your friend "Camp" is associated with: Theatricality, Playfulness, Exaggeration, LGBTQ+ culture, and Gay men.
  6. Bob had the same thoughts but sadly Bob found Nana and all the bars, now he's barely alive. Bob exercising.mp4
  7. Having the name "happykamper", I would have thought that you would be looking for a male friend. 🌈
  8. No such thing. My girlfriend is young, I spoil her to death. I prefer to spend my hard earned money buying gifts on a sweet smelling, slim woman, having tight, soft skin. Men are at a disadvantage, a woman can climax with any man. I couldn't get an erection with an aging, smelly, sagging woman.
  9. So?Don't interact with them then. Simple Colin......silly reply, I'm living in Thailand, I must interact. I've been buying items from the pharmacy, Big C extra, at the top of escalators, here in Pattaya. Over the last few years I've noticed the staff are no longer as friendly, bordering rude. So sad.
  10. These foreigners are giving us good people a bad name. I've seen change in the Thai attitude when interacting with them.
  11. Same happens in other countries that has high tourism.
  12. OK, now I understand why you are confused. There are 2 condominiums close together with similar names. 1. Arcadia Beach Resort 2. Arcadia Beach Continental Arcadia Beach Resort is the perfect project, facial scan to enter from street and to access each building. I went there again yesterday, quiet, peaceful, beautiful. I rode past the other, Arcadia Beach Continental, the one that you have been describing in your comments. I saw a few foreigners sitting in the little shop out front getting drunk, there are no entry gates, just free to roam in and out of the complex A few days ago I visited Arcadia Beach Resort around 7pm. In front of the security guards, street side of boom gates was a foreigner couple, the woman was on the ground, legless, her boyfriend was trying to help the drunken woman up. I'd say that they were refused entry due to ABR now required face scan to enter. I stopped and pulled out my phone to video but I received a smack from my girlfriend, she said NO GOOD 😂
  13. Gawd, glad I live in safe Pattaya, amongst all the well-behaved tourists.
  14. Ha, ha ha, Aussie boy showing that he can be just as good as the Brits at being stupid. 😂
  15. I can't see any harm. He's posted in the Pub forum, I enjoy reading his postings when I have some spare time through the day. It beats the political and religious crap.
  16. Another case of a foreigner with mental illness. They just keep coming and coming and coming.
  17. Unskilled, no helmet, at speed.......yep, good way to kill yourself. We have lots of these foreigners riding at speed, unskilled, no helmet riding around Pattaya.
  18. I've had 2 children born Bangkok Pattaya hospital, C section. At the time (2005 and 8), I was offered a package deal 30k baht each buryh. . I've heard much more expensive these days.
  19. Oh yeah, I left out 'maybe, perhaps, probably, more than likely'. 🤓🙃 BTW, this is an AN forum thread, home of hypothesis and conjectures. 😂
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